Wednesday, November 29, 2006 - 15:00 to 16:00
Center PI Christopher Bowman gave a talk titled "Introduction to Photopolymerizations: From Mummification to Nanotechnology" at the annual national conference for the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans (SACNAS) held in Denver in September 2005.
Conference participants attending the talk learned about Bowman???s cutting edge research on photopolymerization. By highlighting familiar examples from everyday life, Bowman described the research that leads to applications in such diverse fields as biomaterials, dental restorations, liquid crystal displays and nanotechnology.
SACNAS provides a forum for improving and expanding opportunities for minorities in the scientific workforce and academia, mentoring college students within science, mathematics and engineering, as well as supporting quality pre-college science education. The Conference, K-12 Teacher Workshops, student chapters, e-Mentoring Program, and online internship/job placement resources are tools that help a diverse community of undergraduate and graduate students, professors, administrators, and K-12 educators achieve expertise within their disciplines