Part of the San Diego Nanotechnology Infrastructure (SDNI), the facility provides access to an array of state-of-the-art equipment for nanomaterial (both thin-film andRigaku-SmartLab-9-kW-XRD.jpeg powder) characterization, including XRD, XPS, Hall effect, UV-Vis, AFM/MFM, SEM, and photo current systems to measure crystal structure, and magnetic, surface, transport, and optical properties.
Hitachi UH4150 UV-Visible/NIR Spectrophotometer (Nicholas Patterson)
JEOL JSM-7400F Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (TBD)
Kobelco Photocurrent Measurement System (Kenji Nomura)
Lake Shore 8400 Series Hall Effect Measurement System (Mohammed El Hadri)
Panalytical XPert XRD - Line Source (Yasuhiro Kodera)
Panalytical XPert XRD - Point Source (Yasuhiro Kodera)
PHI Quantera Scanning XPS (Sicen Yu)
Bruker D2 Phaser Benchtop XRD (TBD)
Rigaku Smartlab XRD (Dylan Cheng)
Veeco Dimension 3100 AFM/MFM (Jeffrey Brock)