8:30-8:45 MRSEC Program Directors Opening Remarks
8:45-9:45 Session with Ian Robertson, Director, Division of Materials Research
9:45-10:00 Break
10:00-10:15 Welcome and MPS perspective on innovation and MPS investments
Celeste Rohlfing, Deputy Assistant Director, Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences, NSF
10:15-10:55 The Advocacy Perspective on Innovation
· Linking federal funding of basic research to innovation, economic growth and America’s global competitiveness - Sue Garman & Matthew Greenwald, The Science Coalition, http://www.sciencecoalition.org/successstories/resources/pdf/Sparking%20Economic%20Growth%20Full%20Report%20FINAL%204-5-10.pdf
10:55-11:35 Driving Innovation from the NSF Perspective
· Scalable Nanomanufacturing Program - Steven McKnight, Director, Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation Division, Directorate for Engineering (20 min)
· SBIR/STTR, AIR, IUCRC, I-Corps, GOALI Programs - Karlene Hoo & Ruth Shuman, Program Directors, Industrial Innovation and Partnerships Division, Directorate for Engineering (20 min)
11:35-12:05 The Academic Perspective – Examples of Programs to Spur Innovation
· IPrime: A broad-based, pre-competitive university/industry partnership - Tim Lodge, Director, University of Minnesota MRSEC (10 min)
· JumpStart Presentation.pdf- Melissa Hines, Director, Cornell University MRSEC (10 min)
· Innovation Strategy/Small Business Evaluation and Entrepreneur’s (SBEE) Program - Monica Olvera de la Cruz, Director, Northwestern University MRSEC (10 min)
12:05-1:35 Lunch and Working Group Meetings
1:35-2:00 Election of new vice chair (and group chairs)
2:00-2:30 Working committee reports and discussion (Education, Industry, Broadening Participation, Communications, Facilities; Education Coordinator will discuss plans with the Education Working Group; Facilities will be the last to report to roll into the next agenda item)
2:30-2:40 Materials Research Facilities Network (MRFN) supplement discussion – Craig Hawker & Todd Emrick
2:40-3:00 MRSEC Webmasters’ Interactive Meeting & Website Update – Irina Zaks
3:00-4:00 Wrap-up and closed session