In Summer 2019 the I-MRSEC officially released the web series “Magnetic Fields,” which follows middle school aged characters as they encounter a new material at the I-MRSEC, and emphasizes the scientific process, persistence, and the diversity of scientists. The episodes include “Behind the science,” featuring interviews with I-MRSEC researchers sharing their paths in science and advice to those interested in STEM studies.
The series, which involves 21 MRSEC faculty and students, was released onto YouTube and the I-MRSEC website, allowing it to reach a broad audience (the trailer alone has almost 2000 views). On August 1, 2019, the I-MRSEC hosted a campus-wide video release party which included a Q&A with Mason, the director of the series John Isberg, and several actors. “Magnetic Fields” was accepted for inclusion in the Sigma Xi STEM Art & Film Festival in November 2019 in Madison, WI. A screening of “Magnetic Fields” was held during the 2019 MMM Conference in Las Vegas.