A group of MRSEC researchers, staff, and graduate students visited the Boston Museum of Science on July 15, 2009 for a day of public demonstrations and presentations to encourage thought and discussion about polymers. The Ventures in Science Using Art Laboratory (VISUAL) program had an ongoing exhibit of images at the Museum from May through August, and coordinated a presentation to teach the audience about materials and capture their attention using visually striking images gathered during the course of MRSEC research at UMass. Interactive demos from our Polymers All Around Us Program were offered throughout the afternoon to provide hands-on experiences for museum visitors, to interest them in materials science, and inform them as to the multitude of roles that polymers play in their lives. This program was so successful that it will occur again Summer 2010.
MRSEC graduate students conducting demonstrations on polymers with visitors to the Boston Museum of Science (Photo: A.J. Crosby)