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Organic Spintronics


  • Answer fundamental questions about the basic properties of spin excitations in organic semiconductors (OSEC).
  • Apply this knowledge toward development and fabrication of spin-related OSEC devices.

Why Organic Spintronics?

  • Rich physics from the precursor polaron-pair state: spin-mediated organic electronics.
  • Rich chemistry: OSEC are lightweight, environmentally friendly, inexpensive, and very versatile.
  • Engineering and commercializationpotential: several existing companies focus on organic optoelectronics.


The goal of IRG-2 in Organic Spintronics is to provide insight to the following questions:

  • Can we control the ratio between spin triplet and singlet excitations in OSEC and organic devices?
  • Can we control and manipulate the interaction between spin-aligned carriers and nuclear spin polarization?
  • Can organic-ferromagnet electrodes serve as spin injectors into OSEC?
  • What are the temperature limitations of organic spintronics?
  • Can we control the spin-injected current by an external electric field?
  • Is there a Hanle effect in organic spin valves?
  • How do we make devices stable?

Potential Applications

  • Organic spin-valves → inexpensive mass-producible magnetic sensors (data storage).
  • Spin-organic LED with color tuned by magnetic field → displays.
  • Organic optoelectronic devices → environmental sensors (e.g., electronic properties change as a function of imbibed gas).
  • Organic photovoltaics → more efficient, inexpensive, and robust solar cells.