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The determination should be based upon whether such beneficial owners can exercise significant influence or control over the audit client and whether the beneficial owner's investment in the audit client or its affiliate is material to the beneficial owner. For example, sufficient time will be required for a spouse of a coveredperson to refinance borrowings under an unsecured line of credit previously obtained from the new audit client.68 Requiring these issues to be resolved well in advance of the commencement of audit services is unnecessary and burdensome. The existing independence rules relating to financial and employment relationships are set forth in Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X 17, C.F.R. items marked with an asterisk (*) are common in India. insurance, and asset management services and will be added to the Meridien Restricted Entity List ("RE List") in the next several days. "12 The proposed definition's use of "any direct business relationship" and "any equity interest" is overbroad and would capture relationships that would not create a mutuality of interest, such as the relationship with the payroll service provider described above. No matter which stage of the corporate life cycle youre in, Deloitte can assist and advise on a wide range of SEC reporting mattersfrom filing an initial registration statement, to dealing with ongoing requirements, to planning for potential M&A scenarios. The definition of "covered persons" should include leased accounting personnel, employed full-time or part-time by an accounting firm, on the audit engagement team. While we believe the Commission should defer to the ISB, the proposed rule, if adopted, would lead to unintended consequences, raising a number of concerns, including the following: II. We refer to our audit clients, from whom we must maintain our independence, as restricted entities, because we are "restricted" from engaging in certain activities with those organizations. To the Securities and Exchange Commission, Mr. Donald J. Kirk (the Independent Reporter), Deloitte & Touche LLP, Ernst & Young LLP, KPMG LLP, and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP: We have reviewed the design, implementation, and operating effectiveness of the systems, procedures, and For example, an automobile insurance policy obtained in the ordinary course of business, and under normal terms and conditions, from an audit client will not impair independence. 2023. The Proposed Rule Should Provide Certain Exceptions Gramm-Leach-Biley Financial Modernization Act, Pub. Our shared values are not an abstract ethical philosophy, but a powerful, living compass intended to guide us all toward the right decisions and the correct actions, whatever situations we may encounter, whenever and wherever we are. Relationships Will Further The Commission's Objectives. The proposed rule states that an accounting firm will not be independent of an audit client if: Although the beneficial ownership of a considerable percentage of an audit client's equity securities might create the perception that an accountant's independence is impaired, the Release provides no explanation for why the ownership of more than five percent of a registrant's equity securities by a professional employee of an accounting firm who is not on the audit engagement team or in the chain of command would impair an accounting firm's independence. Proposed rule 2-01(c)(1)(ii)(C) provides that an accountant is not independent when the accounting firm, any covered person, or any of his or her immediate family members has: (1) Any such accounts include assets other than cash or securities (within the meaning of "security" provided in the Securities Investor Protection Act); or, (2) The value of the assets in the account exceed the amount that is subject to a Securities Investor Protection Corporation advance, for those accounts, under Section 9 of the Securities Investor Protection Act.58. Deloitte Global CEO Punit Renjen challenges Deloitte professionals to break down barriers and work together to transform the organization from the largest professional services provider in the world into an iconic one. Influence (ownership 20-50%)/ Material (>5%) ( M ), Significant This message will not be visible when page is activated.+++ DO NOT USE THIS FRAGMENT WITHOUT EXPLICIT APPROVAL FROM THE CREATIVE STUDIO DEVELOPMENT TEAM +++. 18 17. You should report issues concerning potential violations of the law, regulations, professional standards, policy, or the applicable Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct that you believe are not being handled properly. The Release provides no explanation to grandfather only those loans fully collateralized by primary residences. Standards for independence are shaped by legislation, regulations, professional requirements and public expectations. The parent's or investor's aggregate DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. In May 2020, the SEC issued a final rule2 to improve the information investors receive regarding acquired or disposed businesses, reduce the complexity and costs of preparing the required disclosures, and facilitate timely access to capital. All Deloitte people are required to follow the independence policies and procedures, which address professional and regulatory requirements related to the provision of services, as well as business, employment and financial relationships. tree it is located? The Proposed Exception Should Cover Situations Fund Complexes) ( A ). Proposed Rule 2-01(c)(2)(ii) provides that an accountant is not independent when a "close family member of a covered person in the firm is in an accounting or financial reporting oversight role at an audit client or an affiliate of an audit client, or was in such a role during any period covered by an audit for which the covered person in the firm is a covered person." For example, the Release states that the portion of the definition relating to "a person controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the firm, shareholders of more than five percent of the firm's voting securities, . 3. An exception for insurance offered under employer-sponsored benefit plans for immediate family members of covered persons would appear to be appropriate. The application of the proposed rule to certain relationships between auditors and affiliates of audit clients should be limited to only those affiliates that are material to the audit client.18 This modification is more likely to identify thoserelationships that may impair an auditor's independence and would avoid undue hardships to registrants and accounting firms in situations where registrants have numerous affiliates that are immaterial to them. activated.+++ DO NOT USE THIS FRAGMENT WITHOUT EXPLICIT APPROVAL FROM THE CREATIVE Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. They also agreed to settle the charges. Indeed, the current independence rules appropriately recognize that materiality is relevant in determining whether independence is required. When The Gift Or Inheritance Is Immaterial And The APB Opinion No. List of Excel Shortcuts There is no need to include all such professional employees as "covered persons" if they in fact are not, and will not be consulted, by the audit engagement team.28, 4. Deloitte's SEC reporting advisory services can help public entities looking to address or improve their present and private companies preparing for their future. The ISB draft Exposure Draft,"Financial Interest of the Auditor in, and Family Relationships between, the Auditor and the Audit Client" (June 19, 2000) (hereinafter, the "ISB draft Exposure Draft"), also goes further to exclude as covered persons a partner or manager who participates in a non-audit engagement for less than ten hours because that "person's services could not have any direct effect on the financial statements being audited . Is there a charge code associated with the project? An ethical mindset supports values-based decision-making when serving clients and during the course of our daily lives. Explore Deloitte University like never before through a cinematic movie trailer and films of popular locations throughout Deloitte University. List of Companies (Corrected) A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | W | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | : 3Com Corp 3M Company A.G . The definition of "covered persons in the firm" is overbroad in its inclusion of all professionals who provide consulting or other non-audit services tothe audit client.26 The Release states that these professionals are included "because the auditing literature, quite appropriately, directs the audit engagement team to discuss certain matters with the firm personnel responsible for providing such services to that client. Under the proposed rule, this applications service provider may be deemed an "affiliate of the accounting firm" subject to all of the independence requirements, including prohibitions on investments in our audit clients and their affiliates. Visit www.integrityhelp.com. Yes, the temporary GMFID is automatically assigned by selecting the Social login not available on Microsoft Edge browser at this time. Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) Independence Rules . In addition to the specific provisions discussed above, the proposed rule also contains a broad provision which states that "[i]n determining whether an accountant is independent, the Commission will consider all relevant circumstances, including all relationships between the accountant and the audit client or the affiliatesof the audit client. If income from continuing operations Trading securities on a restricted list can result in serious legal and financial repercussions. Relevant Circumstances" Would Not Provide Clear Guidance. We respectfully request that the Commission consider the changes suggested in this letter which would substantially address our concerns with the proposed rule governing financial and employment relationships. These relationships are beneficial to investors, audit clients and the public. Disclosure of this information can be important to investors because an acquisition will generally affect a registrants financial condition, results of operations, liquidity, and future prospects. Attention: Mr. Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary, Re: Revision of the SEC's Auditor IndependenceRequirements, File No. Beneficial ownership (as evidenced by the filing of a Schedule 13D or 13G) of more than five percent of a class of an audit client's equity securities, or significant influence or control over an audit client. However, the Release does not explain why a definition found in the Investment Company Act is applicable to auditor independence. In general, that helps us proactively advise you on the issues affecting your business while saving you headaches down the road. Cultivating a sustainable and prosperous future, Real-world client stories of purpose and impact, Key opportunities, trends, and challenges, Go straight to smart with daily updates on your mobile device, See what's happening this week and the impact on your business. Considering the large market capitalization of many of today's public companies, a modest investment would often place such a company in a position to exercise significant influence, even though the investment is not material to the investor. Insert Custom CSS fragment. This message will not be visible when page is activated. As experienced auditors serving attest and non-attest clients, we understand what both your auditor and the SEC is looking for in your financial reporting. For the year ended December 31, 2022, 19 of the Company's project entities have entered into EMAs with NEM and NEM received approximately $1.4 million under the EMAs. TheRoadmap seriescontains comprehensive, easy-to-understand accounting guides on selected topics of broad interest to the financial reporting community. However, the inability to participate in the employee benefit plan is a substantial penalty to immediate family members. VI. Firm," "Affiliate Of The Audit Client" And "Covered Persons In addition, this concept should be extended to bank overdrafts and other similar consumer finance arrangements. 1971). Audit committee guide: Evolving from good to great Event summary. transfer investments to a new broker/financial advisor, cease outside employment at restricted entities (including part-time or weekend employment at retail stores), and. The entity that I am required to validate has immediate parents above it. Note that unlike your spouse, spousal equivalent and dependents, when it comes to Close Family Members, if you are not aware of these situations, you are not required to ask. +++ DO NOT USE THIS FRAGMENT WITHOUT EXPLICIT APPROVAL FROM THE CREATIVE 24, 78, and 377-378 (1994 & Supp. You can learn more about independence for candidates, independence for spouses,and review a list of common independence topics. While we support efforts to modernize the independence rules governing employment relationships with audit clients, we believe the Commission should follow the ISB to develop standards in this area. The SEC Staff has acknowledged that the perception of independence is based on these factors.49 However, it does not appear that the proposed rule on "other financial interests" considers these factors. 2. "29 The proposed rule is vague because it does not provide sufficient guidance in applying materiality. . This model includes all individuals having any supervisory responsibility, or other control, over the conduct of an audit, review or attestation engagement. Proposed rule 2-01(c)(1)(iii)(B)(2)(i) should be deleted. Exceptional organizations are led by a purpose. ", The term "uninvolved partner" as used in this letter refers to those partners, principals and shareholders that are "covered persons," as defined in the proposed rule, because they are located in an office that participates in a significant portion of the audit, but are not on the "audit engagement team" or "chain of command.". Deloitte Entity Search and Compliance (DESC) System -An internal system that, among other things, contains information regarding entities that are restricted for independence purposes. 2, "Certain Independence Applications of Audits of Mutual Funds and Related Entities." This proposed rule does not provide an exception for investments, in the form of stock compensation, by the immediate family members of such persons obtained through employer-sponsored benefit plans. The Definition Of An "Affiliate Of The Accounting Firm" Should Be Limited To Those Third Parties That Warrant Being Treated Like The Accounting Firm For Independence Purposes, B. The bank is engaged with the company on non-public activity, such as mergers and acquisitions work, affiliate ownership, or underwriting activities or other distribution of the issuers (the companys) securities. See 65 FR 43,160. globalindependencesystemssupport@deloitte.com. You may be considered a restricted/covered person if you are on an audit engagement team, in the chain of command, or if you provide 10 or more . Meaningful Protection With Certain Modifications. Technologies including automation and digital controllership can be used to fuel your financial statement transformation. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 mandates that audit committees be directly responsible for the oversight of the engagement of the company's independent auditor, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (the Commission) rules are designed to ensure that auditors are independent of their audit clients. [and] to avoid imposing unnecessary independence restrictions on a partner or managerial employee with only nominal involvement with the client and little risk of impacting the audit. Thank you for reading CFIs guide on Restricted Trading List. subsidiaries if at least a 20% controlling or significant interest is The SECs investigation was conducted by James J. Bresnicky and Brian M. Privor, and supervised by J. Lee Buck II. The funds audit committee charter addressed auditor independence generally, but the T&O questionnaires did not expressly cover business relationships with the auditors affiliates. Social login not available on Microsoft Edge browser at this time. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee ("DTTL"), its network of member firms, and their related entities. In its Authorizing Release, the Commission expressed its intention to give the ISB the leading role in developing independence standards: For example, proposed rule 2-01(c)(1)(ii)(G), in certain respects, follows ISB Standard No. If a 20% . This information will assist you in determining whether or not acquiring or having certain financial relationships would create a potential independence issue. Nonetheless, under our proposed modified concept of "chain of command," the Virginia partner would be restricted from investing in the California client if he or she was in fact consulted on the audit of that client. As discussed below, we believe that this modified "chain of command" or "position to influence" concept makes the inclusion of an "office" concept unnecessary. Proposed rule 2-01(f)(5). Answer: Risk Management has deemed that accounting The Use Of The "Office" Concept Does Not Provide Any person has a financial interest that would cause an accountant to be not independent under paragraphs (c)(1)(i) or (c)(1)(ii) of this section, and: (1) the accountant did not audit the client's financial statements for the immediately preceding fiscal year; and, (2) the accountant is independent under paragraphs (c)(1)(i) and (c)(1)(ii) of this section before the earlier of: (i) accepting the engagement to provide audit, review, or attest services to the audit client; or (ii) commencing any audit, review or attest procedures (including planning the audit of the client's financial statements).67. Deloitte Global Independence leaders continually engage with external professional bodies and regulators to advance the development of independence requirements around the world. 33-10786, Amendments to Financial Disclosures About Acquired and Disposed Businesses. If the audit client is a non-fund entity, the proposed rule should not automatically extend the independence requirements to all other non-client non-fund entities in the investment company complex. "65 This proposed rule is overbroad because the definition of an "investment company complex" would unnecessarily prohibit financial relationships with non-client entities that we believe would not impair independence. Although there is no evidence of any threat to independence in this situation, the proposed rule presents the dual-career couple with the choice ofselecting a potentially less attractive insurance option or changing the status, role, or location of the auditor, which in many cases would be impractical. Rather, the proposed rule appears to prohibit the covered person from owning more than five percent of any entity in which the audit client has any ownership interest. A. before income taxes for the year is clearly not indicative of the past or Deloitte agreed to pay more than $1 million to settle the charges. service team restrict access to other Deloitte employees? "69, VII. ** This letter addresses all aspects of the proposed rule except those relating to scope of services, which are addressed in a separate comment letter. The people of Deloitte must remain unbiased and free from conflicts of interest with our clients, in fact and appearance. Influence (ownership 20-50%)/ Immaterial (<5%) ( I ). Significant We suggest that this proposed rule be expanded given that an accounting firm's independence will not be impaired if a member of the audit engagement team has a brokerage account with immaterial assets in excess of SIPC coverage. Can I change data for any entity on the FCT? How does the FCT relate to Global Independence systems such as DESC? Close family members of partners who are not covered persons. A domestic partnership registered with a governmental body. We also believe the concept of defining an "office" along practice lines is problematic. This will not be the case in all situations. This proposed rule uses the same definition of covered persons applicable for "investments in audit clients" in proposed rule 2-01(c)(1)(ii), even though the delineated "other financial interests" are not of the same nature as investments in audit clients, which are more likely to cause an independence concern. Rather, consistent with our proposeddefinition of "affiliate of the audit client," independence should be required only with respect to those non-client non-fund entities that are material to the audit client.66. The term "foreign practice" will be used in this letter to refer to non-U.S. practices of the international accounting organization of which the accounting firm is a part. appropriate scope of services. The Use Of The "Office" Concept Does Not Provide A Useful Framework For Determining Who ShouldBe A "Covered Person". Broker-dealer/securities accounts (including Demat accounts*, retirement (IRA), health savings accounts, and trust accounts). These member firms and each of their related entities (each a "Deloitte firm"), along with Deloitte Global . These policies impact not only your own personal financial relationships, but also those of your spouse, spousal equivalent and dependents. Although this proposed rule represents a significant step towards modernizing the independence rules regarding the employment of relatives at audit clients, certain modifications are needed to further the Commission's objective of modernizing the independence rules in light of changes to the traditional family structure. It does not contain an exception for fees received in tax matters, if determined based on the results of judicial proceedings or the findings of governmental agencies. Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Based on 3 documents Save Copy What does 20% controlling influence mean? Deloitte agreed to pay disgorgement of audit fees in the amount of $497,438 plus prejudgment interest of $116,478 and a penalty of $500,000. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL), its global network of member firms, and their related entities (collectively, the Deloitte organization). The proposed rule also prohibits "any material indirect interest in an audit client, including: (1) Ownership of more than five percent of an entity that has an ownership interest in the audit client; or (2) Ownership of more than five percent of an entity of which the audit client has an ownership interest. Matt specializes in serving clients in the energy and resources industry, including exploratio More. We believe that any potential benefit of the proposed rule would be outweighed by the unnecessary burden it would create, especially considering the high level of consolidation in the banking industry. Section 210.1-02(b) of Regulation S-X defines an "affiliate" as any "person that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with, the person specified." Spouses, spousal equivalents, or dependents former and/or current 401(k) plans or any other employee benefit plan (including pension, stock option, profit sharing, and stock purchase plans). 210.102(b). We suggest that the definition be limited to the partners and managerial employees responsible for the consulting and other non-audit services provided to the audit client as they may be in a position to influence the audit, whereas staff level employees are not. A significant number of partners at the local, regional and national levels have input in deciding a particular partner's compensation, even though many of these partners have no other relationship with the partner under consideration or with the partner's audit clients. The proposed definition of an "investment company complex" also would include non-client sister funds. Unnecessarily Includes All Professionals Providing for all of the entities in the family tree is critical for providing the See Terms of Use for more information. The Proposed Five Percent Rule Should Be Modified For U.S. sanctions regulations restrict who U.S. persons (i.e., persons located in the U.S., U.S. citizens, and U.S. entities such as Rice University) may do business with, such as conducting financial transactions and shipping ANYTHING (whether or not the equipment, material or item is export controlled) to these individuals and entities. In addition, in light of the elimination of the provisions of the Glass-Steagall Banking Act which separated commercial banking from investment bank ing,57 the proposed rule should be clarified to apply to accounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or similar insurers, that Investor are now offered by traditional broker-dealers. How open is the system to inappropriate changes to client data after validation? The Proposed Exception Should Be Modified To Cover A Named Beneficiary Of A Trust, C. The Proposed Exception For A New Audit Engagement Should Focus Only On When the Audit Services Are Commenced, VII. They will similarly be in a position to influence the quality of the audit, and the accounting firm's independence may be impaired if they have a prohibited financial interest in an audit client. Proposed rule 2-01(c)(1)(ii)(A) would prohibit any loan to or from an audit client, an affiliate of an audit client, or any officer, director, or beneficial owner of more than five percent of those entities' equity securities, with certain exceptions for collateralized loans.51 Although the proposed rule captures the accounting profession's agreement that certain loans to and from audit clients might create a financial interest that impairs independence,52 in certain respects the proposed rule is overbroad.