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Program Highlights

Ballistic Excitons and Surface Functionalization in a Superatomic Semiconductor

The transport of energy and information in semiconductors is limited by scattering between electronic carriers and lattice phonons, resulting in diffusive and  lossy  transport  that  curtails  all  semiconductor  technologies.

Atomic-scale origin of the low grain-boundary resistance in perovskite solid electrolyte Li0.375Sr0.4375Ta0.75Zr0.25O3

The main achievement of this research is revealing the atomic-scale origin of the low grain-boundary (GB) resistance in Li0.375Sr0.4375Ta0.75Zr0.25O3 (LSTZ0.75) perovskite solid electrolyte and providing insights on overcoming the ubiquitous bottleneck of high GB resistance in other oxide solid electrolytes.

Sugar-fueled Dissipative Living Materials

The  first  example  of  synthetic  living  material featuring   dissipative   behaviors   directly controlled  by  the  fuel  consumption  of  their constituent cells.

Leveraging the Polymer Glass Transition

A collaboration between the de Pablo, Rowan and Jaeger groups at the University of Chicago developed a novel class of suspensions with stimuli-responsive polymer particles to be able to transition reversibly between liquid to solid behavior in response to temperature,

Direct Synthesis and CVD of 2D MXenes

Novel chemical reactions enable scalable and atom-economic synthesis of two-dimensional metal carbides and nitrides (MXenes). These directly synthesized MXenes from the University of Chicago show excellent energy storage capacity for Li-ion intercalation.

Plant Leaf ELMs Undergo Shape Shifting Driven by External Stimuli

Plant/polymer composite materials have been fabricated. These  composite  materials  are  stimuli responsive  and  can  undergo  shape-shifting   behavior   in   response   to temperature or light. 

A Multiphysics Approach for the Self-Assembly of Nanocrystal Checkerboards

IRG1 has developed a toolkit for carrying out simulated X-ray   adsorption   spectroscopy   (XAS).   XAS   is   a powerful technique for understanding the surface local structure  and  chemistry  of  complex  interfaces  at  the nanoscale.

Discovery of bilayer nanoparticle (NP) superlattices using global Monte Carlo optimization

IRG1 has developed a computational framework for understanding how nanoparticles (NPs) assemble at the  interface  between  two  immiscible  fluids.

Where Materials Begin and Society BenefitsFirst Demonstration of Controlled Grafting-from ROMP Bioconjugates

This  is  the  first  demonstration  of  living ring  opening  metathesis  polymerization (ROMP) from a biological substrate.

Genetic Fusion of Thermoresponsive Polypeptides Mediates 1-D Assembly of Coiled Coil Bundlemers

The ability to thermally trigger a conformational changeand collapse in a constituent resilin-like protein (RLP) providesthe opportunity to build, and eventually move, a bundlemer nanostructure.
