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Program Highlights

Monolayers of Organic Semiconductors with High Hole Mobility

The electronic properties of thin films with thicknesses of only a single molecular layer have in the past typically been far worse than thicker films of the same material.

Helping the Public See 10,000x Better

During the summer of 2012, Hitachi Inc. loaned the UW-MRSEC education group a table-top scanning electron microscope for use during education and outreach activities. Thirteen fifth-graders synthesized ZnO nanoparticles then used the SEM to examine their particles.

Education Group Disseminates Education Material to Russia

NanoVenture is a board game developed by the UW-MRSEC Interdisciplinary Education Group (IEG) to teach audiences about the connections between Nanotechnology and society. In 2012, with permission from the UW-MRSEC IEG, the Education Center Uchastie translated the game into Russian and they will be distributing it to schools in Russia as part of the School League of RUSNANO project.

Determination of Bi Concentration at the Atomic-level in GaAs(1-y)Bi(y)

The nanoscale structural and compositional features of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)-grown GaAs1−yBiy films have been successfully characterized with unprecedented precision by researchers of the Wisconsin MRSEC using high-resolution x-ray diffractometry and high-resolution high-angle annular dark field (HAADF or “Z-contrast”) imaging in a scanning transmission electron mic

Colloid-in-Liquid Crystal Gels Formed via Spinodal Decomposition

Colloidal gels are formed by aggregation of particles into a percolating network in liquid media.  Although colloidal gels exhibit self-supporting, solid-like properties that underlie the design of a wide range of materials, how this class of soft solids forms is not yet fully understood.  In particular, the relative importance of thermodynamic and dynamic

Membrane Strain in Bacteria Influences the Organization and Function of the Recombination Repair Enzyme RecA

Researchers in IRG3 of the Wisconsin MRSEC are studying bacteria to understand principles by which nature designs materials to achieve dynamic spatial targeting of molecules.

OSU Researchers Offer Explanation for Strange Magnetic Behavior at Semiconductor Interfaces

The electronic properties of the polar interfaces between insulating oxides has been intensely investigated in recent years. An exciting new development is the observation of robust magnetism at the interface of two non-magnetic materials, LaAlO3 (LAO) and SrTiO3 (STO).

New imaging tool for spin scientists and engineers

A new technique for imaging spin properties at the nanoscale, Scanned Spin‐Precession Microscopy, works by incorporating a scannable micromagnetic tip in conjunction with any of a variety of established spin detection tools—electrical or opti

Latin School for Boys Visits PCCM

On March 13, 2013, students from Philadelphia's Latin School visited the Princeton Center for Complex Materials. The 9th and 10th graders came to PCCM from the largely African American all boys charter school in Philadelphia. Their teacher, Christine Galib, a Princeton University alum, has been teaching her students about nanotechnology. She saw a talk by PCCM's

Microfluidics for block polymer shells

We utilized microfluidic methods to investigate the role of geometric structures, e.g. thin spherical block copolymer shells, in the microphase separation in block copolymer thin films. The shells are comprised of the triblock copolymer styrene-isoprene-styrene (SIS). For
