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Program Highlights

Twisted bilayer WTe2: a Moiré Luttinger Liquid in Two-Dimensions

In an experiment related to the theory of Luttinger Liquids (LLs), a team led by Princeton University physicists and chemists reports the realization of a one-dimensional linear array of LLs in a moiré superlattice – a new quantum state in an engineered structure made from a known material.

Tuning magnetic antiskyrmion stability in tetragonal inverse Heusler alloys

A computational approach was implemented to design Mn2XY tetragonal inverse Heusler alloys that host magnetic antiskyrmions whose stability are sensitive to elastic strain.

Electron-Deficient Imidazoles in Solid-State Polymer Electrolytes

Solid-state polymer electrolytes offer a safer alternative to traditional lithium-ion batteries based on organic electrolytes. However, current benchmark polymer electrolytes lack ion transport selectivity (t+ = 0.2) which limits their commercial use. We demonstrate the enhancement of lithium-ion transport (t+ = 0.48) of PMS-based polymers by taking advantage of the steric and electronic properties of imidazole ligands.

Selecting for Phase-Separating Nucleic Acid Coacervates

Complex coacervation is a process in which oppositely charged macro-molecules in solution condense into dense liquids. While primarily driven by charge effects or, with DNA, basepairing, other macromolecular traits are likely to have strong effects. This Seed project leverages modern tools of DNA sequence control and biochemistry to study the fundamental physical principles underlying coacervation,

Development of a high brilliance laboratory SAXS/WAXS beamline

In collaboration with the newly established NSF BioPacific MIP, the MRL X-ray facility team spearheaded the development of an SAXS-WAXS (small and wide angle x-ray scattering) laboratory beamline with unparalleled beam brightness for high throughput characterization of biopolymers and nanostructures.

Strong coupling between a topological insulator and a III-V heterostructure at terahertz frequency

This research focuses on theoretical prediction of strong coupling between the THz excitations in a topological insulator (TI) and a III-V quantum well, providing a potential material platform for optoelectronic device applications in the THz frequency domain.

Computational Design of Tetrahelical Peptide Bundle Variants Spanning a Wide Range of Charge States

The resarch focus of this effort involved computationally designing a homotetrameric helical bundle to have a variety of net charges. The charged bundle variants showcase how charge state can be controlled for a common peptide structure, as well as the properties of the fibril nanomaterials constructed by the peptide building blocks.

Spatiotemporal control of active materials

Biological cells control spatial and temporal generation of active stresses to achieve diverse sought-after functionalities ranging from motility to cell division. Motivated by these observations IRG2 goal is to control of spatiotemporal patterns of active stresses and to endow soft materials with lifelike functionalities.

Self-assembling DNA Origami Shells

The self-assembly of biological molecules into large, but finite-size, superstructures is fundamental to life. A grand challenge for colloidal self-assembly is to produce colloidal monomers with valence-limited interactions, that have arbitrary angles and strengths, to produce structures with the precision, complexity and functionality of biological assemblies.

Superatom Regiochemistry Dictates the Assembly and Surface Reactivity of a Two-Dimensional Material

The area of two-dimensional (2D) materials research would benefit greatly from the development of synthetically tunable van der Waals (vdW) materials. While the bottom-up synthesis of 2D frameworks from nanoscale building blocks holds great promise in this quest, there are many remaining hurdles, including the design of building blocks that reliably produce 2D lattices and the growth of macroscopic crystals that can be exfoliated to produce 2D materials.
