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Program Highlights

Silicon/Organic Heterojunctions for Photovoltaics

In a photovoltaic cell, an incident photon creates an electron (black circle in top sketch) and a hole (open circle).

IRG-C: Self-assembly of ionic surfactants accelerated by graphics processing units (GPUs)


Ionic micellar assemblies have been simulated over μs time scales on GPUs (image on cover of Soft Matter).

MRFN Shared Facilities Workshop

The Materials Research Facilities Network hosted a Shared Facilities Workshop, held at Northwestern University, Nov 1-2, 2011. 

Greatest Show on Earth: Big Top Physics USA Science and Engineering Festival, Washington DC

April 27-29, 2012: The University of Maryland MRSEC collaborated with partners to present a fun, science-packed three days at the Convention Center in Washington, DC.

Electric Potential Metrology on the Nanoscale, University of Maryland

Nanomaterials offer innovative approaches to problems from energy  production to information storage. A major challenge for nanomaterial use is limited knowledge of their local electrical properties. The electric potential sets the charge-transport pathway through a material.

Bilayer Graphene Photon Detector

Detection of long-wavelength light is central to security and military applications, and widely used in chemical analysis. Available detectors, based upon inorganic materials, have limited sensitivity and working speeds. Graphene is a unique material with strong, nearly wavelength-independent interaction with light. 

Discovering Nanolife - Partnership with the Discovery Museum

MRSEC scientists from Brandeis visited the Discovery Museum in Acton for a full day of Microscope-themed activities on March 30th.  We led hands-on activities that allowed students to see and build their own mutant Drosophila, assemble their own polymer chain and explore freezing techniques like dry ice and liquid nitrogen.  We had over 150 museum
