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May 2008 Directors' Meeting

Thursday, May 1, 2008 - 15:00 to Friday, May 2, 2008 - 15:00

The spring Director???s Meeting will be held at the University of Washington in Seattle over two days, May 1-2 2008. The meeting will begin in the early afternoon on Thursday and adjourn late morning on Friday. This schedule will allow travelers from the east coast to arrive on the 1st and depart on the 2nd.The theme of the meeting is ???The Interface Between Biology and Materials???.The spring Director???s Meeting will be held at the University of Washington in Seattle over two days, May 1-2 2008. The meeting will begin in the early afternoon on Thursday and adjourn late morning on Friday. This schedule will allow travelers from the east coast to arrive on the 1st and depart on the 2nd. Due to severe constraints on the MRSEC Program managers, this date cannot be changed. The theme of the meeting is

???The Interface Between Biology and Materials???.

Location: The Donald E. Petersen Room 482 Allen Library, 4th floor, Room 485 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, Seattle, WA 91895


Thursday May 1 - Scientific Session

12:00 Lunch, Executive Committee Meeting (UW Faculty Club) 1:00 p.m. Opening Comments (Bill Curtin) 1:15-2:00 Lee Hartwell, Director, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle

"Challenges in Personalized Medicine" (Dr. Hartwell is the 2001 Nobel Laureate in Medicine/Physiology)

2:00-2:40 Dan Hammer, Chem. Eng., Univ of Pennsylvania

"Designed, Programmable Membranes"

2:40-3:00 Coffee Break 3:00-3:40 Huajian Gao, Div. of Engineering, Brown University, Providence

"Bridging single molecule and continuum mechanics descriptions of cell adhesion???

3:40-4:20 Babak Parviz, Co-Director, Microscale Life Sciences Center, U. Washington

"Technology Development for Low-Cost Single-Cell Biology???

4:20-4:35 Dan Steinberg, Princeton University,

"Update on Education and Outreach"

4:35-5:00 Remarks by MRSEC Program Managers (Charles Ying, Tom Rieker, & Rama Bansil) 5:00-5:45 Reception 7:00 Dinner at Ivar???s Salmon House, Lake Union (van pick ups at the hotels at 6:40 p.m.)

Friday, May 2nd - MRSEC Business

8:15 Continental Breakfast 9:30??? Irina Zaks, webmaster,??? Stanford University,

"MRSEC??? - from??? Funding Opportunity??? to??? Scientific Network"

9:45 Committee Deliberations 10:00 Committee Reports 12:00 Lunch at UW Faculty Club Download Presentation Abstracts and Presenters' Bios