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Program Highlights

NYU MRSEC Seed Highlight: A Photon Driven Nano-lander orbiting a Micro-moon

 Whispering Gallery Mode Carousel: Forces exerted by an evanescent light wave at the surface of a spherical glass resonator draw microscopic colloidal particles toward the resonator surface  Intensity of the red-shifted light provides an exponentially sensitive probe of the particle-resonator separation; wavelength probes the strength of the light-matter interaction

Ultrafast Relaxation of Hot Dirac Fermions in Epitaxial Graphene

In high speed devices, electrons are accelerated to high energy by a high electric field; to understand device performance, it is important to know how those “hot” electrons relax by scattering with each other and with the environment (the graphene lattice and the SiC substrate).

Selective Epitaxial Graphene Growth on SiC via AIN Capping

AlN, deposited by molecular beam epitaxy and patterned by electron beam lithography, forms an effective capping layer for epitaxial graphene growth on C-face SiC.

Wind Tunnel Applications for Middle School Math & Science

The list of potential curricular connections and activities that can be done with a wind tunnel in middle school is almost endless. This project incorporates simple geometry, weather, lab skills, metric measurement, as well as having the students work through the design process and actually construct and test their creations.

Understanding the Mechanisms Controlling Sn Whisker Formation

Sn whiskers are a serious reliability problem in Pb-free electronics manufacturing.  Whiskers (as in fig. 1) grow out of pure Sn coatings and have been responsible for numerous system failures, such as the Galaxy IV satellite.

Edges-stress induced warping and rippling of graphene

 Graphene, an atomic layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice, is actively being pursued as a material for next-generation electronics because of the high mobility of charge carriers and the potential to control their density by applying a gate voltage.

High school students learn about alternative energy at UCSB MRSEC workshop

Dozens of excited middle and high school students from across Santa Barbara County spent a morning learning about alternative energy by building and racing their own solar cars. The workshop, presented as part of Science and Technology Day at UCSB, included a presentation on alternative energy, hands-on activities, and a corresponding video for teachers.

Materials Research Facilities Network (MRFN) Virtual Instrumentation Partnership (VIP)

Initiative provides access to analytical instrumentation instruction to Minority Serving and Primarily Undergraduate Institutions through 4 types of virtual experiences:  1) User institution selects technique and class can access manuals, laboratories, and view training videos at 2) Live sessions through Skype fea

Understanding Nature’s glue

Mussel-inspired adhesion has much to teach about the chemistry and processing of polymers and provides a glimpse of some remarkable physical properties exhibited by this complex fluid. .

Research Experience for Undergraduates in Renewable Energy

The Renewable Energy MRSEC at the Colorado School of Mines held a ten week Research Experiences for Undergraduates program on renewable energy in which over half of the 20 students were women.
