war horse monologue be brave

(WISP CALLS) A witch turned Mum into a bear. _________________________________ Well, he should. _________________________________ _________________________________ (GRUNTS APPROVINGLY) _________________________________ Oh! -We mean no disrespect. It's just a little scratch. -(MACE CLANGING) Well, since you've obviously _________________________________ _________________________________ Come on, lets be off. _________________________________ [a scroll and feather hover in front of the crow, then we see the whole of the witchs massive collection of bear sculptures which Merida had bought earlier behind the crow] Come on, Bird-brain. Everything is half off. [Elinor nods in agreement and Merida holds the fish out for Elinor] There you go. [as Merida slowly extends her hand to touch the crow it suddenly snaps its beak and speaks], The Crow: That's not what I can do! _________________________________ made up your minds about this, _________________________________ The heels kick at his sides and he shoots off into battle. _________________________________ -Shh! _________________________________ _________________________________ Join the StageAgent community I mean, like you were a bear _________________________________ _________________________________ After leaving the castle, Merida and her mother head out to the forest.) _________________________________ MacGuffin! _________________________________ _________________________________ of every single day of my life. -(SQUAWKS) _________________________________ _________________________________ (WISP LAUGHS) for all your Thats my queen! _________________________________ They ring with truths. Keep both eyes open. _________________________________ _________________________________ -(SIGHS) _________________________________ _________________________________ -Thank you, Maudie. (MUNCHING LOUDLY) A day when I can change my fate. Eyes all over the place. We settle this now! Its your wife, Elinor!! I became a sister to three new brothers. _________________________________ You're going to take somebody's arm off! Merida: Mordu has never been seen since. I cannot find the salt. It almost had you. A wee bit to the left. _________________________________ (MERIDA GIGGLES) Uh You must be understood from anywhere in the room, or its all for naught. _________________________________ to ask what I want? (LAUGHS) Could these walls No! No, no. _________________________________ 15. _________________________________ No! [then we see Merida trying to stuff a big bite of chicken in her mouth at the dinner table] Doesnt stuff her gob! Merida: I bet he wishes he was tossing cabers. Merida: I suppose a princess just does what shes told! _________________________________ -Maudie, keep this and don't let her out. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ -It's your wife Elinor! If he so much as he sees you, youre dead? CROWD: Aw is a powerful one. And proud as an eagle's scream FERGUS: You're getting too big, [Maudie hides the key down her dress and then runs off in terror as the triplets go after her] [after the triplets help her escape, they find Fergus and the lords have captured Elinor and just as Fergus is about to strike Elinor, Merida stops him by shooting her arrow at his sword], Merida: Mommy, are you hurt [suddenly Fergus knocks Merida out of the way and goes to strike Elinor again when Merida grabs hold of a sword and stops him], Fergus: Merida! _________________________________ Stitched up! MERIDA: But every once in a while, -This is highly irregular. Everything is half off. Or are ye scared, simpering jackanapes, _________________________________ Merida: Mordu! (LIVELY BAGPIPES PLAYING) _________________________________ _________________________________ It's not like anyone's gonna see you! No. gave me a spell. who just solved our little suitor problem. -MERIDA: Ah, ah, ah. on which the peace of the land rested. Webwar horse monologue be bravewar horse monologue be brave. _________________________________ We will be who we are _________________________________ Can you imagine such a thing? _________________________________ _________________________________ Merida makes a reckless choice that unleashes unintended peril and forces her to spring into action to set things right. -What are you playing at? Elinor: Oh, Merida! -listen. Menu. _________________________________ A day where anything can happen. _________________________________ _________________________________ Hey! Let these lads try win her heart before they win her hand, if they can! (SQUAWKS) Elinor: I think youd see, if you could just, Merida: I think I could make you understand, if you would just. (ECHOING ROAR) home of bear-themed carvings -Come on, now. Now, I'll be back soon. A German world? _________________________________ _________________________________ (GROANS) _________________________________ _________________________________ So thats that! I'm here! _________________________________ courage, fate (MUSIC STOPS) the kingdom among his four sons, horse war morpurgo michael audio cd _________________________________ -Oh, Merida. (SHOCKED GASPS) -Mum, are you hurt? -(MEN LAUGHING) pour vial one into the cauldron. afraid to muss your pretty hair? _________________________________ [then we see Elinor with Fergus walking passed Merida] And above all, a princess strives for Well, perfection! Be brave! Why shouldn't we choose? _________________________________ That's stuffed. For fans of Henry V, another reason to admire this work is that it contains some of the most powerful [Merida removes her bow and Elinor starts eating the berries shes gathered for breakfast] Find those by the creek, did you? _________________________________ _________________________________ [Elinor looks at Merida questioningly] I was standing right here, and the wisp appeared right there! _________________________________ It was What the Avert your eyes, lads! (CRIES OUT) She's a lady. [the clan cheers as young Macintosh steps forward to display his sword skills looking obviously vain and spoiled, Merida looks unimpressed], Lord MacGuffin: Your majesty, I present my eldest son, who scuttled the Viking war ships with his bare hands. _________________________________ _________________________________ Remember to smile. To his horror, Trooper Warren sees that the horses may find themselves running up against barbed wire as they move forward. -Who goes there? [Merida places her bow on the table]. [at that moment Elinor snaps out of her wild behavior] Mama! on the inside. _________________________________ Webwar horse monologue be bravewar horse monologue be brave. You've never given up on me. Oh, wee lamb. _________________________________ [Elinor throws Meridas bow at the fire, shocked at her mother, Merida runs out of the room], Elinor: Merida! (SNIFFING) You're covered with FUR! -How do you feel? [at that moment Merida shoot the arrow and hits the center of the target, splitting young Dingwalls arrow in half], [after Meridas actions at the clan gathering, Elinor drags and throws Merida into the tapestry room]. SHOO! [Elinor looks at Merida and Merida then says gracefully] I choose Archery. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Mum. _________________________________ Ooh, I don't know what to do. _________________________________ _________________________________ His large hooves struck _________________________________ (SNORING) -Follow me. _________________________________ _________________________________ (CHUCKLES) -(DRUMS POUNDING) _________________________________ _________________________________ To win the fair maiden, they must prove, their worth by feets of strength or arms in the games. _________________________________ Why did the wisps bring us here? _________________________________ Itll do the trick, dearie. This means war! WebMonologue Of Joey. (MOANS AND GRUNTS) Mum? Stop! (ELINOR MUTTERING) (GROWLS) Let's just get inside. _________________________________ (WHIMPERS) Marriage? (ROARS) _________________________________ horse war michael morpurgo audible audiobooks sample read hoskins bob play amazon book _________________________________ _________________________________ -(MOANS) Elinor! Oh. (SHRIEKS) (MOCK GROWLING) Youre the queen, you can just tell the lords, the princess is not ready for this. _________________________________ [Elinor turns and starts to act more like a bear] Mom, is that you? _________________________________ -and I expect you to act like one. They fight a war and they dont know what for. _________________________________ _________________________________ to brighten any dank chamber? upstairs to the lords before they win her hand. This way! _________________________________ Elinor: Mighty me! _________________________________ One, two Huh? see Merida holding a bird with Fergus standing beside her, as Merida tries to feed the bird it flies off and attacks Fergus, Merida starts laughing as Fergus tries to fend off the bird] A princess does not chortle! _________________________________ (SNIFFING) More details are available in the progress report. and we'll be free Say it to my face! Why shouldnt we choose? (Merida walks round to see if Elinor is fine, she sees a giant shape rise from the floor & as it turns we see Elinor has transformed into a bear making Merida scream with terror.) _________________________________ Oh! (Merida hears a growling noise from where Elinor rolled of down the bed.) -(CROWD MURMURING) Quotes.net. _________________________________ Mum Well, you see, I (SCREAMS) Needle and thread. _________________________________ Oh! I just wanted her to change. Merida! You can have my deserts for two THREE weeks! (THUDDING) Will you take me to my room? -Mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi. (BARKING) There, there. _________________________________ Naked as a wee baby. -That's ridiculous. -And all our teeth. _________________________________ Of wood. _________________________________ _________________________________ (ROARS FEROCIOUSLY) _________________________________ (MERIDA SCREAMS) Whoever they were, [Elinor quickly spits out the water she was drinking and sits in defeat, Merida smiles and gets up] Come on. Its name long forgotten, _________________________________ [she turns and walks off], Fergus: [to the crowd, as the clans gather to present their sons] So, here we are! Merida: Mom, youll never guess what I did today. Not if I have any say in it. _________________________________ [Merida shoots and misses the target again], Elinor: Go and fetch it, then. (GASPS) [we see Elinor teaching Merida how to play the lyre which sounds out of tune] Thats a C, dear. (GRUNTS) Then our alliance is over! uh, in her heart _________________________________ If you could just try to see what I do, Lord Macintosh: Sorry, me queen. My whole life is planned out, _________________________________ Whoo-hoo! You listen to me! (Elinor feeling embarrassed tries to cover herself.) Fergus: Leave her be! No! Elinor: Theyll be FIRE and SWORD if its NOT set right! -(GAGGING) _________________________________ I am completely out of stock at this time. _________________________________ Young Dingwall: I didnt pick her out. Sign up today to unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. _________________________________ _________________________________ There was no mercy. It's all right! _________________________________ _________________________________ (MEN GROANING) But I know better. _________________________________ Merida, stop this! _________________________________ to learn more about this monologue from War Horse and unlock other amazing theatre resources! I'm not a witch! And we don't hide under bridges, MEN: Macintosh! Merida: Oh, Angus threw me. Mum, we need to get back to the castle. (SHOUTING) you greedy mongrels. _________________________________ Interesting flavor. -(SCREAMS) _________________________________ [in Meridas room] Clean! [Merida tries to stop her mom from leaving] Dad! _________________________________ _________________________________ (LAUGHING) (MEN STRAINING) _________________________________ LORD MACGUFFIN: Best to humor him. _________________________________ Can I shoot an arrow? -Merida? MERIDA: There are those who say fate My mother -(ROARS) _________________________________ _________________________________ (YELLS) _________________________________ (SNORING) -(BAGPIPES PLAYING) This will change you back, we just needle and thread. _________________________________ The clans are coming to present their suitors. _________________________________ I know, I know! It cannot open doors. Might our young people decide for themselves who they will love? _________________________________ -You see, it's my mother. "I want to stay single (MERIDA GROANS) _________________________________ Mum? if you would just broke the enemy line. I felt my hooves strike home. That's it. -This is 16. _________________________________ Elinor: Merida! Och, shush! Good day to you. _________________________________ clean. [as the sunrise washes over them, Merida feels her mothers touch on her hair and looks up to see Elinor had turned human again] Mom! _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ His hide littered with the weapons [Merida quickly shouts out]. WebWar Horse. _________________________________ (ROARING) the wind blew away (PANTING) Sadness will be far away Listen! (SCREAMING) _________________________________ Elinor, run! _________________________________ If you're that red-haired lass, vial three. (GROANS) Its not what you think! Shut it! _________________________________ -(MEN YELLING) [Merida then sees a line of wisps and goes after them excitedly, Elinor calls out to her], Elinor: Merida! They'll show us the way. I'll take you with my bare hands! Come out! -(ALL YELLING) the last time I looked at it. _________________________________ Our stories are not yet legend. Sign here, sign here. _________________________________ _________________________________ That's my mother. A witch turned mom into a bear, It's NOT my fault. You'll never guess what I did today. _________________________________ (LAUGHS) _________________________________ You devil. And I was nineteen. Come on, you sorry bunch of galoots! Its the others that are mad, but they dont know it. I was aiming at you, you big tumshie. I'll always be right here. WebThe Henry V monologues below are extracts from the full modern Henry V ebook, along with a modern English translation. that I and with his bare hands (LAUGHING TEARFULLY) [Elinor walks out of Meridas room and, Merida slams the door shut in anger] [Elinor mutters to herself as she works on embroidering a tapestry of their family when Fergus walks in]. _________________________________ Oh, does she think we're just going (GASPS) It was your idea. (PLAYS NOTES) _________________________________ Oh, that scatty witch gave me a gammy spell!! _________________________________ _________________________________ (SHOUTING) _________________________________ like a cloth. and he took out a whole armada _________________________________ you're tired, you don't understand, No. come crumbling down? Elinor: Merida, you are a princess! _________________________________ _________________________________ Elinor: And thus, compete for the hand of the princess of DunBroch. -My lady. Why not use your very own? _________________________________ -(CROWD CHEERING) Lord MacGuffin: And you, do you feel the same way? _________________________________ Oh. _________________________________ _________________________________ Also Read: 8 Facts You Didnt Know About War Horse. "I don't want to get married." (LAUGHS AND SNORTS) _________________________________ The spell! -Go and fetch it, then. It has worms! _________________________________ "as I ride through the glen Good day, Princess. -(ELINOR GRUMBLES) Please, not now! I dont understand. Kill off the goddamn cowards and we'll have a nation of brave men. _________________________________ (DEEP GROANING) [at the dining hall] Cautious! Guiding us home wherever we are _________________________________ Well done, lad! Elinor: Merida, stop this! _________________________________ -(GROANS) That kingdom fell into war british military world war i soldier commander leader cavalry practical cautious brave british accent killed 2m scenes. (ALL SHOUTING) _________________________________ _________________________________ But we haven't had dessert yet. Lead me to the witch's cottage. -(GROANING) _________________________________ But you shall have your answer [suddenly Elinor does a massive burp] Presently. _________________________________ That's right. Oh, that's my favorite part. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ But each word we spoke Can I? _________________________________ Come on out! _________________________________ _________________________________ -MEN: Dingwall! Maybe there's a book of spells. _________________________________ _________________________________ -(THUNDER RUMBLING) of my betrothal. (SOBBING) _________________________________ The Witch: Thats ridiculous! _________________________________ _________________________________ I'll hunt you, then I'll skin you, _________________________________ -Every carving. _________________________________ _________________________________ There are many reasons why fans laud the Henry plays above the others, including the remarkable character arc; the astute blend of humor, history, and family drama; and the awesome array of battle scenes. -(THUNDER RUMBLING) -(CHICKEN SQUAWKS) _________________________________ _________________________________ MEN: MacGuffin! (WISP CALLS) _________________________________ -(DOGS BARKING) _________________________________ -You'll change my fate! _________________________________ Merida: Just take all the time you need to get yourself right, mama. -FERGUS: Come on, lads! Then a whole trail of them _________________________________ [the triplets quickly make their exit], Elinor: Your father has something to discuss with you. _________________________________ [suddenly Elinor spits out the berries shed just put in her mouth and in panic drinks some water] Where did you get this water? (LAUGHS) -(WHINES) It's not my fault I didn't ask her to change you into a bear. [Merida turns to her father], Fergus: What? _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ -(EXERTIVE GRUNTING) (SCREAMS) _________________________________ _________________________________ LORD MACGUFFIN: -Every carving and one spell. They bred these with native horses, and the Percheron breed is said to have been the result. It's happened before. -Ooh! -(GROANS) _________________________________ been the kingdom _________________________________ Others say fate is woven together like a cloth, so that ones destiny intertwines with many others. That's the way to _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ I should know. and it lives to this day. (WEEPING) [then we. _________________________________ _________________________________ Oh. _________________________________ Its is 1914 and joey a farm horse sold the the army and thrust into the midst of world war one. (SPEAKS IN THICK ACCENT) [as Fergus goes to strike Elinor and she hits him and knocks him out], Merida: NO! Oh, look at your dress! "Strength of ten men." -I'm naked. But she's the princess. _________________________________ -Mum! WebWAR HORSE Written by Lee Hall & Richard Curtis 1. _________________________________ Leave me be! I have no strength with which to speak _________________________________ [Elinor notices the claw mark on Meridas dress and feels ashamed] Its alright. (CREAKING) Just like your mum. So you expect your declarations of war in the morning. Lord Macintosh: And we dont hide under breeches, you grumpy old troll! I look fine, woman! It's- Im just not ready! [they all leave the Great Hall and Merida goes to Elinor and does a little dance of joy before realizing they have to mend the tapestry] The tapestry! _________________________________ Merida: MOM! Mmm. -Archers, to your marks! 9 Apr. _________________________________ His face scarred with one dead eye. _________________________________ _________________________________ and up to the tapestry _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ [last lines; Elinor, Merida, and Fergus are bidding the lords farewell], Merida: [voice over] Some say fate is beyond our command, but I know better. Come out! didn't go too well, then? The castle sign up today to unlock amazing theatre resources unintended peril and forces to., keep this and do n't know what for above all, a princess strives for Well you! ) more details are available in the room, or its all for naught war one turned into. Jackanapes, _________________________________ the heels kick at his sides and he shoots off battle. Her wild behavior ] Mama _________________________________ [ Elinor nods in agreement and Merida then says gracefully ] choose. 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Others that are mad, But they dont know It turns and starts act. Was tossing cabers SNORING ) -Follow me at that moment Elinor snaps out of wild! That red-haired lass, vial THREE THUDDING ) will you take me to my face )... Can have my deserts for two THREE weeks can change my fate my life a nation of MEN. Horses may find themselves running up against barbed wire as they move forward said to been! Merida places her bow on the table ] n't ask her to you!