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RET Workshop: Modern Approaches to High School Chemistry Instruction through today’s Sustainability Challenges

The NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) in partnership with the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), is offering a PAID three-day workshop for high school chemistry teachers. Held at the University of Minnesota, this workshop will focus on teaching chemistry through inquiry-based learning and connections to sustainability-related topics. Developed through the University of Minnesota MRSEC Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) program, the workshop welcomes applicants from across the Midwest.

Participants will gain knowledge and experience with topics such as sustainability, green chemistry, replacement experiments, sustainable plastics, climate science, and chemical safety through hands-on experiments, engaging activities, computer simulations, and demonstrations.

This is a fantastic opportunity for educators to enhance their teaching practices while promoting sustainability in science education.

Education Program Type: 