hottest south park characters

Notably, the Towelie-centric "A Million Little Fibers" from Season 10 is a bizarre and unsettling episode that was poorly received by fans. They probably have names, but they don't matter. Underrated: Jimmy. #10-Mr. Hankey, the Christmas PooYou know Santa, the elves, the reindeer. Butters' prominence has increased through the show's run, and he's now an absolutely vital presence in "South Park." Ike is the youngest recurring character on "South Park," and despite only being in kindergarten, he manages to get into some pretty surprising situations. He didn't start as one of the main kids at South Park, but he has become of the most important characters on the show, with multiple story lines and episodes based on his actions. I feel like maybe Tweek lost out to Butters in the end. A character that has been there from the very beginning, Tolkien Black is known as "Token" for the first 24 seasons of the show. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, WATCH "SOUTH PARK THE STREAMING WARS Part 2". Other fan fave characters like Cartman and Butters are really unique creations, but Randy isn't that different to other dumb dad characters from other cartoon shows. Trey Parker and Matt Stones are the kings of political incorrectness and social take downs, and as such have created an unbelievable menagerie of awesome characters with which they can aim their cultural barbs. "Weight Gain 4000," Season 1 - Cartman tries to slim down by mistakenly drinking a protein shake mix and ends up bigger than ever. In the beginning, Butters was disliked by the boys, who said that he failed to compare to Kenny; the mistreatment becomes the supervillain origin story for Professor Chaos, Butters famous alter-ego. More often than not, South Park sparked controversy for its insensitive and disgustingly on-the-nose themes, barely avoiding the guillotine on more than one occasion. Yet while the two are intrinsically linked together, they are both very different characters, and Stan Marsh is without a doubt one of "South Park's" very best. Kenny is often more a prop than a character because almost everything that comes out of his mouth from behind his hood is unintelligible. I think that Tweek is a bit underrated. So it should come as no surprise that the show's single greatest episodeSeason 5's "Scott Tenorman Must Die" centers around Cartman. "Kyle's mom's a b****, she's a big fat b****, she's the biggest b**** in the whole wide world" so goes the epic song from the movie "South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut,"sung gleefully by Cartman. It's probably the headgear that has her wound up so tight. We're getting old. They were both better than Pip though, who seemed to be intended for that role originally. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Webhottest south park characters. 14. Due to Ikes age, he often mispronounces words, but can clearly say penis and vagina, making his vocabulary very much influenced by what he hears from others. More often than not, Ike appears at the most inopportune moments, disrupting whatever plans Kyle might have or simply making himself known just to be a nuisance, as many children usually do to entertain themselves. south park character creator deviantart He's constantly jittering thanks to the caffeine coursing through his veins, but he's also one of the sweetest and most innocent boys and South Park elementary. When Stan tries to apologize and make excuses for his father's behavior on TV, Tolkien provides a vital opportunity for Stan to learn from his mistakes. He seems completely and utterly incapable of doing just about anything, constantly bungling any and every case. When we first meet PC Principal, he's hyper-aggressive and doesn't hesitate to use pretty extreme violence to enforce his views. There have been countless characters who have appeared on the show, whether it's for a brief moment or in just about every single episode. If you had to pick one "main" character on South Park, it would probably have to be Stan Marsh. South Park 2023 Comedy Partners. WebThis category is for female characters. Overrated: Randy. He's racist. She's often the straight-man role next to her family's nonsense, but Sharon deserves recognition for being one of the show's most important characters. Stan and his family are more consistently the center of episodes than any other characters on the show. In the delightfully bonkers "Fishsticks," Jimmy and Cartman end up creating a hilarious joke about fish sticks making you gay that ends up drawing the ire of rap legend Kanye West, who is unable to understand the joke. Classic Quote: "Oh my God, they killed Kenny!". He watches the porno instead. Their back and forth is always so funny. As for most underappreciated characters, I'll say Kyle and Stan. Ike is the adopted younger brother of Kyle. There are times where Al is mistreated for being a gay man, but he takes it upon himself to educate others and remind them that he has a right to express himself. The boys have a 25 years ago, in the fall of 1997, the pilot episode of South Park aired on Comedy Central. Season 6 E 13 11/13/2002. In early appearances, he feels pretty cool, calm, and collected, but it's not long before Mackey is visibly frustrated by everything around him. Like some other South Park characters, Kenny was supposed to be killed off early on, but his popularity made it impossible for him to stay absent for long. Craig is a troublemaker and a no-nonsense character, which makes him stoic but brutally honest and always willing to call others out on their ignorance. Indeed, in "Cash for Gold,"Stan comes to his defense against television shopping channels. ", Jimmy Valmer (formerly Swanson) is one of the most delightfully optimistic characters on the show. 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., all rights reserved. Nice will participate in Construtec, the reference event for construction in Southern Europe. Always giving him coffee while telling him to calm down. Classic Quote: "It looks like my ex-wife.". He's without a doubt the character closest to resembling an actual child, and his singing of "Loo Loo Loo" to help bring him ease is very sweet. Timmy. He is almost always seen in cahoots with his best bud, and fellow vet, Ned, and together they are usually on the fringes of society advocating for violence and/or drunkenness. For some inexplicable reason, Craig is effortlessly hilarious, even when he acts totally serious. He also struggles with understanding his sexual identity, which is the focus of episodes like "Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina" and "Eek, A Penis!". Jimmy Valmer is everyone's favorite handicapped standup comedian at South Park Elementary. Terrance and Philip. Thankfully, Barbrady later gets reinstated, ensuring there'll be more of this wonderful character in the future. It culminates in Sheila leading the brilliant song "Blame Canada," which actually got a well-deserved Oscar nomination for best original song. In South Park, there are the loud and overbearing central characters and the quieter, more under-the-radar ones who have their comedic moments, with Timmy being the latter. As an example, Timmy becomes aware of Kennys unfortunate deaths and therefore gives Jimmy a parka like Kennys in the hopes that it would kill him. This question is now closed 8 fans picked: Kyle's response is something like, "well you have great coordination, sharp reflexes, and you're fucking fat". When they do point out that he's a towel, he regularly snaps back with, "No, you're a towel." Mr. While the boys try to rationalize Kenny's soul in Cartman's body, Saddam Hussein tries to convince God he isn't building WMD in Heaven. As a character, he is sort of like Lisa Simpson. He has a serious passion for giving people the middle finger, which regularly gets him into trouble, and he seems to have no control over it or maybe he really just likes flipping people off, who can say! He's perhaps most unhinged when trying to put on a school play about the being Tooth Decay in "Royal Pudding," and his passion for eradicating the disease comes directly at odds with the kids' inability to perform. But the show cleverly prevents Tolkien from explaining things to Stan and lets the latter come to his own conclusions. The writers turning Chef into a pedophile and then slaughtering him wouldn't be the last time they'd directly respond to criticism in the show, but despite a grisly end, Chef is still one of the show's best characters. If the episode teaches us anything, it's that Cartman is capable of unspeakable horror, and you better respect his authori-tay. He goes hand in hand with Jimbo. Kyle Broflovski is one of the very best characters in "South Park" and television in general. He also tries to be a good husband, and his decision to move his family to Tegridy Farms comes from genuinely good intentions, even if the reality is distinctly less positive for the rest of his family. Out of all the South Park parents, Liane is decidedly the most prominent within the series, making several appearances throughout. South Park and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Comedy Partners. 1 Eric Cartman Eric Theodore Cartman, often referred to just by his surname, is a main character, as well as a major antagonist and occasional antihero in the =D. He's absolutely classic South Park. Mr. Mackey, best known for his catchphrase mkay that comes at the end of most sentences, is one of South Parks most iconic characters. "South Park" has had an extraordinary journey over its quarter-century on the air. original "South Park" movies will be created? Garrison becomes quite radicalized in later seasons of the show, and his promise to "f*** them all to death" quickly leads to his surprise campaign (and even more surprising victory) as the President of the United States in a storyline that closely resembles and takes great pleasure in mocking the real-life campaign of Donald Trump. Although she's one of the popular girls at school, she's largely inconsequential, and besides hosting the sleepover in the Butters-centric episode "Marjorine," she's rarely heard from. The boys have a successful candy shopping spree and explain to the people still gathered around the ladder that Heaven is something they should look for here on earth, and not in the clouds. The list of South Park characters draws from the array of personalities who have appeared on various seasons of the show, along with the names of the actors who played them. Surprisingly, there are moments where Big Gay Al represents gay rights as well as harmful stereotypes. Can you name this character who loves to hunt? I'm the BIGGEST South Park fan in my family! I agree about the girls. Classic Quote: "If you wanna be one of the non-conformists, all you have to do is dress just like us and listen to the same music we do.". He also decides to host the first annual Comedy Awards, which ends up enraging the entire country of Germany in Season 15's "Funnybot.". The source of his anxiety and paranoia likely stems from the fact that his parents own Tweek Bros., the local coffeehouse, and regularly give their son coffee to help him calm down to frequently disastrous results. He is met with some resistance, in the form of logic. For a long time, one of the biggest appeals when it came to Kenny was the air of mystery that surrounded him. When it's a 40 something man acting even stupider than the kids it gets cringeworthy for me. Based on Trey Parkers unfaithful ex-fiance, Liane is a more bitter tribute than most, often called out for her promiscuous nature. For some reason, there are people that hate Butters Stotch. Thankfully, Kyle is sensitive, highly intelligent, and almost always realizes the errors of his own ways, which allows him to ultimately understand his mistakes. The Goth Kids are really four people, but they act almost always as one. Token's name says it all. Everyone loves Chef, and we say that with the utmost confidence. No way. Sadly, she has gone to the great elementary school in the sky. Garrison is the 4th-grade teacher at South Park Elementary, and he's genuinely awful at his job, preferring to teach about pop culture moments (the Kardashian family, plotlines in "Game of Thrones,"and more). Who could have ever imagined that the little show's creators would eventually sign an eye-watering $900 million deal that ensures the series will go to at least a 30th season and 14(!) A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News, Sign In or join Fanpop to add your comment. As one of the main members of the cast, Kyle has been through far too much to mention here, but suffice to say the show would be a very different one if it wasn't for the ginger with the trademark green hat. Actress Judy Farrell Has Died At 84, William Shatner Explains His Approach To Filming Kirks Unusual Death In Star Trek Generations, And It Makes A Lot Of Sense. Butters is the signature innocent kid that defines the sunshine and rainbows saying. Buzz! Despite his father initially being horrified by the discovery of his son's homosexuality, he eventually gets on board and embraces his son for who he is. Diane Makesmesick, er, Choksondik, was the boys' hated 4th grade teacher. Timmy! is an unforgettable catchphrase in South Park, instantly recognizable and oddly charming. - O will not make fun of you or tell your secrets to other people or stuff. Despite conniving and underhanded tactics from Cartman,Heidi ultimately chooses to put herself first and breaks up with him for good, becoming one of the show's most complex and insightful characters in the process. He's who most people think of as themselves on the show, which makes him maybe most important character, if not the funniest or the best. He's very much a child and a lot less mature than his older brother, which is why when he gets angry or experiences sudden puberty in Season17's "Taming Strange," a glorious time is had by all (except his older brother Kyle). Ever since its initial release, South Park has gained a cult following for its crude humor and offensive enactment of cultural, political, and social issues. But there aren't enough to describe how funny the character is either. There are exceptions, especially when he is the superhero Mysterion. Fave ep: ESM Season Despite its reputation, South Park does have its educational and wholesome moments, which Al among others can be credited for. She is often the voice of reason, which regularly finds her in direct opposition to Eric Cartman. febreze plug warmer not working. "South Park" tows a very difficult line, but it manages to take an overweight, angry boy so full of hatred and give him a surprising amount of depth, all while mocking everything he does. Classic Quote: "JESSE JACKSON IS NOT THE EMPEROR OF BLACK PEOPLE!". This is especially obvious in "You're Getting Old," in which Stan becomes increasingly disillusioned when he turns 10-years-old. If that isnt looking out for the little guy, then nothing is. Initially intended to be a background character, Butters rose to popularity. Sharon is oft-overlooked, but without her, it's fair to say that Randy and Stan (and Shelly) wouldn't be anywhere near as interesting as they are. Butters' naivety is a striking contrast to his friends, who regularly take advantage of his genuine childlike innocence in increasingly hilarious and if you're Eric Cartman, increasingly disturbing ways. Barbrady seems to have the intelligence of a child and is even sent back to school by the mayor because he's illiterate. He's one of the oldest characters on the show, dating back to the very first episode. Classic Quote: "Dammit Ned, doesn't that thing have a volume control?". It took a little while for the character to find its footing, but once it did, he's been brilliant as the new principal of South Park Elementary. Jimmy is a stand-up comedian, which often never gains much traction and could be demeaning for handicapped persons, but also shows a lot of self-respect and the ability to laugh along at ones own misfortune. Stan's Dad realizes that he's switched videotapes. TIMMY! They may be grotesque, inappropriate, and closely comparable to modern-day millennials, but Terrance and Phillip are something of a guilty pleasure. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. To put it bluntly, Mr. Mackey is extremely odd, which subsequently makes him entertaining to watch. I'm glad Jimmy's been given the bigger role because there's a lot more to him. T2. WebAlso subverted in South Park: Post Covid, when he dies from contracting COVID while using Time Travel to stop the pandemic from happening in the first place. New York, Comedy Central You'd think because his mother appeared on the cover of CrackWhore Magazine, Eric Cartman would be a rather disturbed little boy. Yes, Stan and Kyle are different characters with significantly different personalities: Kyles Of course, that means when he does talk, it's usually pretty hilarious. As the complete opposite to Craig in every way, Tweek is overly sensitive, conscious, and restless. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The chef at the school cafeteria, Chef, can always be relied on for cooking up food for the school as well as sex advice for the children. hottest south park characters. Yeah, he's really offensive, like the show is sometimes, but he's so funny when he is, the offensiveness isn't met with defensiveness, it's met with laughs. Instantly hottest south park characters and oddly charming titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Comedy Partners '' '' <... Unforgettable catchphrase in South Park '' and television in general n't that thing have a volume control ``. The latter come to his defense against television shopping channels well as harmful stereotypes acts! Superhero Mysterion may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform,... 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