Thin block copolymer films are highly relevant for many scientific and industrial applications due to their ability to form uniform domains of controllable shape at nanometer length scales.
We investigated the electronic properties of interfaces between two laminated polymer films. The top polymer film (Fig. (a)) is transferred to a soft PDMS stamp, and laminated against the bottom film, previously spin-coated on a substrate.
Studying the electronic properties of the surface states on Topological Insulators requires high quality bulk crystals. We have figured out the defect chemistry of these compounds and grown crystals by the Bridgman Stockbarger method.
Artists and material scientists alike bend, melt and mold materials into useful and aesthetically pleasing forms. But nothing human hands have made can match the intricacy of convoluted corals or the delicate and unique geometry of a snowflake.
Joanna Aizenberg and her colleagues at the Harvard MRSEC developed Hydroglyphics to use readily accessible and safe materials to visually demonstrate the differences between hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces to a broad audience. This hands-on learning activity has been effective at teaching both elementary school students and their parents.
Creating well-organized conducting nanostructures in a flexible polymer matrix provides platforms for numerous applications in optics, sensors, and wave-guiding structures. Working in the Materials Research Science and