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Program Highlights

Where Materials Begin and Society BenefitsVertical Organic Electrochemical Transistors and Logic Circuits

By  employing  redox-active  and  redox-inactive  polymers  in  a mixed-dimensional   heterostructure   architecture,   Northwestern University    MRSEC    IRG-1    has    achieved    vertical    organic electrochemical  transistors  (vOECTs)  for  the  first  time.

Accelerated Discovery of Thermoelectric Heteroanionic Materials

Northwestern  University  MRSEC  IRG-2  has  developed  an efficient  theoretical  framework  based  on  high-throughput density functional theory calculations and machine learning methods  to  accelerate  the  discovery  of  heteroanionic materials.

Partnership in Research and Education in Materials with Navajo Tech: Inspiring STEM Pathways from High School to Graduate Studies

The  Partnership  for  Research  and  Education  in Materials  between  Navajo Technical  University  and the   MRSEC   based   at   Harvard   focuses   on developing culturally-informed, sustainable pathways into materials science-related careers and advanced studies  for  Navajo  students.

Inverse Design of Mechanical Metamaterials with Target Nonlinear Response via a Neural Accelerated Evolution Strategy

A team at the Harvard MRSEC led by Bertoldi and Rycroft  has  developed  a  framework  to  design mechanical  metamaterials  with  target  nonlinear response. Neural networks were used to accurately learn  the  relationship  between  the  geometry  and nonlinear   mechanical   response   of   these metamaterials.

Monitoring the Solution Persistence of Porous Coordination Cages with Diffusion NMR Spectroscopy and Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy

Here, diffusion of NMR spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and cryogenic transmission electron spectroscopy were used to characterize porous cages in solution. A combination of the methods can be used to discriminate between assembled cages as opposed to decomposed or isomerized materials while dissolved in polar organic solvents, regardless of the metal cations used in their assembly.

Bi2Se3 Growth on (001) GaAs Substrates for Terahertz Integrated Systems

The research focus involves understanding how to integrate van der Waals materials like Bi2Se3 with industrially-relevant semiconductor materials like GaAs(001) using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) for THz applications, as well as determining the chemical composition and bonding type of the Bi2Se3/GaAs(001) interface using density functional theory (DFT) calculations.

Ultrasensitive detection of various biomarkers including SARS-CoV-2 using deformed graphene channel field effect biosensors

Field-effect transistor (FET)-based biosensors allow label-free detection of biomolecules by measuring their intrinsic charges. We previously reported the extremely low limit of detection on electrical field effect-based sensors using crumpled graphene. Here, we use FETs with a deformed monolayer graphene channel for the detection of various biomarkers.

Packaging and Release of mRNA and of other Macromolecules from Supramolecular Virus-Like Assemblies

We developed one-component, sequence-defined Ionizable Amphiphilic Janus Dendrimers (IAJDs) and their assemblies with mRNA. These Dendrimersome Nanoparticles (DNPs) were investigated for the delivery of mRNA for vaccines and nanotherapeutics.

Relationships between structure, memory, and flow in sheared disordered materials

A disordered material’s structure and macroscopic mechanical response are related in a non-trivial way. By studying a 2D jammed colloidal system under oscillatory shear, our study elucidates this link in the transition from elasticity to plasticity based on microstructural signatures.

First crystal growth and magnetic structure of the high-temperature antiferromagnet Cr2Al

Switching Néel vector orientations in antiferromagnets has been proposed as an ultrafast means of data storage, but the fundamental energy scales of switching cannot be evaluated without oriented measurements on single crystals. These single-crystal methods are vital for understanding if first-principles calculations can predict the energies and dynamics that govern these devices.
