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Program Highlights

Heusler Compounds: To Alloy or Not to Alloy?

Rules for the creation of alloys within the family of Heusler compounds, which are ordered compounds formed between metals, have been broadly formulated.

Heusler compounds are important functional materials, used for their magnetic and thermoelectric properties. These rules will help in designing new materials with optimized functionality.

Plant Leaf ELMs Undergo Shape Shifting Driven by External Stimuli

Plant/polymer composite materials have been fabricated. These  composite  materials  are  stimuli responsive  and  can  undergo  shape-shifting   behavior   in   response   to temperature or light. 

A Multiphysics Approach for the Self-Assembly of Nanocrystal Checkerboards

IRG1 has developed a toolkit for carrying out simulated X-ray   adsorption   spectroscopy   (XAS).   XAS   is   a powerful technique for understanding the surface local structure  and  chemistry  of  complex  interfaces  at  the nanoscale.

Discovery of bilayer nanoparticle (NP) superlattices using global Monte Carlo optimization

IRG1 has developed a computational framework for understanding how nanoparticles (NPs) assemble at the  interface  between  two  immiscible  fluids.

Where Materials Begin and Society BenefitsFirst Demonstration of Controlled Grafting-from ROMP Bioconjugates

This  is  the  first  demonstration  of  living ring  opening  metathesis  polymerization (ROMP) from a biological substrate.

Breakthrough in Artificial Cilia Materials Opens the Door to Programmable Microfluidic Manipulation

Many organisms use cilia to control fluids at the microscale. Engineering a cilia platform with comparable capabilities, however, has remained elusive. Now, Cornell researchers have taken a step towards such systems by creating electronically-actuated artificial cilia that can create arbitrary flow patterns in liquids near a surface.

Lossless Removal of Unwanted Waves from Photonic Devices

Normally, unwanted oscillations are removed from a dynamical system through the introduction of energy loss. In materials used for moving photons between light waves of different frequencies – a key process, e.g., for transfer of information between nodes of a quantum network – unwanted oscillations between photon populations can limit device efficiency and cause instability and noise.

Genetic Fusion of Thermoresponsive Polypeptides Mediates 1-D Assembly of Coiled Coil Bundlemers

The ability to thermally trigger a conformational changeand collapse in a constituent resilin-like protein (RLP) providesthe opportunity to build, and eventually move, a bundlemer nanostructure.

Bi2Se3 Growth on (001) GaAs Substrates for Terahertz Integrated Systems

This work demonstrates that the TI vdW material Bi2Se3 can be grown as a single-crystalline single-orientation film on semiconductor substrates with appropriate substrate pre-treatment conditions.

An efficient material search for room-temperature topological magnons

IRG-2 developed a symmetry-based approach that uses only few inputs, to carry out an efficient yet systematic search for topological magnons in magnetic insulators. Robust against disorders and decoherence, they serve as potential platforms for magnon-based spintronic devices.
