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Program Highlights

Electrical Conductivity of Polymorphic Indium Tin Oxide Nanocrystalline Powders

The article entitled "Synthesis and Electrical Characterization of the Polymorphic Indium Tin Oxide Nanocrystalline Powders"  received the Edward C.

Polymer Surface Viscoelasticity Affects Organic Thin-Film Transistor Performance

Thin polymer films exhibit glass transition temperatures (Tgs) that are depressed from the bulk material Tg because of increased degrees of chain motion.

Brownian Motion of an Ellipsoid

Brownian motion, the tiny random movements of small objects suspended in a fluid, has served as a paradigm for concepts of ra

A new way to keep bacteria at bay

Penicillin, long used in medications, is now being studied as a coating, a novel weapon against bacteria that could protect medical implants and the surgical tools used to insert them.

Photo-Control of Interfacial Molecular Organization

Active interface architectures, exhibiting structural sensitivity to the presence of chemical species or light, are of interest for sensor and functional nanostructure applications. LCMRC researchers have demonstrated that it is possible to use liquid crystals to read out the state of a photoactive monolayer with great sensitivity to the incident wavelength.

Bistable Orientaton of Liquid Crystals on Nanoimprinted Topography

Modern liquid crystal displays (LCDs) operate by achieving a desired orientation of the LC molecules within the display. LCMRC researchers have demonstrated that topographic surface patterns made by nanoimprinting can produce exotic surface alignment of LCs, including bistable orientations (NE or NW) generated by an array of nanoscale boxes on the surface, as shown in the figure.
