NSF Stafford I, Room 375
8:00 AM Coffee available
8:15 AM Introductions of new Center Directors
Margaret Gardel, U. Chicago
Ali Yazdani, Princeton
Jim Hone, Columbia
Stefan Zauscher, Research Δ/Duke
8:30 AM Update on DMR Linda Sapochak
9:00 AM Update on MRSEC program and PREM outcomes Dan Finotello
9:45 AM Presentation on the New MRSEC at Columbia Jim Hone
10:15 AM Coffee break
10:45 AM Panel on Internal IRG selection best practices
Facilitator: Vin Crespi
Michael Ward (New York)
Tim Lodge (Minnesota)
Seth Fraden (Brandeis)
Michael Rubner (MIT)
11:30 AM Panel on best practices in PREM partnerships
Facilitator: Vin Crespi
Ted Norris (Michigan, Norfolk State University PREM)
Ram Seshadri (UCSB, Jackson State University PREM and University of Texas at El Paso PREM)
Gabriel Lopez (Duke & Research Δ, The PREM Center: Interfaces in Materials at Texas State University - San Marcos)
12:15 AM Brief discussion of Working Group composition, then Working Group Lunch (see next page)
1:30 PM Overview of the Materials Innovation Platform program
Sean Jones
2:00 PM Reports from Working Groups
3:00 PM Adjourn
Working Groups
Broadening Partcipaton:
Michael Rubner (Chair) Tim Lodge
Seth Fraden
Ajay Nahata
Dennis Hess
Ka Yee Lee (Director Emeritus, subbing for Margaret Gardel) (Chair)
Noel Clark
Melissa Hines
Arjun Yodh
David Weitz
Ram Seshadri (Chair)
Mark Hersam
Charles Ahn
Ali Yazdani
Vincent Crespi
Chris Hammel (Chair)
Stefan Zauscher (+Gabriel Lopez, Director Emeritus)
Ted Norris
Michael Ward
Nick Abbott
Evgeny Tsymbal