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Program Highlights

Plasmonic Bowtie Nanolaser Arrays

Lasing from an electromagnetic hot spot supported by coupled metal nanoparticles (NPs) has been demonstrated for the first time. This new nanolaser architecture is based on three dimensional (3D) Au bowtie NPs supported by an organic gain material.

Harnessing In-Fiber Fluid Instabilities To Create Multimaterial Particles From Fibers

From drug delivery to catalysis to optoelectronics, the need for efficient fabrication pathways for particles over a wide range of sizes, from a variety of materials, and in many different structures is

The Case for Small Quantum Dots

Why are 1-2 nm silicon quantum dots ideal as solar materials?






Education and Outreach in the Renewable Energy MRSEC

Teacher Workshop: Eighteen elementary school teachers participated in summer workshop. Student impact of approximately 200 students. 

Organic topological insulators in organometallic Lattices

Discovery: A class of 2D covalent organic framework made of triphenyl- metal compounds are found to be topological insulators exhibiting robust nontrivial topological edge states.

Approach: Predictive First-principles band structure and band topology calculations.

Two views of how Information is transmitted through a material

In our system, a colloidal particle (upper left (a), red)  is trapped by optical tweezers (upper left (b)) as a surrounding colloidal suspension flows past.  Surprisingly, long range order develops in the particle density (lower left, dark bands are regions with over-representation of particles, sigma is the particle diameter).

Self-Assembled Nano-Drums

Using the expertise in nanoparticle synthesis and assembly built up in IRG 3, a MRSEC team comprised of members of the Jaeger and Talapin groups collaborated with Xiao-Min Lin and Jeffrey Guest at Argonne’s Center for Nanoscale Materials and John Sader from the University of Melbourne to develop the first completely self-assembled nano-mechanical resonator.
