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Program Highlights

Eu-doped Y2O3 phosphor films through a precursor plasma spraying technique

Europium-doped yttrium oxide (Eu-Y2O3) luminescent films have been produced directly from a solution precursor using a radio frequency (RF) plasma spray technique. Highly crystalline and luminescent films were grown on Si (100) and steel substrates by this process.

Interfacial Assembly of Nanoparticles

The fabrication of functional nanostructured materials requires practical approaches to self-assembly on multiple length scales. Here, the directed self-assembly of functionalized, luminescent nanoparticles at oil-water interface, followed by crosslinking of the associated ligands, affords robust membranes.

IRG 2: Formation of Polymeric Nanotubes

In a human body, phospholipids form all kinds of different membranes and self-arrange into different objects.

Supercurrents Flex Cantilever to Reveal Vortices

A soft cantilever beam, which can detect a very weak force, has been used by IRG1 researchers to uncover a striking property of cuprate superconductors: that trace supercurrents surrounding magnetic flux vortices persist for tens of degrees above the superconducting transition temperature Tc.

IRG 2: Breaking the Mold to Produce Submicron Polymeric Gratings with Large Areas

Princeton scientists have developed a new method for making gratings by prying apart two rigid plates that sandwich a thin, glassy polymeric film. The process fractures the film into complementary sets of ridges on each plate, with highly uniform ridge spacings ranging from 200 nm to 200 Â’µm, scaling directly with the film thickness.

IRG 3: Patterning of Organic Materials for Organic Electronic Devices

A team of Princeton researchers has developed an enabling technique for manufacturing electro-optical devices from organic semiconductors.
