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Research Immersion in Materials Science and Engineering (RIMSE)

The RIMSE summer schools are immersive, hands-on courses meant to prepare trainees to work in MRSEC-affiliated research labs. The program engages participants from a wide range of backgrounds & educational levels, from high school students, undergraduate, graduate/PhD students to post-doctoral trainees, k-12 teachers, and industry/government laboratory researchers. Select from 4 RIMSE schools: 1) Summer School for Predictive Assembly, 2) Summer School for Engineered Living Materials, 3) Summer School for Silicon Nanotechnology, and 4) SPEC Battery Boot Camp. Each school emphasizes different research aspects related to the MRSEC, including soft materials and biomaterials, self-assembled materials, and computational design, and they share a set of core instrument training elements and common activities including training on key analytical instruments used in materials science, “Pathways” luncheon seminars by laboratory scientists providing insights into STEM career paths, professional development workshops, social and team building activities, and project presentation at the UC San Diego Summer Research Conference (SRC).

Primary Contact
Name: Janka Bond
Phone: 858-246-2164

Site Award # 2011924