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Engineered Functionality in Atomically Thin Heterostructures

IRG 2, Engineered Functionality in Atomically Thin Heterostructures addresses new material properties and functionalities enabled by engineered symmetries and patterns created through heterogeneous integration of atomically thin and molecular materials. Such structures offer exciting possibilities for exploring topology, correlations, and light-matter coupling in materials, with potential applications in electronics, photonics, and both classical and quantum information processing.  We aim to address a set of key questions at the intersection of strong electron-electron interactions and non-trivial topology in different classes of moiré systems. Fundamental investigations of new quantum phases and targeted efforts to engineer new functionality in van der Waals heterostructures in the areas of (1) theory-led search for moiré systems with tunable correlations, (2) assembly and characterization of van der Waals heterostructures with tailored energy bands and correlations; and (3) electronic and photonic structures that harness the unique properties of moiré materials.

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