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Program Highlights

Imaging and Analysis Center Partners with Industry and Other Institutions

The Imaging and Analysis Center (IAC) supported by PCCM is a world-leading facility for materials characterization. It is a critical resource to our industrial user community. The advanced instrumentation and expertise in the IAC provide ultimate opportunity for us to actively interact with industrial scientists.

Stars of Materials Science with Professors Cliff Brangwynne and Rod Priestley

On April 1, 2017 over 500 people visited Princeton University to learn about polymers from Princeton Center for Complex Materials researchers. Members of the NSF funded MRSEC in Interdisciplinary Research Group 2 presented a multimedia demonstration and lecture featuring audience participation.

New Color Centers in Diamond for Quantum Information Science

Color centers in diamond are a promising platform for quantum information science, as they can serve as solid state quantum bits with efficient optical transitions.

Electrical Manipulation of Nuclear Spins in Silicon

The spin degree of freedom for donor nuclei in silicon have exceptionally long coherence times making them useful as either quantum bits (qubits) or long-lived quantum memories. Nuclear spins are hard to control in nanoscale devices since they are thought to only be coherently manipulated using magnetic fields, which are hard to confine.

Direct Measurement of the Local Glass Transition in Nanophase Structured Copolymers with One Nanometer Resolution

Block copolymers, which self-assemble into nanostructures due to the incompatibility of each block, have generated intense scientific interest and are used in a myriad of important technologies.  In such systems, the majority of the macromolecules can lie within a few nanometers of an internal interface, within a region where the dynamics and mechanical properties can be highly modified from th

Dramatic Tunability in Melting Temperature and Crystallinity of Polyethylene by Exploiting Confinement During Processing

We exploited Matrix Assited Pulsed Laser Evaporation (MAPLE) to deposit polyethylene from a quasi-vapor phase at a controlled substrate temperature, to crystallize polymers under confinement at a wide range of target crystallization temperature, Tc.  The team showed the remarkable controllability of the semi-crystalline structure of PE by MAPLE with the control of substrate temp.; see Figure A

Real-space imaging of a nematic quantum liquid

Interactions among electrons can give rise to a variety of exotic quantum phases in solids. An intriguing example is the formation of “nematic” electronic states, whose wave functions break the rotational symmetry of the host material.

Chiral anomaly observed as an axial current in two topological quantum materials

Electrons in topological materials behave like massless particles (called Weyl fermions). They are either right- or left-handed (the spins are locked parallel or antiparallel to their velocity). In parallel applied electric and magnetic fields, one population grows while the other shrinks. This leads to a new kind of electrical current called an “axial” current.

Graduate Students for Diversity in Science at UCSB

Graduate Students for Diversity in Science is composed of an interdisciplinary group of young scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB).

DNP Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

The DNP-NMR technique in the MRSEC Shared Experimental Facilities allows the selective measurement of surface species, in addition to enabling large sensitivity enhancements. The biradicals serve only to act as an antenna for the microwaves. Very small quantities of biradicals are introduced into the sample, which do not change the surface chemistry that results from hydration.
