The Materials Cluster is a multi-function and multi-purpose Research Support Facility providing a wide spectrum of services and apparatus for materials testing, preparation, and characterization. The Cluster also provides tools that can generate images of surface or near-surface characteristics, such as topography or electronic structure, at length scales from microns down to nanometers in environments ranging from ultra-high vacuum to fluids. The CCMR facilities are run by expert staff who provide training and technical assistance. We welcome outside users from both industry and academia.
- 3i Marianas Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope
- Air Furnaces
- Asylum-MFP3D-Bio-AFM-SPM
- ATM Sonic sifter
- Bruker D8 Advance ECO Powder Diffractometer
- Bruker General Area Detector Diffraction System (GADDS)
- Bruker Hyperion FT-IR Spectrometer & Microscope
- Bruker Vertex V80V Vacuum FTIR system
- Carver 25 ton press
- Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer
- Cascade Four-Point Probe
- Controlled Atmosphere Furnaces
- Edinburgh FLS1000 Lifetime Fluorescence Spectrometer
- Glass Bead Abrasive Units (sand blasting)
- High Vacuum Furnaces
- Inert Gas Glove Boxes
- JAI-LC9110NEXT-Recycling-Preparative-HPLC
- Jasco 1500 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer
- Keyence VK-X260 Laser-Scanning Confocal Microscope
- KJL Magnetron Sputtering Tool
- KSV-NIMA-KN2002-Langmuir-Blodgett-Trough
- KSV-NIMA-KN4010-Dip-Coater
- Laurell-WS-400A-Spin-Coater
- Multiwire Back-Reflection Laue Detector
- PPMS Physical Property Measurement Systems
- Quantum Design MPMS3 SQUID Magnetometer
- Recycling Preparative GPC
- Renishaw InVia Confocal Raman microscope
- Rigaku SmartLab X-Ray Diffractometer
- Sputtering Deposition System
- Stationary Spot Welder (Hughes HRW250B)
- Struers Rotopol
- TA Instruments DHR3 Rheometer
- TA Instruments DMA Q800 Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA)
- TA Instruments Q1000 Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimeter (MDSC)
- TA Instruments Q400EM Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA)
- TA Instruments Q500 Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA)
- Tencor Alpha step 500
- ThermoFisher Capillary Breakup Extensional Rheometer (CaBER)
- Varian Thermal Bell Jar Evaporator
- Waters Ambient-Temperature GPC
- Waters Ambient-Temperature-Aqueous GPC
- Waters Breeze DMSO GPC
- Waters MALDI Micro MX (MALDI-TOF)
- Wire Bonders
- Witec Alpha300R Confocal Raman Microscope
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Scienta Omicron ESCA2SR, SSX-100
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