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Snitches and rats, snitches and rats Snitches and rats, they all get whacked (Pussy) He told on his brother (Pussy), his brother told back (Pussy) They say that they twins, we call them Siamese rats (On God) Snitches and rats (21), snitches and rats (21) We snatchin' your jewelry (On God) and takin' your pack (Lil bitch) Snitches and rats Haug is one of the agents provocateurs the FBI planted with the Hutaree Militia a group that basically did not do much while its members spouted unpleasant political rhetoric. noun. They slept in the same crib. First, you need a GOOD lawyer. He'll lay out a bunch of different scenarios that minimize your guilt, all the while looking for the clue you give him that he's hit on a winning theme to follow. This sort of thing happened a lot but there were no signs of discontent. You have a brain: USE IT. They corrupt entire cultures. Coming from a job interview I was dressed casually, but rather nicely; slacks, button down shirt, decent shoes. no matter what the personal cost to you. Don't talk about secret or illegal activities outside your group. Keep your mailing lists, donor lists and personal phone books away from light-fingered people. snitch: 1 v give away information about somebody Synonyms: betray , denounce , give away , grass , rat , shop , stag , tell on Types: sell out give information that compromises others Type of: inform impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to n someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police Synonyms: canary , fink , . You're cocky and/or confrontational. It can reveal who's trustworthy and who's not. These are not the only ways snitches get you in trouble. Rat noun But the fact is, until we've been tested, not one of us really knows what we might do under the right kind of pressure or persuasion. Have at it. The KGB used to call it "the sparrow trick"; get a red-blooded heterosexual male up close with an attentive, manipulative female and said male will eventually whisper all manner of secrets into her ear. What if your lawyer advises you to snitch? After World War II, many women who had slept with or otherwise collaborated with Nazis were humiliated by having their hair hacked off while mobs screamed, "Nazi whore!" me 30 years ago), I thought I'd share. "How are we ever going to change things if we don't take radical action?"). One never knows, you could be wrong and get sued or if you do get arrested this could be the basis for a defense from entrapment. They'll try to blame someone else and suggest that maybe you weren't involved but just got caught up in things. About a year later he was spotted in the NY Times holding on to someone arrested by the FBI for something. In game theory, the phenomenon is called The Prisoner's Dilemma. Contrary to what their name suggests, naked . Some will protect you against snitches. 8. Justice William Brennan dissented, warning that the decision could empower law enforcement agents to 'round up and jail all 'predisposed' individuals.'". (There is even a website that contains a national database of known rats, but since it's a paid membership site, we're not recommending it here. Appendix 3: Line up a lawyer Some may even be associates in the snitch's plan to bust you (it's not unusual for government agencies to plant multiple agents into one operation and the bitter old joke that, if not for the snitches, some meetings would be empty, isn't that far wrong). The tape allowed the police to track down the leader of the group, a gangster named Ralph Guarino. Use them as an aid to your own brain and your own gut, but understand that when you organize with others to do controversial things, you very probably will have at least one snitch in your midst. Appendix 4: Other helpful resources. Because Snitches are Weak human beings.they are the type of people u should hate. That is one big reason you should heed the earlier advice and NOT TALK TO POLICE AT ALL. They also want to stay dry during rainy and cold seasons, which is why they tend to come indoors during fall and winter months. (We'll have more on this in Part Three and in the appendixes. They'll tell you how it will ruin your parents' reputation. Contributors included lawyers, former cops, security specialists, political activists, members of the drug culture, business executives in "sensitive" fields, outlaw bikers, and in a couple of cases people whose identities are so deeply secret that I couldn't credit them even if I wanted to. And remember, it'll probably help your case a lot if you AVOID TALKING TO THE POLICE. Have a cat, dog, fish? Describe what you felt and endured while being pushed into agreeing to snitch. Preceding the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C., Ephialtes ratted out the Spartans (his people) to the Persian army in the hopes of a reward by the Persians. If you already have an attorney you like and trust, but who doesn't do criminal law, you can ask who he or she would recommend. The informer/informant. But wherever and whenever you meet a cop or any federal agent or investigator, a jailer or a prosecutor who acts like he's "on your side" or wants to "help" you or promises to get the system to "go lighter on you" DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT! This is how some of LE's best snitches are made! There are a few sorts of lies that are so egregious that if a police officer tells them the case against you may be thrown out of court (attorney Jamie Spencer gives an example here). A group of rats is called a 'mischief'! PART THREE: WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU GET BUSTED? They selling out their homiez to avoid 30 days hole time or to keep that measly 54 days a year. Snitch commits the crime with you and tells on you . Some of it can help us withstand the cynical manipulations of cops and prosecutors if we do get busted. Although a jury will occasionally decide that some act of entrapment is so outlandish they'll refuse to convict (do an Internet search on "FCPA Africa Sting" for a great example), victims of entrapment have ended up serving decades in prison for going along with plots cooked up entirely by government agents. Visit the public library for some, your local coffee shop for more, do some lightweight stuff at home, and don't surf and research at the same time. Yes, we know that snitches destroy trust, so be very careful when choosing one or two others to confide in. But both snitches and their easiest "marks" are frequently: If you refuse to snitch or otherwise cooperate with government, the prosecutor may pin more charges on you and may pursue them with more determination. Another publisher Black had worked with wrote an open letter in defense of Hogshire. Think of East Germany under the STASI or the old Soviet Union. And you a nobody n broke free Ysl. It was a cop's wet dream with guns, drugs and heavy people promised. Appendix 1: The Reid Interrogation TechniqueTM Wow, and here I thought you were one of us." Back up and store important computer disks off site. That's quite impressive. A friend suddenly starts pushing you to do or advise on illegal things. But only after you've been busted, scared out of your wits, deprived of your property, and perhaps driven into bankruptcy. rat snitch spy stool pigeon traitor turncoat weasel blow the whistle verbinform on finger rat sell down the river sell out snitch spill the beans squawk squeal weasel confess verbadmit, confirm acknowledge affirm allow assert attest aver avow blow blurt out chirp clue in come clean come out concede confide declare disclose Relationships between friends and associates complicate matters, too. umbraco get content by document type; Income Tax. 2- Sleek Swimmers 3- Tail Tales 4- One-fourth a Look a Like 5- Winter Soldiers 6- No stopping the teeth 7- Smart Eater 8- Deep Sleepers 9- American Mouse 10- Disease Distributors In a more serious context, a gang member may be called a snitch if he informs the police of an upcoming drug deal. Every movement, posture and expression has a meaning to LE. This person may be hoping the cops will pay with money, drugs, or ongoing criminal immunity for her dubious "services." The lines between "mere" snitches and agents provocateurs are blurring. Know the laws, potential sentences, and likely prosecutorial practices against any crimes you're committing. You should never imagine you can outsmart a cop with clever talk. All they think is, "Oh, Group X; yeah, they're a bunch of violent loonies. Agents provocateurs may, among other things, try to turn non-violent protest into violent action, thus discrediting movements, giving excuses for crackdowns, and giving more publicity and power to government agencies. I was changing buses in downtown Cincinnati when I saw that there was a hemp rally about to begin. Hollywood/Venice Topics include "Don't get tricked," "When do I have to show ID?," "How to refuse searches," "10 Rules for dealing with the police," and much more. Has she been seen with police? Although some might consider the following to be overkill, MJR also has experience facing opponents in court and offers this brief primer on taking the kind of notes that can guide you through a very tough grilling by police or prosecutors. One snitch justified her betrayal of principle by telling herself that she'd be "more effective" as a political activist if she didn't go to jail; she told herself she would only snitch on certain people, ones she didn't know well or like very much. They'll try to make it somehow socially acceptable, suggesting it was a crime of passion rather than a premeditated event. Only one fate awaited a snitch who got caught: death. Interesting facts about rats 1. Quite often someone will become an informant following their arrest. You can chitty-chat with your cellmates to pass the time and keep them from thinking you're a jerk; you can probably also learn quite a bit from them. Obviously in many ways this has become harder to do as we've become less reliant on our towns and neighborhoods. rat facts snitches. If you find it irrelevant, trash it then. He knew how to set a table for a formal dinner, used the Robert's Rules very well, and fit in very well with the highly educated members. Snitches are effective precisely because they're so hard to detect. But public humiliation, shunning, and the attack on their femininity was hugely degrading and psychologically damaging. (tr) to steal; take, esp in an underhand way. Army Technical Manual "Interrogation Procedures." The good news is that just a bit of advanced preparation can help any of us understand how police get us to work against our own interests and how they turn scared people into informants. If you think you've already said or done something compromising with this person, see a good lawyer and read the section of this booklet on how to conduct yourself if you get arrested. This is where a new LEO might come in. Years ago, when the New York Libertarian Party was starting up, a new member joined and became active. Almost 500 years before Judas, there was a pretty famous but certainly not as famous snitch by the name of Ephialtes of Trachis. This person may be acting under duress (to save his own skin after being arrested, for instance). A stranger or casual acquaintance tries to get you to do or advise on illegal activities. By comparison, the common house rat is about 20 inches (50 cm) long and weighs approximately 12 ounces (0.34 kg). You may have a pet or child at home you're desperate to get back to. In game theory, according to Wikipedia, " the logical decision leads each to betray the other, even though their individual 'prize' would be greater if they cooperated." Resistance groups, particularly during wartime, have been known to leave the bodies of betrayers in public squares with messages pinned to them or even carved in them. And there are really some people who would do that. Some are deliberately inserted into groups to cause exactly that sort of chaos and dissension. (In theory, even an attorney who hates you and everything you do should be able to give you a good defense; but that varies and is definitely not worth the risk. Checks for electronic surveillance are only effective for the time they are being done, and are only effective as they are being done if you are sure of the person(s) doing the sweep. Stop talking with them. The Mafia would famously send stool pigeons to "sleep with the fishes.". In fact, removing competent and trustworthy personnel from a group is high on a snitch's to-do list, and this can be a gift from on-high to a snitch. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. They will try to talk over any claim of innocence so that denials are never clear on the recordings. This is someone (often a professional) who is inserted into a group for an active purpose, such as disrupting the group, or worst, talking formerly innocent (or at least formerly non-violent) people into committing crimes in order to bust them. Y'all need to listen to that sh*t though 'cause that sh*t is facts. In reality, you don't know how scared you'd be. Expel the person from the group. they nosy as hell always and somebody else business but won't snitch on their own damn self 15 More answers below Why has being a whistleblower become a crime or viewed as a negative thing? It means conducting yourself in such a way as not to give away secrets or walk stupidly into avoidable dangers. One of us went to each of these meetings and it was only some of the people told about it and a massive police presence at all of them. Sometimes pressure to snitch is just a gambit and nothing terrible will happen to you for refusing. Contents Not many people sympathized (and Litz made her own reputation worse with her online writings). The Reid technique is used by police to manipulate arrestees into cooperating which may include everything from confessing to a crime you didn't (or did) commit to agreeing to rat out your friends. And thousands of them use snitches. Not only that, but encrypt all email you possibly can, not just email containing sensitive material. Furthermore, make sure you stay on record as NOT advocating things that the snitch wants. A group or movement you belong to may collapse or members may split off in anger and distrust. You've cleaned up your act and your surroundings once you knew there was a snitch in your midst, and the only thing you were arrested for is information given by the snitch. Or that may not happen. Go for it. Don't make yourself an easy target for spurious (or worse, real) criminal charges. Photograph the person(s) following you or have a friend do so. Be prepared to lose some friends. If you don't trust yourself to exercise your right to remain silent, exercise the second and ask for a lawyer. The difference is, at least a snitch is human, but a rat is a fuckin' rat, period." Tags 21 Savage Front Page News They send people to prison. They only want you to confess and do their will. When you make your first entry, write the time an event happened in the left margin. (Smaller thin-tailed rodents are just as often indiscriminately referred to as mice.) But it's your responsibility and you'll have to do it if you ever expect to be taken seriously again. And of course, do this through a lawyer. Oh and don't leave any lines blank. PART THREE: WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU GET BUSTED? The mere fear of them destroys trust, friendship, and cohesiveness. Director Shaka King, left, on the set of "Judas and the Black Messiah" with lead actor Daniel Kaluuya. We repeat: GET YOURSELVES AWAY from anybody who can't keep his mouth shut! Personally I believe Snitch and Rat have different meaning even tho they are one in the same. Fortunately in the comedy world, being a snitch isn't a dealbreaker. Unless you've been living in a cave most of your life, you've probably heard of the "bad cop/good cop" technique. Baloney! This obligation, which you might never be able to fulfill, could haunt you the rest of your life. You may imagine, sitting here reading this, that you'd never, ever, ever stoop to snitching on other people. (The smart people stayed home.) They want to defend themselves, to tell their story. Each of us met with some of these people and called a 'secret' meeting. Snitching and witness credibility don't exactly go hand-in-hand. Get yourself away from associates who are blabbermouths, boasters, loose-lipped drunks, or "friends" who insist on posting their (and your) every activity on the Internet. The sad reality is, everyone has their version of the "thirty pieces of silver." Turner used another infamous tactic of snitches; he constantly urged, and even threatened, violence against public officials. These days, it probably works the other way around, too. This might offer you some protection and will very likely gain you friends and supporters. Copyright But the only fact is that they're misinformed and are dangerously misinforming you. IBA starts the moment of your first contact with LE. If you are going to use this book in court under no circumstances should you rip out any of the pages, this will only give the other side ammo to use against you. Discussion makes the dirty work of the snitches overt. One female Norway rat may give birth to up to 20 young in a year. Then another cop (who may be present at the same time or who may come in later) will pretend to sympathize with you and want to "help" you. There would never have been a crime, had the federal agents not provided the means and a big chunk of the motivation. Rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine (his legal name is Daniel Hernandez) was released today because of said measures. "True rats" are members of the genus Rattus, but other rodent genera are. People make fun of lawyers, but there's a reason we exist. pizza nostra karen gravano closed; what does the la choy symbol mean; mergest kingdom dragons den; bahnhof apotheke versand 2. After the military, they started work next to each other in the same factory. You're changing your story to hide something. This video, mentioned again in the appendices, is possibly the best and most useful 49 minutes you will spend on this topic without paying an attorney first. He betrays the trust of his team or his family hoping to save his own cowardly ass. Easy access to food - Rats are always looking for food and they want it to be close to the nest. Dangerous myths about snitches and undercover agents This comes from "just waiting," who also contributed the excellent primer on interrogation that you'll find in the appendices. They detail how they Acts are what they did. But I've interviewed/interrogated maybe 100 or more people and I've found, almost as a rule, that people have the hardest time keeping quiet. Someone goes out of his way to gain your trust, to be really buddy-buddy with you. (NOT TALKING may also help you in other ways, but here we're just talking about avoiding being pressured into snitching.). Maybe they'll keep them, but they're just as likely to leak your name or "accidentally" put your name into a public document. Increasingly, you can get in trouble for lying to them. Remember, you can decide to remain silent or ask for a lawyer at any time during your questioning or interrogation. 6 mo. If the date changes you should start a new date with the weather. "I don't think I was at," "I don't recall seeing," and "I may have met" are all appropriate qualifiers to prevent telling an outright lie. ), They may make it easy to commit crimes by not only pushing the idea, but actually supplying the funding, the equipment, the transportation, and the planning for the crime. Undercover Treasury agents encouraged him to really do it. All throughout, LE will do everything they can to keep you from denying your "guilt." Do you agree that criminal Informants are cut from an untrustworthy cloth. The article was written by a man who, as a young outlaw, was twice subjected to Reid interrogations. Court cases around the nation - a search engine is your friend, here - have affirmed the "right" of government agents to lie to their targets. Here are seven things you may not have known about Hill. Or on constitutional theory you may have learned in school. In the long run, however, it was Black who paid the bigger price. Compared to mice, rats are much larger, have coarser fur, and have proportionately larger heads and feet. Their nyms appear with their contributions. Again, this seems like something a savvy person would already understand but, since we're trying to explain these things to ignorant fools (i.e. With either option, you're still making a confession. Discuss with your most trusted associates what to do. Then he didn't have the special paper required to print money. The difference is, at least a snitch is human, but a rat is a f***** rat, period." In addition to Morgan Freeman, Savage Mode II includes features . For purposes of the book, a snitch is anybody who inserts him- or herself into your non-violent activities on behalf of government. With Daniel O'Shea, Kevin Moccia, Kenneth Carrella, Anthony Bisciello. Since events in the episode take place in 2004, Petrille's status as a rat stretches across 23 years. (intr) to act as an informer. Interesting Facts About Rats: For the "Mousenthusiasts" 12 Rodent Facts and Stats to Make you Jump off the Chair 1- Batman and Friends - Are rats nocturnal? Then, when you resist getting into dubious activities, he drops all interest in you (he's looking for an easier mark). Like mice, rats are nocturnal and have very poor eyesight but have very strong senses of smell, taste, and hearing. Not all of them are bad, but many of them are overworked and/or just geared to processing cases as fast as they can. Describe why and how you refused to become a tool of the police. It can be very, very difficult to detect a snitch until it's too late. Remember, you may well be being recorded. U Boat Archive This site contains an extract from TM 30-210 Dept. This is. Or a snitch who's working for the local PD may be unknown to the FBI, who might be interested to learn about other things he's up to. Similar to cats, rats will scent mark with urine to communicate with . Got the Hollow Tips for Snitches How radical groups of the past have dealt with snitches and how contemporary groups can learn from the past. Read and heed it. First: As I've said before, DO NOT LIE TO LE! It could also mean the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, or a host of other state or federal agencies. Literally husbands couldn't trust their wives. If you are being tapped and the transcript is used against you in court, the coded conversation can be alleged to be anything. If state wiretapping laws forbid recording without the consent of all parties, then at least consider openly recording meetings to counteract any lies the snitch may tell his handlers. Don't use code on the phone. You're far less susceptible to manipulation once you understand how the manipulation works. While still saying it's a bad idea, it did have the effect of discouraging the general populace from working with the enemy. First thing to understand: Once you are arrested, ALL of the rights you had as a US citizen are gone except for two: the right to remain silent and the right to have an attorney present during questioning. A judge eventually threw out all the major charges, but not until some Hutaree members had spent two years in jail awaiting trial. Now he faces an uncertain future. For maybe the first time in your life, your freedom is completely stripped away and you are confined. There are two common categories of snitch you need to look out for: The infiltrator/agent provocateur. By the time you learn one of your former friends is a "stoolie," it's too late. The advice in this booklet can lessen the chance of that, but nobody can give you any guarantees.