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Program Highlights

MRSEC Shared Facilities: A Vital Resource

The resources of the Wisconsin MRSEC Shared Facilities impact researchers campus-wide and beyond. Over the past year >79,000 usage hours accounted for:

Wisconsin MRSEC Outreach Impacts 255,000 People This Year!

Since 2011, the Wisconsin MRSEC has created over 40 unique research-inspired education resources. These resources are disseminated through educational kits, outreach activities, instructional videos and other online resources, all based on cutting-edge research going on in the Wisconsin MRSEC.

These resources have impacted:

Templating Nanomaterials from Defects in Liquid Crystals

Defects in liquid crystals can function as nanoscopic molds for assembling molecules

Expanding the Palette of Useful Semiconductors

Designing materials nature never intended

Full Circle of Innovation in Instrumentation: Atomic Level Imaging

A MRSEC innovation comes back home to reveal the atomic structure of new materials

Efficient and uniform doping of zinc oxide nanocrystals via plasma synthesis

In solution-based synthesis, often doping efficiencies are low and dopants are excluded from the nanocrystals’ central cores. The research team developed a fundamentally different plasma-based process for synthesizing aluminum-doped zinc oxide nanocrystals.

How many electrons make a nanocrystal film metallic?

Understanding the transport of electrons in films of touching nanocrystals is of central importance for their future use in printed electronic devices such as light emitting diodes, solar cells, or transistors. The research team developed a new theory that describes the transition of the electron conduction in doped nanocrystal films from a semiconducting to a metallic behavior.

Pulse Inverse Spin-Hall Effect in Organic Semiconductors

Objective: Estimate spin-orbit coupling in in a wide variety of organic semiconductors. 
