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MEM-C SEED: Expanding Data Automation Using a Jubilee Robotic Platform

UW Chemical Engineering Prof. Lilo Pozzo’s ‘23/’24 Seed project aims to serve the materials community by advancing AI-driven experimentation and analysis for broad adoption and acceleration of materials research. Pozzo has engaged in highly collaborative projects to advance self-driving laboratory (SDL) technologies and to help others adopt them for their own workflows. In this project, Pozzo worked with UW Human Centered Design and Engineering (HCDE) Asst. Prof. Nadya Peek to advance the creation of an essential tool library for employing the Jubilee robotic platform in wide ranging workflows. These efforts were further expanded to include collaborative work with MEM-C’s PREM partners from the University of Hawai’i (UH), particularly in the exfoliation of nano TiB2 for hydrogen sorption (UH, Severa), gas sensing tests (UH, Brown), and materials education (Brown).

Pozzo and graduate student, Maria Polti, traveled to UH in October 2023 to work with Brown and his students in building a Jubilee tool at UH. 7 UH students (5 undergrads, 2 grad students, of whom 2 identify as Native Hawaiian and 3 as women) were engaged in the project and have continued using the Jubilee system. Two of the participating UH students had conducted summer'23 research with MEM-C and one of the students will be at UW in Pozzo’s lab for summer'24.