'Advanced Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Properties'
LRSM, University of Pennsylvania, 3231 Walnut St., Philadelphia PA 19104-6202
All lectures are on Thursdays at 5.30 pm and are followed by pizza/refreshment
September 30, 2010
Prof. Arjun Yodh, Physics, and Director, LRSM
‘Phase Transitions and Aging in Colloidal Glasses and Crystals’
October 21
Prof. Ray Gorte, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
‘Advances in Fuel Cell Technology
November 11
Prof. Eric Schelter, Chemistry
‘Energy Science and Renewable Energy: A Generational Challenge for Scientists, Students, and Educators
December 9
Prof. Russ Composto, Materials Science and Engineering
‘Engineered Surfaces for Molecular Motors’
January 20, 2011
Prof. Cherie Kagan, Electrical and Systems Engineering
''Organic Nanostructured Materials and Devices’
February 17
Prof. Marija Drndic, Physics
‘The Real World of Quantum Dots’
March 24
Prof. Daeyeon Lee, CBE
‘Bubble Science and Engineering
April 21
Prof. Matt Lazzara, CBE
‘Directed therapeutics for Cancer’
June 2
Prof. Randall Kamien, Physics
‘Homotopy Sweet Homotopy’
These lectures are FREE and eligible for Act 48 credits
Any teacher interested in attending these lectures should contact Andrew McGhie at (215) 898-6461 or mcghie@lrsm.upenn.edu for further information. On street and lot parking is available adjacent to the building.