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Program Highlights

Hybrid 2D-Ferroelectric Structures for Information Technology

Nebraska MRSEC researchers have implemented hybrid electronic devices comprising two-dimensional (2D) materials and ferroelectric thin films of barium titanate (BaTiO3) that exhibit polarization-controlled non-volatile modulation of the electronic properties.

Science Night Live! : Bringing Science to the Public

Nebraska MRSEC sponsored and organized Science Night Live!, a unique event that created opportunities for Nebraska scientists to engage the general public with science in ways that challenged stereotypes about who scientists are, how science is done, and why basic research is valuable. 

Real-Space Imaging of a Nematic Quantum Liquid

Interactions among electrons can give rise to a variety of exotic quantum phases in solids. An intriguing example is the formation of “nematic” electronic states, whose wave functions break the rotational symmetry of the host material.

Princeton MRSEC: Dia De la Ciencia/Science Day

On April 8, 2017, PCCM held its first Día de la Ciencia at the Princeton Public Library. Forty scientists, mostly PCCM members, at 20 tables, met with over 500 members of the community.

Control of Spin-Orbit Splitting in 2D Semiconductors

Probing and manipulating electronic band structures of 2D materials.

Translating Spin Seebeck Effect Physics into Practice

Study reveals thin film physics also manifests in random nanocomposite geometry. 

The materials genome gets hot!

The goal of this seed project is to bring first-principles theory closer to experimental reality.

Down the rabbit hole: Sinking electrons in a Weyl sea

Weyl semimetals are newly discovered topological electronic materials in which surface electrons (Fermi arcs) are topologically connected with those of the bulk. Princeton researchers have found experimental evidence that electrons can transverse the bulk through the special momentum states, called Weyl points, moving between opposing surfaces.

Single photon bound states in microwave photonic crystals

Photonic crystals provide an extremely powerful toolset for manipulation of optical dispersion and density of states. Princeton researchers' recent work opens exciting prospects for engineering long-range spin models in the circuit QED architecture, and new opportunities for dissipative quantum state engineering.

Glass transition of irreversibly adsorbed nanolayers

Princeton University researchers are investigating how the Tg of an adsorbed layer is influenced by the free surface and employing a fluorescence technique to directly measure the Tg of the adsorbed layer buried in a film.
