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Thermal Stability of Amorphous Zn-In-Sn-O Films Diana

Diana E. Proffit1, Thomas Philippe1, Jonathan D. Emery1, Qing Ma2, D. Bruce Buchholz1, Peter W. Voorhees1, Michael J. Bedzyk1, Robert P.H. Chang1, Thomas O. Mason1
1Northwestern University Materials Research Science & Engineering Center
2DND-CAT, Northwestern Synchrotron Research Center at Advanced Photon

The crystallization process of amorphous ZITO thin films was studied using x-ray diffraction. The resulting intensity peaks can be fit to a classical Johnson-Mehl- Avrami-Kolmorgrov relation for the volume fraction of crystal as a function of time, modified for the constant heating rate of the experiments. The good fit yields a higher activation energy than other amorphous semiconductors and implies that ZITO may be a good replacement for indium tin oxide in applications where the stability of the amorphous phase is important.

Integrated intensity of the amorphous peak as a function of temperature under a constant heating rate of 0.5 C/min. The solid line is the fit to the theory.