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Program Highlights

Anisotropic Magnetism in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors

Magnetocrystalline anisotropy is found in many magnetic materials which means that the energy of a magnet depends on the magnetization direction. This keeps our windshield wipers moving and our toy magnets attached to the fridge. However, on changing the direction of the field that aligns the magnetic moments, the aligned magnetization normally remains nearly unchanged.

Ballistic Anisotropic Magnetoresistance

Anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) is the difference in the resistivity of ferromagnetic materials in external magnetic field when the field is applied along or perpendicular to the current.

Synergistic Linear and Nonlinear Phenomena in Multifunctional Oxide Ceramic Systems

Vinayak P. Dravid, Northwestern University IRG1, Synergistic Linear and Nonlinear Phenomena in Multifunctional Oxide Ceramic Systems The reduced size of materials with controlled internal structure (i.e., grain size, crystal orientation, etc.) leads to novel, unexpected phenomena and a very broad spectrum of technologically significant properties.

NWU Collaboration with Art Insitute of Chicago

Art Institute of Chicago - Northwestern University Program in Conservation Science* Professor Katherine Faber, Northwestern Liaison Dr. Francesca Casadio, Mellon Conservation Scientist This is the nation's first multi-year collaboration in conservation science to involve an art museum and a university.

Northwestern University Collaboration with Art Insitute of Chicago

Art Institute of Chicago - Northwestern University Program in Conservation Science* Professor Katherine Faber, Northwestern Liaison Dr. Francesca Casadio, Mellon Conservation Scientist This is the nation's first multi-year collaboration in conservation science to involve an art museum and a university.
