MRSEC programs provide transformative opportunities for students and faculty at minority-serving institutions to participate in leading-edge materials science and engineering research. But in order to encourage more underrepresented minority researchers to take advantage of these opportunities, we need to cultivate personal connections with those at
minority serving institutions. At the meeting, we networked with HRD PIs to identify potential collaborative opportunities on behalf of the nationwide network of MRSECs. We disseminated information about MRSEC research and education activities, and referred participants to programs of interest at individual MRSECs.
MRSEC Program Director, Tom Rieker and MRSEC Center representatives attended the NSF Division of Human Resource Development (HRD) 2009 Joint Annual Meeting (JAM 2009) June 8-11, 2009. Tom Rieker participated in the CREST panel, showcasing research opportunities at the MRSECs, and answered questions about submitting proposals to the PREM program and also to the upcoming MRSEC competition in 2010. Greg Rohrer, Director of the Carnegie Mellon MRSEC, participated on the AGEP panel, highlighting MRSEC¹s diversity efforts such as PREM and SEED programs. Frank Snowden (U. of Minnesota), Eileen Sheu (U. of Chicago), and Christine Morrow (U. of Colorado) staffed a MRSEC booth at the 2009 JAM meeting, interacting with students, faculty and administrators attending the meeting.
Frank Snowden (U. Of Minnesota), Eileen Sheu (U. Of Chicago) and I (U.OF Colorado) staffed a booth to promote MRSEC education and training opportunities at the NSF's 2009 Joint Annual Meeting.