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Program Highlights

Observation of a Dissipation-Induced Classical to Quantum Transition

In this work, we study a novel dynamical phase transition of light, where photon-photon interactions and dissipation into the environment are key aspects of the physics. Together they give rise to a transition from a region of classical behavior into a regime where quantum effects dominate. The transition was observed in a Jaynes-Cummings dimer built

Landau Quantization and Quasiparticle Interference in the 3D Dirac Semimetal Cd3As2

Condensed matter systems provide a rich setting to realize Dirac and Majorana fermionic excitations and the possibility to manipulate them in materials for potential applications. Recently, it has been proposed that Weyl fermions, which are chiral, massless particles, can emerge in certain bulk

Enzyme Molecules as Nanomotors

MRSEC researchers have recently discovered that enzymes - molecules that catalyze chemical reactions in cells - move during the reaction.  Although this property is well known for motor proteins, it has not been previously known t

The Heliconical Nematic phase

LCMRC researchers have

Family Science Evenings

These evenings offer an opportunity for K-12 students and their parents to enter the realm of science and engineering together, such as the father and son seen here

Ferronematic Fredericksz Transition

LCMRC researchers are

Engineering Cellular Response Using Nanopatterned Bulk Metallic Glass (BMG)

Biomaterials implanted in the body evoke a “Foreign body response” which results in encapsulation of the material in a collagen-rich protein capsule. Fibroblast cells, which produce collagen, mediate this process that leads to biomaterial rejection / device failure in vivo. Surface nanotopography of BMGs can be used to engineer fibroblast-material interactions.
