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Program Highlights

Nebraska MRSEC Professor/Student Pairs Program

The Nebraska MRSEC Professor/Student Pairs Program brings in professor/student pairs from non-research intensive four-year institutions to conduct research with Nebraska MRSEC scientists.  The goal is to provide a research experience which benefits both the participants and the MRSEC projects.  For the professor, this program provides an opportunity to conduct new research, access to facilities

Organic Molecular Layers for Efficient Charge Injection

High conductivity and efficient charge injection into organic layers could lead to the design of more efficient organic solar cells and molecular electronics, especially light emitting diodes. Most organic materials are however insulators and only few exhibit high conducting properties.

Enhanced Ferroelectric Stability by Interface Engineering

Ferroelectric materials are characterized by a spontaneous polarization that can be switched by external electric field. This property is important for various technological applications such ferroelectric random access memories.
