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Program Highlights

New Electronic Material Fits In Where It's Placed

Nano Lett. Doi: 10.1021/nl070613a (2007)

Molecular Nano-Ring Beats Like a Chime

Perfect rings of C60 molecules, lined up around circular layers of silver, reveal an important property of nanoelectronic contacts: thermal energy causes

Novel multiferroic thin film memory devices

Electric-field tunable spin valves are being investigated

Discovery of a Pb-free morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) in a high Tc piezoelectric perovskite

Piezoeletric materials are used for a variety of actuator and sensor applications. Finding a Pb-free replacement for the popular Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 has been a major challenge for the community.

Magnetic Tubules: Cellular Tracks Follow the Field

Motor proteins deliver intracellular cargo to specific locations inside cells. These so-called kinesin motors take 8 nm steps along intracellular highways 25 nm wide called microtubules.

Nano Rotor: Molecular Spin and Slide

Scaling functional machines down to the molecular scale is a key challenge in nanoscale science and technology.

High-performance Transparent Inorganic-organic Hybrid Thin-film n-type Transistors

Thin-film transistors, already indispensable in a number of portable electronics, would benefit from optical transparency and compatibility with flexible, lightweight plastics.

Structural and Morphological Control of Multifunctional Oxide Nanostructures at Multi-dimensions

Oxide ceramics are ubiquitous in modern society- ranging from capacitors in electronic gadgets to high-tech displays. In numerous future technologies, it is necessary to "pattern" ceramic oxides in various forms, e.g., dots and lines, at the nanometer scale.

Bringing Technology to the Classroom

The recent MRSEC Teacher Workshop at UCSB was a Great Success. Junior High and High School math and science teachers from Santa Barbara, Ventura and Los Angeles Counties visited the UCSB Materials Research Laboratory for a day of curriculum presentations and workshops.
