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Program Highlights

Molecular Biomimetics

Molecular Biomimetics - Making materials one molecule at a time, via the Biology’s ways, allows an intricate control of nano- and microstructures that permit tailoring functional properties towards practical applicati

First All-Gas Phase Manufacture of a Nanocrystal Based Electronic Device

Semiconductor nanocrystals hold great potential for the low-cost manufacture of electronic devices. 

Low Resistivity Magnetic Nano-Sensors

As electronic devices shrink deep into the nano-scale, low-resistivities become essential.

MRSEC Takes the Lead in Coaching the Coaches in Materials Science Event

Utah MRSEC provided staff and faculty support for a Science Olympiad coaches’ clinic in November 2012, to help science teachers prepare to coach teams.


Hidden Roto Symmetries in Nature Discovered

MRSEC researchers have discovered a missing spatial operation in nature called rotation-reversal symmetry that reverses the sense of all static rotations in a crystal.  Certain minerals, organic crystals or metamaterials are composed of subunits that can exist in two states: clockwise or counter-clockwise rotated.  The symmetry of a crystal lattice helps determine the material’s proper

Nanoscale Rockets Powered by Ultrasound

MRSEC researchers working in an international collaboration with French scientists at ESPCI (Paris Tech) have discovered that rocket-shaped metallic micro-rods can be propelled through fluids using ultrasound, with fast translation towards the tapered end and rapid rotation & assembly of rods into circular chains that move like conveyer belts.  Since most ways to make micro-objects move auto

Photochemically Mapping the Near-Fields of Plasmonic Nanocrescents

Objective: Use plasmon-enhanced photochemical reactions to map the polarization-dependent near fields of optical antennas. Approach: Use the anisotropic nano-crescent structure and SU-8 photo-resist. SU-8 exposure accomplished through plasmon-enhanced multi-photon absorption by 800 nm light. 

Tracking the Movement of Dopants in an Analog Memristor Using X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy

Jordan Greenlee, James Compagnoni, Cole Petersburg, Faisal Alamgir, W. Alan Doolittle

International Programs Grow

Edward H. Conrad and Claire Berger

School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology
