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Lending Library Lets Teachers get their “Hands-On" Science Activities

Science teachers everywhere dream about free lesson plans and supplies, but until recently, the Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR) could only provide these materials to teachers in the local community. All that has changed with the new CCMR internet lending library of science experiments. This new resource makes activities available to teachers across the country at the click of a mouse. The lending library currently features 28 modules, with more being added each week. Modules can be sorted by grade level and subject, making it easy for teachers to quickly access activities that are appropriate for their students. Lesson plans and student activity sheets can be downloaded from the site. Alternatively, teachers can request delivery of a pre-packaged kit containing supplies for the activity. The CCMR covers all shipping costs and replenishes materials, making the lending library a completely free resource for teachers —a dream come true.<br />