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Meaning of Virgo Ascendant 1st house has Virgo sign and lord is Mercury. You can also connect with us onJupiter Speaks Official Quora Page. As a natural malefic, however, Saturn may cause separation from those things it influences due to duty or restraint, and it also a planet of restricted luck, if any. Not appreciated in terms of placement of lagna lord. So, when Mars is placed in the 1st house of physical self then only the risk is involved on the physical body but if suppose a Virgo ascendant is doing research and investigation on a computer to acquire some secret information then no risk is involved to the physical body but still doing research and investigation is an activity of the 8th house. They usually have an attractive straight nose and a strong proportionate body. If you want to learn advanced astrology then you can do that by going through videos on my youtube channel. Native will be adorable and respectful in the society. sun They face a lot of competitions, difficulties, and risks while playing on the national or international level. 4th house has Sagittarius sign and lord is Jupiter. Thats why he will be slow worker (Also due to their analytic mentality which directed himthinking before working). Virgo ascendants are very possessive when in love. So looking at the position of the 8th lord, Mars, is very important in order to know the profession of the native or if you want to know the risks involved. Charitable work can help to soften this trait, reminding you that we are all human beings trying to do our best. Favourable Colour for Virgo Ascendant: Light green, dark green and royal blue are some of the lucky colours for Virgo Ascendant. The characteristics of the Virgo Rising Sign will be clearly reflected in actions reactions profoundly at large and will be distinguishable as the ascendant is our body which acts as a tool for performing our role destined in this life.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'jupiterspeaks_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_6',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jupiterspeaks_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'jupiterspeaks_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_7',118,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jupiterspeaks_com-medrectangle-3-0_1'); .medrectangle-3-multi-118{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Contact No: +91-8178341336 You should not worry if Mars is not aspecting or conjuncting. Mars has lordship of two dussthan (3rd and 8th house) so Mars is malefic for Virgo ascendant. From Fitness to Relationships, Your Virgo Full Moon Horoscope Calls For A Clean-Up, Your Saturn in Pisces Horoscope for The 3-Year, Reality Melting Transit, Marchs Virgo Full Moon Blows the Whistle on Your Messy Habits, These Celebrities Are Finishing Their Saturn Return in Aquarius: Before and After, Your March 2023 Horoscope: The Decades Next Turning Point, Saturn in Pisces Turns the World Inside Out for the Next Three Years (But Dont Panic). 2nd house is Libra rashi and Lord is Venus. Venus likewise can be an Ascendant ruler through its two signs. It tends to be somebody who instructs about medical procedures. What loss or expense 12th lord in 6th house could give in Vedic Astrology? 7th Lord Jupiter In 3rd House for Virgo Ascendant The 7th lord Jupite r in the 3rd house for Virgo Ascendant means you'll find a spouse who is a philosopher, researcher and enjoys travels. Its nonexclusive translation is that individuals spotlight all through life is on issues related with Occult, Mysteries, Sudden Events, Darker Side of Life, and so forth It looks dreary at first sight however this likewise shows somebody who is helping other people in such circumstances. Also, the marriage of Virgo risings with Scorpio zodiac and Cancer zodiac is usually very successful. He try to live in clean surrounding and clean cloths ( all this are mercury effect). As the 12th lord, the Sun may cause expense on account of the body. Birthstone for October What Birthstone is for October? Due to the 9th house lordship, Venus becomes a temporal benefic and is particularly a planet of speaking the truth in a most diplomatic and well-mannered fashion. So they are suffering from vatta & kapha dosha. Presently, whats the significance here to have the Lagna lord in 8th house? Rahu in Virgo in the eighth house again shows somebody managing mending administrations. When their Venus is strong, Virgo risings become very rich and lead a luxurious life. The Sun, as the 12th lord, represents the Virgo natives weak vitality and hidden personality. If you need free astrology consultation then contact me by clicking on the contact me link above. The Lagna is the place of ideals, intelligence, vitality etc. Native receives name fame and honors in due course of life. The 8th house lordship, however, creates difficulties in this thereby breaking the natives desires and egocentricity, purifying them. * Have very good sense of wit and humor * Most of peo. The three elements that define the overall personality of a person are the zodiac sign (sun sign), Moon sign, and ascendant sign (rising sign). Their goal is to improve, simplify and streamline the way they, and others, do things, because nothing is more unpleasant for the Virgo AC than having their calm disturbed. Can Mars looking at Venus in transit give love affairs? Which planets are enemies of Virgo risings? How Moon in the sign of Cancer makes you self-satisfied? Shes drawn towards men with the looks of a scholar more than a hulky hunk. Is that you, giving the world service with a smile? For example, Mars rules over 3rd & 8th house for Virgo Ascendant and is termed as most malefic planets for Virgo Ascendant. Birthstone for November What Birthstone is for November? But the risk is only when certain malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars in transit simultaneously aspect the ascendant lord Mercury and the 3rd house lord or when malefics are transiting through the 1st house (which represents the physical self). Jupiter It additionally addresses somebody who loves to gather Secret Information. Serving since 2001, in the field of spirituality and astrology. Ruling the 5th house of spiritual practices and the 6th house of work and service causes Saturn to become a qualified karma yogi planet. It is one of the Moksha positions of Ketu. The ascendant sign defines the personality and your environment. Fire Hand, Water Hand, Metal Hand, Wood Hand, Earth Hand, Gemstone By Birth: Numerology Gemstones and Crystals, first house lord in 8th house sagittarius, rising sign lord in 8th house sagittarius, Ascendant lord in 7th House: Lord of Lagna Effect in the Seventh House, Children Lines on Palm: Actual Meaning of Kid Lines in Palmistry, Sade Satti Meanings: Effects of Sade Satti on Person and Its Remedies, Lottery Winning Indications in Astrology: Prize Bonds, Unexpected Gains, Krittika Nakshatra: Third Nakshatra in Astrology. For a Virgo ascendant, if suppose 8th house lord, Mars, is placed in the 1st house in the sign of Virgo then this native would be physically very active (as Mars represents physical activity) in resolving or performing things of the 8th house as 1st house is the house of physical self and Virgo is a sign of difficulties. JUPITER Hence Virgo Ascendants have good compatibility with Taurus and Capricorn Ascendants. Here, the individual might become somebody who educates or passes on data about mysterious. When Rahu is most negative in a birth chart? You feel confident in discussing such topics openly. Ascendant Lord in Ninth House: Lord of Lagna Effect In the 9th House, Mercury Mahadasha Effects: Good or Bad Effects and Budha Antardasha, Eighth House Lord in Third House: 8th Lord Effects in 3rd House, Ascendant lord in 10th House: Lord of Lagna Effect in the Tenth House. As Aries is controlled by Mars which addresses Surgeons, these individuals have great abilities in a medical procedure. How the placement of Mars and Venus makes the prediction easy? When it becomes the ascendant or lagna in birth horoscope, meaning it occupies the first house of the chart, induces its sublimity in the person. Only patient people get to explore the depths of the love of a Virgo ascendant. She likes it when a man is sensitive and really pays attention to whats bothering her. planet in 11th house 1st house has Virgo sign and lord is Mercury. For Virgo Ascendant Venus is the Lord of 2nd and 9th house and Venus is placed in 9th House itself which is its own house. Gains in business or commercial trade can be predicted. This is the good place for the ascendant lord to land up, signifies peace of mind, wealth, famous, domestic happiness, harmonies among siblings with clear and fair complexion. He will have fear from water. But this argument quality has very soft way and pleasing in sound (libra effect). However, they can be very critical of their partners. If strong career lord Venus is posited in 4th house with luck lord Mars, native get happiness by wealth. Whenever theres a chance to share your high-minded values, youll happily do so, inspiring others to elevate along with you! 10th house has Gemini sign and lord is Mercury. If bullied, they can be very mean. Fortune favors the native in all endeavors. 4. Some says as Mercury is also lord of 10th house (so according to Kendradhipati dosha, it is malefic. They might give out the feeling of being rude when theyre trying to understand whether youre a friend or an enemy. 8th house is the house of death and so the 8th lord also represents the death and when the 8th lord is conjuncting the ascendant lord then also there is risk involved of sudden bad events such as an accident or a surgery but only if Mars is also involved in the connection between the 8th lord and the 1st lord. This zodiac sign is ruled by analytical, systematic Mercury, which is also a people-focused planet. Virgo ascendant: - 1. Copyright 2021- 2023 M/s. However, as Saturn is about stress and strain, it shows the entire life center is going into managing troubling abrupt occasions yet it really makes them exceptionally solid. Mercury is lagna lord and its Mooltrikonasign is Virgo so it is beneficial planet for Virgo ascendant. Presently, Venus will be in its own sign. Without this ability, she soon finds herself in romantic situations where she is not fully respected. Aries makes you an expert advisor on financial matters, life and death, and sensual topics. 11th house has Cancer Sign and lord is Moon. Kanya lagna person are very economical, generally low in self confidence in nature, active mind bearing duality, stuck in between to do or not to do. Again, not good for health, in the beginning health may be sound but as the time passes one or other health issues will pop up and dependency on medicine will increase. Moon is lord of 11th house and also Moon is enemy for Mercury. Read: Lagna Lord or Ascendant Lord in Seventh House Navamsa plays a very vital role in marriage partner production. Virgo rising men are neither too tall nor short. If you are a Libra ascendant then you'll have Mars as the lord of the 7th house, in which case you'll attract a lot of competition from others. He will be, Pisces Ascendant When at time of birth Pisces sign or lagna is rising in eastern horizon then native belongsto Pisces ascendant or in other words, Aquarius Ascendant When at time of birth Aquarius sign or lagna is rising in the eastern horizon of sky then native belongsto Aquarius Ascendant. Virgos risings are brainy, brilliant, and balanced. Saturn alone qualifies as a temporal benefic for the Virgo native. They have the capacity to handily see all the mysterious stuff. So, in case it is Aries Ascendant, Mars rules the first and eighth house and sits in the eighth house in the Scorpio sign. About Virgo ascendant100 out of 100.. Virgo ascendants also love science. 6th house has Aquarius sign and lord is Saturn. Along these lines, how about we take both zodiac signs consistently. The eighth house additionally relates to serving others needs, it is likewise seen for legacy and things that are underground, similar to oil, gas, and pearls, and so forth Along these lines, the whole life center will be around stowed away things and unexpected occasions. Educators of Astrology or some other mysterious science. Here, Mercury accepts the state of Healer as Virgo is an indication of Healing. Most popular Virgo ascendant man celebrities include Mark Zuckerberg, Roger Federer, Tom Hanks, Ryan Reynolds, and Walt Disney. Consult India's best expert astrologers online right here! He cannot write poems in your praise. 5th house has capricorn sign which is indicating analytics quality of native. Libra Horoscope 2023: Who Is Going to Achieve Their Dreams? These people are very organized and disciplined. For details click here! Extraordinarily for a man, the spouse will get heaps of abundance and karma marriage. This is also a good position for ascendant lord to occupy. The most compatible signs include Capricorn rising sign, Taurus rising sign, Scorpio zodiac sign, and cancer zodiac sign. A Virgo rising woman in love is very considerate of the feelings of her partner. It shows somebody who needs to manage the change of his conscience and confidence sometimes. As Jupiter had its moolatrikona in 5th House . The lagna lord or Ascendant lord of Virgo ascendant is Mercury. However, hes the kind of guy who showers his woman with gifts and takes care of every little thing. Pisces Horoscope 2023: Who Is Going to Achieve Their Dreams? It makes them fairly good. If you need your horoscope reading then plz contact me through this site. Overthinking is the biggest enemy of Virgo ascendants. Zodiac signs and ascendant signs differ. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'jupiterspeaks_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_21',131,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jupiterspeaks_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); You can read all latest research articles & remedies published regularly on our blog. These man and woman inherits some basic traits from almighty with which the native has been sent to play his role in this world of mortals. In this way, how about we take both consistently. Mars can be an Ascendant ruler through its two signs. Attracts political and support from government, makes person somewhat short tempered and serving others. 3rd house has Scorpion sign and lord is Mars. This shows a local whose psyche is experimentally determined and working for bunches of Scientific and Technological explorers. Physical appearance of Virgo ascendant native will be of middle height and size, posses good looks, proportional physique with bulky and attractive chest. If you have magnetic eyes and concentrate deeply on every move you make or every word you say, chances are good that you are a Scorpio Ascendant. Generosity is your compass and youll readily make a sacrifice in the name of greater good. As Capricorn is an indication of Government, they may even be showing mysterious subjects in some Government colleges. Immunity system is not so much strengthened. Therefore, wearing Emerald can be extremely beneficial in all respect. If the ascendant lord, Mercury, is also placed in the 3rd house then communication or writing related to things of the 8th house becomes the purpose of their life as the ascendant lord tells the purpose of life. Scientific bent mind more at subtle level. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Overall it is a good position if rest of the factors too supporting. 5th house has Capricorn Sign and lord is Saturn. Planets positioned in the 7 th house of Navamsa, 7 th sign of Navamsa and the 7 th Lord of Navamsa or D9 chart will be the main factors to indict the nature, character, look and profession of your life partner. Debts (monetary or karmic) may be troubling native but met and liquidated. Jupiter likewise can be an Ascendant ruler through its two signs. Mars as the lord of the 7th house- Libra ascendant. A typical subject will be an individual who is profoundly inspired by mystery. R-51, sector -12 Required fields are marked *. You may also like to read Scorpio Ascendant Traits Decoded. Digestive sensitivities can be an issue, but regardless, this wellness-focused ascendant can make you an evangelist of clean eating. by Karen White | Jul 27, 2020 | Blog, Self-Knowledge & Personal Growth, The Ascendants in the Signs. Find out How is a Taurus Man in Love and if hes Testing You, 4 Effective Benefits of Wearing Black Thread in Leg, A Complete Guide on Scorpio Ascendant, Scorpio Rising | Know Everything About a Scorpio Ascendant, Scorpio Rising Traits, Tiger Eye Stone Meaning | Find Out Who Should Not Wear Tiger Eye Stone, A Complete Guide on Pisces Ascendant, Pisces Rising | Know Everything About a Pisces Ascendant, Pisces Rising Traits, Know these 3 Types of Men Who Have Affairs - [BONUS] 5 Warning Signs of Infidelity in a Married Man. Virgo rising actually are not so much self-dependent, needs help of others to complete any task. Most popular Virgo ascendant woman celebrities include Emma Watson, Charlize Theron, Helen Hunts, Madonna, and Christina Ricci. Virgo ascendant may be philosopher. Native will be blessed with material gains, properties, vehicle, good status. The use of Emerald can bring health, happiness, mental peace, social standing, career and professional development, contact with people of ranks, knowledge and wisdom. The traits of this planet have a huge impact on these individuals. These ladies are usually very fair with a pinkish glow, have a medium height, and beautiful fuller lips. When it becomes the ascendant or lagna in birth horoscope, meaning it occupies the first house of the chart, induces its sublimity in the person. 4th house has Sagittarius sign and lord is Jupiter. As Saturn is about Service and Virgo is tied in with mending, you can see individuals who are filling in as emergency clinic staff and serving individuals. Today, the Ascendant Lord in Eighth House. As Mercury is lagna lord and it is indicatingsama( mixed) dosha for Virgo native, Mentalities, Behaviours, Nature for Virgo native. They can also suffer from digestive disorders due to stress-related binge-eating. Virgo ascendant people suffer generally from disruptive mental and nervous system troubles like nervous breakdown, fits, paralysis arising due to excessively stressing the mind, skin diseases . Being the ascendant lord of these natives, Mercury will never harm them. For Karka Lagna(Cancer Ascendant), Saturn will be the lord of the 7th & 8th houses. Khodiyar Maa Ni Aarti Lyrics | Free PDF Download. Zodiac signs and ascendant signs differ. Mercury is expected to be the most beneficial planet for Virgo risings. Great ho boss That is the reason you will find a lot of football players as Virgo ascendants especially if their 8th house lord, Mars, is placed in the 1st house in the sign of Virgo. Mercury is also karak of communication, 3rd house has scorpion sign make him good in argument. There would be average compatibility with Cancer Ascendant people. Meaning of Virgo Ascendant 1st house has Virgo sign and lord is Mercury. They are practical and intuitive. Bestows native with generosity, warmth, decent heart and of adorable character who is respected in society. Long life is ensured. Copyright 2023 Astro Pankaj Seth | Powered by Astro Pankaj Seth, Mode of Consultation at Phone or whatsapp, Gemini Ascendant According to Classical Books, Taurus Ascendant According To Classical Book, Effect Of Lagan According To Jatak Parijat, Simple Approach Regarding Jujde A Horoscope Via Awastha Of Planet. A Virgo rising man is attracted to talkative women and women who are always well-dressed and groomed. Virgo is the critic. Use our cosmic calculator to discover what zodiac sign the ascendant was in when you were born if youre unsure. 6. Major Traits of Virgo Ascendant Males & Females Less Know Facts Scorpio Ascendant in Vedic Astrology About Post Author jupiter speaks A Group of Professional Astrologer's serving people with accurate predictions since last 50 Years through Vedic Astrology. These two maraka planets shouldn't be afflicted and especially affliction by Mars. Leo ascendant lord is the sun. Virgo Rising Career Is Virgo Ascendant Rich? Debts (monetary or karmic) may be troubling native but met and liquidated. Gemstones for Virgo Ascendant (Kanya Lagna) If you belong to Virgo ascendant (Kanya Lagna), then planet Mercury is your ruling planet. Spiritual Mentor, Psychic Medium, Tarot Card, Astrologer, Palmist, Numerologist, and Dream Interpreter. This individual will invest loads of energy in knowing the mysterious side of life. So as a matter of first importance, we should perceive what first house/Ascendant and eighth house address. Earns through trade, commerce and diplomatic services. Your email address will not be published. Saturn A Virgo ascendant man is just the right amount of tall. But trouble to children and not much happiness through them if afflicted. Native later in life turn to be detached from family and society or sometimes renounces. Venus, as the 2nd and 9th lord, gives the Virgo native love for spiritual or lawful values that they are righteously proud of. 1st house has Virgo sign which is indicating intelligent & inclined towards learning (Mercury quality). Sagittarius Horoscope 2023: Who Is Going to Achieve Dreams? Mercury, as the 1st and 10th lord, represents the Virgo natives identification with their karmas and career. And its lord controls how your personality and your environment interact with each other. 11. He will have elevated nose. ketu For a Virgo ascendant, the sign of Aries falls on the 8th house and so they put a lot of their energy or efforts in things of the 8th house in their life. If it is fortified well then it could indicate material gains, settlement in foreign land and native occupies much wealth there. It isnt so much that this individual wont perceive any abrupt occasions throughout everyday life, he will likewise see however every unexpected occasion will leave him with an incredible advantage. However, you can easily fall prey to perfectionism, tearing up your own work a thousand times before deeming it presentable. As Mercury is karaka of Astrology and Scorpio is sign of occult, this person can collect huge amount of occult information with them. If you need free consultation contact me through this site. The native gets success over enemies with the power of wealth and politeness. Since the sun rises and sets at different times depending on the season, a person born at 10:00 a.m. in April would have a vastly different ascendant than someone born at 10:00 a.m. in November. This itself shows that a Virgo ascendant could be putting his energy and efforts in something that is secretive, hidden, risky, involving sudden ups or downs, death, re-birth, emergency, war, research, investigation, going to the roots of a cause, etc as all these things are represented by the 8th house. Prediction of Planets in Various Houses for Virgo Ascendant Sun in Different Houses for Virgo Ascendant Moon in Different Houses for Virgo Ascendant:- Mercury in Different Houses for Virgo Ascendant Native possess nice mannerism, etiquettes. The traits of this planet have a huge impact on these individuals. In many cases it is seen that native may have two wives or such kind of conditions of illegitimacy chances intensify when lagna happens to be of dual nature (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). Your partner will be someone who loves to delve into things and find out the secrets of those things. Makes native good scholar, learned and well established in life with good wife and children. Planets and Their Relationships with Virgo Ascendants. Not appreciated in terms of placement of lagna lord. Two planet conjunction How is a Virgo ascendant woman's appearance? These people tend to overeat and binge-eat due to stress. What does it mean to have Virgo ascendant? Gemini Horoscope 2023: Who Is Going to Achieve Their Dreams. (Doordrishti). So, zodiac signs and ascendant signs are not the same things. Hes immensely drawn towards women who are well-dressed and properly groomed. If you belong to Virgo ascendant, you are highly recommended to use emerald as the most effective gemstone. The men have an enigmatic smile. 2nd house has Libra sign and lord is Venus. Instead, it remains neutral. Virgo Ascendant Love Life Who is a Virgo Rising Attracted to? They are emotional, learned, ingenious, tenacious, well organized, systematic, impulsive, intelligent, prudent, sensitive, discrimination are the adjectives should be included in the theme song while narrating Virgo Ascendant natives. Portrayal of a persons character and attributes are influenced by the various factors such as planet occupying the ascendant, aspect of planets on ascendant, their strength etc. Mentalities depends on 1st and 5th house. They have a symmetrical physique and their gait is controlled and careful. To make Mercury planet positive and favorable, do following remedies of Mercury with faith and devotion. Virgo ascendant may be very sensitive by nature ( his mind sagittarius has fire sign shows mind is aggressive but mentality house has Capricorn sign which has water quality (dont confuse here Capricorn has some water quality) make them sensitive and volatile in nature. Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Gains in business or commercial trade can be predicted. Your email address will not be published. It additionally gives clairvoyant capacities to individuals where they can contact spirits from different measurements. Click here to read details of your Name Number, Click here to see your Life Path number details, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). However, its a neutral planet. Please confirm weather it's right or wrong ! Written by: Rajesh Bihani who is the webmaster of this website. A Virgo rising man in love can be controlling. What if Saturn and Mars are aspecting the same house in transit. If Venus is . As the sign of the virgin, this ascendant blesses you with a youthful appearance. Loves reading, fond of music, inclination towards fine arts ,literature is seen. He will be inclined towards flirting with women. Suppose it is a Leo Ascendant outline and Sun sits in the eighth house in the indication of Pisces. Gains through enemies and thus troubles too. Advertising How planets will behave when placed in the 4th house? 7th Lord Jupiter In 8th House for Virgo Ascendant The 7th lord Jupiter in 8th house for Virgo Ascendant means that you want a deep spiritual connection with your partner, who is also a motivational figure in your life. Venus can be considered as most functional benefic planet for Virgo Ascendant. Phaldepika Gemini born Ascendant have black eyes and curled hair. When somethings out of order, youre the first to spot the flaw, whether its a misspelled word or a distastefully chosen accessory that deserves a citation from the fashion police (well, as far as youre concerned). A Virgo ascendant man in love showers his lady love with expensive gifts. Virgo Ascendant . If youre clumsy, dont maintain hygiene, and cant refrain from keeping your wet towel on the bed, shell be a nightmare to date. These man and woman inherits some basic traits from almighty with which the native has been sent to play his role in this world of mortals. Also Read: Sade Satti Meanings: Effects of Sade Satti on Person and Its Remedies. Venus is natural friend of lagna lord Mercury and it is lord of 9th house which is most beneficial trine. Ascendant Lord in Ninth House for Virgo Ascendant If it is Virgo Ascendant, then, at that point, Mercury rules the first and tenth house and sits in the ninth house in Taurus. But both the ascendant lord and the 8th lord should make a connection for the bad event to happen. Good planets : Venus: as the lord of 2nd and 9th houses, Venus gives good results. As a natural benefic, Venus indicates the proper use of resources that result in the fortune that allows the native to enjoy those areas it influences. Individuals will be helped significantly after marriage. Libra is relations, Jupiter is guided and the eighth house is abrupt occasions. A Virgo rising woman is attracted to scholar-type sexy men who pay attention when shes talking. moon So, it is Cancer Ascendant Chart and Moon controls the first house and sits in the eighth house in Aquarius. But Capricorn has earth quality so Virgo native can control over his emotions. What is the best Virgo ascendant career field? He may be practical from brain (due to earth sign quality). Saturn is lord of 5th house(beneficial) and also lord of 6th house(malefic) and same time Saturn is friend of Mercury so it is neutral for Virgo ascendant. planet in 6th house Required fields are marked *. You may never lose your childlike grin or the impish sparkle in your eyes. Hindu numerology Above stated are the general common points which are basic traits of rising sign /ascendant hence should not be applied bluntly and blindly merely seeing the sign rising in ascendant .