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Program Highlights for year 2016

Detecting Magnetic Order when Magnetization is Absent

Antiferromagnets are magnetically ordered materials which lack the net magnetization known for ferromagnets. In an antiferromagnet, spins arrange in opposing sublattices with mutually compensating magnetization. Not unlike ferromagnets, antiferromagnets can have domains. In a simple case, the domains are differentiated through spin reversal.

Science Slams: The Future of Science Communication

Held for the first time on March 16, 2016, on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) campus, Science Slams is a new signature activity for the Nebraska MRSEC education and outreach program, and a first-of-its-kind event in the United States.

Room-Temperature Ferroelectricity in Croconic Acid Films

Molecular ferroelectrics have the potential to become viable material alternatives to inorganic ferroelectrics. Unlike traditional oxide ferroelectrics, molecular ferroelectrics are structurally flexible, can be engineered at the molecular level, and can be assembled on nearly any surface, including flexible sheets and fabrics.
