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Program Highlights

Inexpensive Polymer Films for Efficient Daytime Radiative Cooling

Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have made a discovery that explores an inexpensive way to eliminate waste heat in buildings, cooling systems, and even cars and trucks.

MRSEC Members Teach the Public about Materials Science during the Wisconsin Science Festival

Over the course of two days, the Wisconsin MRSEC presented exciting hands-on, research-inspired  materials science activities to over 1500 people during the 2016 Wisconsin Science Festival.  The 2016 Wisconsin Science Festival was the largest ever with over 250 events in 20 communities across Wisconsin.

Synthesis of Non-Spherical Particles using Partially-Filled Polymeric Shells

Spherical particles are easy to synthesize because a sphere is a shape that minimizes surface area. Non-spherical particles, however, have properties that can be very different from spherical particles, but they are challenging to fabricate.

Radiation-Hard Graphene Electronic Devices via Hybrid Dielectrics

Solution-processed semiconductor and dielectric materials are attractive for satellite technology due to their light-weight, low-voltage operation, and mechanical robustness, but their response to ionizing radiation environments is not well understood.

Metal-Free Carbon-Based Nanomaterial Coatings Protect Silicon Photoanodes in Solar Water-Splitting

Solar water splitting converts solar energy into chemical fuels that can be easily stored and transported. Silicon is already used on a large scale for photovoltaics, but it is unstable in the electrolytes used for water oxidation.

Parameter Space for Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors (AOSs)

The combined results of controlled synthesis, ab-initio molecular-dynamics liquid-quench simulations, thorough structure and property characterization, and accurate density-functional calculations helped identify four major components that govern the electrical, optical, thermal, and mechanical properties of prototype In-based AOSs: (i) deposition temperature; (ii) oxygen stoichiometry; (iii) c

In-situ Crystallization and Morphological Evolution in Multicomponent Indium Oxide Thin Films

Among all Transparent conducting oxides, Zinc-Indium-Tin Oxides are known for their good chemical stability, smooth surfaces and most importantly, high electrical conductivity. Having access to fundamental information like kinetics parameters is extremely important for processing and fabrication of these materials.

Homogeneous Gold Nanostars

Anisotropic gold nanoparticles have been shown to possess desirable plasmonic and optical properties at the single particle level, but ensemble averaged measurements are compromised by the as-synthesized polydispersity in nanoparticle size and shape.

Polyelemental Nanoparticle Libraries

Multimetallic nanoparticles are useful in many fields, yet there are no effective strategies for synthesizing libraries of such structures with systematic compositional tunability.

Kirigami Nanofluidics

Restacked films of exfoliated 2D nanosheets can function as massive nanofluidic channel arrays. Recent research shows that cutting such membranes into asymmetric shapes leads to ionic current rectification.
