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MRFN Facilities Management Workshop

Tuesday, November 1, 2011 - 16:00 to Wednesday, November 2, 2011 - 20:00

The Materials Research Facilities Network (MRFN), with support and encouragement from the MRSEC Program Officers at National Science Foundation, is organizing a 1.5 day workshop to bring together managers of shared multi-user facilities to discuss the efficient operation and evolution of shared facilities and to share unique solutions that individual MRSECs have developed. Attendees will be representing NSF MRSEC Centers, with a subset of attendees from the MRSEC-PREM, NNIN, and NSEC programs, as well as the National Laboratories.

The workshop will be geared primarily towards the facility managers, specifically about on-the-ground issues: keeping the facility funded day-to-day, keeping instruments operational and users trained, incorporating new technologies into the facility, and leveraging additional funding to support NSF funding. 

Attendance at the workshop is by invitation only; if interested, please contact the organizers at