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Program Highlights

The CRISP teaching molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)

CRISP, the Yale MRSEC, has constructed a safe, user-friendly, oxide molecular beam epitaxy facility that is simple enough for effective use by undergraduates, yet capable of preparing research-grade samples

Growth of epitaxial oxides on silicon(100): the role of strontium

Understanding the locations of atoms as they are deposited on a surface is critical for growing interfaces of electronic device quality.


Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education- using Nanoscience Instrumentation for Quality Undergraduate Education

Molecular Biomimetics

Molecular Biomimetics is an emerging multidisciplinary research area in which genetically selected and designed inorganic-binding peptides are utilized as building blocks, i.e., molecular synthesizers, erectors, and assemblers, in forming functional nanomaterials for implementation in technology and medicine.

Plasmonic Properties of Aluminum Nanoparticles Fabricated by Nanosphere Lithography

A plasmon is the result of light interacting with the surface electrons in materials that meet specific dielectric requirements. Noble metals have long been used as plasmonic materials, yet other materials are capable of supporting surface plasmons.

Detection of Single Gold Atoms in Silicon Nanowires

Semiconductor nanowires grown with metal nanocatalysts are new materials that provide a basis for transformative improvements in diverse technologies including thermoelectrics and photovoltaics. Nanowire electronic properties depend strongly on incorporated impurity atoms, which have not been previously observed.

Chip Breakthrough Technology

A collaboration between researcher supported by the DOE and NSF-MRSEC's at UC Santa Barbara and UMASS Amherst, and IBM has led to a revolutionary chip breakthrough that pr
