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Note, though, that it also tends to grow excessively, which is why some regions still consider it highly invasive. The Imperial honey locust tree is a good choice for those looking for aesthetic shade trees perfect for streets and gardens. The Plant Sentry system includes a shipment certification program. Locust trees have pods with pulp inside. Expect it to grow to around 30 to 70 feet tall. A fast-growing, hard-wooded, easy-care, extremely ornamental native tree? They are usually about 2-4 inches long, flat, straight or slightly curved, and typically contain 3-10 seeds per pod. It is considered to be a good selection for difficult areas in the landscape where other trees will not grow well. Different to honey locust trees, the sharp spikes are short and dont grow in long branches around the tree. Leaves are pinnately compound with between 7 and 15 leaflets on each leaf. Bare Also called Robinia pseudoacacia Purple Robe, this is one of the locust tree varieties that fall under the shade tree classification and known for its ability to withstand even those inferior growing conditions. The purple robe locust tree is a medium-sized tree, growing to heights between 30 and 50 feet and widths between 25 and 30 feet at maturity. . The sweet-smelling, fragrant flowers are light purple and shades of pink. Previous Post: Farewell to Roses. Perfect for low maintenance gardening with virtually no pruning ever. The dark blue berries adorn this compact bush that takes the wind and soaks up the sun like a native. This flower color is unusual for trees in the genus Robinia as the flowers are commonly white. She holds a B.A. The black locust tree is also called False Acacia, Fragrant White Locust, and Common Robinia. It is native to states such as Pennsylvania, Alabama, Georgia, Missouri, and southern Ohio. RMG334R5 - Robinia pseudoacadia 'Purple Robe' Purple Robe Locust RM FGARG8 - nierembergia hippomanica purple robe Cupflower flower flowers flowering Caerulea var violacea groundcover RM Floral RF 2J07AG9 - Passion And Crucifixion Of Jesus - Crown Of Thorns And Bloody Nails And Purple Robe On Ground With Sunlight And Selective Focus The flowers are important sources of food for honeybees. This improved variety is much less thorny than its predecessor but keep an eye out because it's common for this tree to grow a few thorns. These beautifully fragrant clusters cover the tree profusely and may be up to eight inches long each! Leaves. Similar to other cultivated honey locust trees, the 'Purple Robe' grows to between 30 and 40 ft. (9 - 12 m) tall and has a spread of up to 30 ft. (9 m) wide. The New Mexico locust tree grows to between 16 and 32 ft. (5 10 m). Each spring, the leaves emerge reddish bronze, before maturing to dark blue-green. Plant Sentry is designed to protect both consumers and the nursery trade from invasive plant pests and diseases. They prefer full sun and can grow to 30-70 feet tall with a 30-70 foot spread. Fall clean up is easy with the small leaves. The most common and popular among the many locust varieties are the honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) and black locust or Robinia pseudoacacia. Flowering Shrubs. Call Toll-Free: 1-866-586-6283. Next Post: . It is advertised as thornless, but plants with thorns are found in commerce. Unlike the black locust, the honey locust tree trunk has thorny branches growing around it. Bees produce a delicious honey from the flowers. This makes them slightly look like rosettes. Purple Robe Locust trees are very hard wooded and will tolerate storms well. This will depend on the kind of soil it will grow and the specific amount of sun it would most likely receive. You can use the seed pods of locust trees as fodder for your livestock. Model #NURSERY. These are sweet-tasting peas that animals enjoy eating. Dull medium green to dark bluish-green color. While happy with the rapid growth, shade, and blooms of these trees; I am constantly cutting down shoots throughout the yard. Purple Robe Locust Starting at $29.95 Ruby Lace Locust Locust Trees Locust trees are highly versatile and thrive throughout the entire United States. The pinnate compound leaves of the purple robe tree can be a foot long, give or take a few inches. With its scientific name Robinia neomexicana, the New Mexico locust tree is also famous as a native plant in Southwest US. Fixes nitrogen. . Late spring and early summer bring out the beautiful fragrant purple-pink clusters of flowers on this locust tree. The black locust tree bark is not sharp and thorny like the honey locust tree. It has clusters of fragrant deep pinkish-purple blooms and can grow in less than ideal conditions. Purple Robe Locust is a tremendous shade tree that develops long clusters of purple-colored flowers in May that resemble Wisteria flowers. The wood is weak and brittle making it subject to storm damage. The amount of light for your tree is really no different than what mine gets in the mountains. The purple robe locust tree (Robinia 'Purple Robe') is a deciduous tree native to eastern and central North America that can grow in conditions that are inhospitable to most other species. These trees grow so fast that, in some regions, they are in the class of an invasive plant species. Combine that with the decorative shape of its branches, trunk, and foliage, and this tree will surely add a more aesthetic appeal to your garden. Sunburst locust leaves are pinnate and have a fine texture. Robinia pseudoacacia, commonly known in its native territory as black locust, is a medium-sized hardwood deciduous tree, belonging to the tribe Robinieae of the legume family Fabaceae. The perfect mountain perennial with huge fiery flowers on a compact plant. They also have pods that tend to bend and curl a bit. The honey locust Skycole cultivar is another popular shade tree for garden landscapes. Expect them to look green at first then become red and lastly, brown. Compared to the black locust, the honey locust trees flowers arent as showy and stunning. You can choose to use it for small wooded or shady areas or as a focal point on your large lawn. It grows quickly and produces fragrant flowers in the springtime. Two of the most famous types are the honey locust trees (Gleditsia triacanthos) and the black locust trees (Robinia pseudoacacia). How to Use Purple Robe Locust in the Landscape. Cut new growths and stems and be patient as you may have to do them several times throughout the year. Its leaves are typically bronze-green, turning bronze-red in the spring . U.S. Plant Patent PP2,454 issued November 24, 1964. Follow the guidelines in the Plant Highlights for the best results. Black locust is native to the eastern and the southern parts of the United States. Join in The Morton Arboretum's mission to plant and protect trees for a greener, healthier, and more beautiful world. Another way to identify the type of locust tree is by the shape and color of its seed pods. Note that various locust tree species also grow healthily in the wild, especially in North America. Keep livestock well away from black locust. Ecological threat: Invades forests, upland prairies and savannas, pastures, old fields and roadsides. Just like the black locust, the species of honey locust grows in many different environments and thrives in full sun. The dark gray bark is deeply ridged and furrowed with a rough, scaly, or ropy texture. It has edible seed pods known for their chewy and sweet pulps. If you have the seedless and thornless variety of honey locusts, it is not that messy as the debris it drops over a short period every year is easy to clean. fruits are smooth, flat, purple-brown seed pods, up to 4-inch long, seen from July to November, and may persist through winter Insects, Diseases, or Other Plant Problems: It is susceptible to locust borer (often fatal) and locust leaf miner (brown foliage). An easy-care, fast-growing specimen in lawns. The tree can grow up to 75 ft. (22 m) tall and provide shade up to 40 ft. (12 m) wide. It can go at around 30 to 50 tall and 30 to 40 spread. . Because bristly locust plants dont grow higher than 10 ft. (3 m), they are a perfect type of small tree for your garden. It also has bright green and feather-like leaves. Among these locust varieties are the following: If you are in search of a thornless locust tree, the Imperial honey locust is ideal for you. This proprietary eCommerce software prevents the shipment of a restricted plant to each state. Don't plant it too deep, as is key for any new tree. Purple-robe locust trees need full sun, although they will tolerate light shade. Although native to North America, locust trees grow in many countries throughout the world. These beautifully fragrant clusters cover the tree profusely that grows up to eight inches long each! Soil: Most soil types, including alkaline, acidic, and neutral It can thrive in salty soil, too, and can tolerate light drought and a bit of flooding. The beautiful Purple Robe Black Locust tree. This thorny tree also works well to control erosion. Robinia pseudoacacia'Purple Robe' Figure 1. The tree is susceptible to several pests and diseases, including borers and leaf. The trees bark is furrowed and so dark a gray that it looks almost black. in American Studies from Columbia University and lives in Queens with her two cats. It will die back to the ground when the weather turns cold, regrowing when the weather is more favorable. Locust borer is a serious pest of black locust. It falls under the deciduous trees or deciduous shrubs classification and has an average growth of 8 feet. Each leaflet has a tiny point at the end. Note, though, that it also depends on how you define messy. The pinnately compound leaves are also usually around seven to eight inches long. Growth Requirements. One of the fastest-growing evergreen vines for mountain gardens. Almost any soil condition will do, including clay, sand or loam that is acidic to alkaline, with a preference for a pH ranging from about 6.8 to 7.7 and an organically rich loam. Its the perfect summer shade tree. The locust also falls under hardy trees famous for their durable and hard wood, colorful fall foliage, and sweet-smelling flowers for spring. Choose fragrant reds, radiant pinks, corals, vivacious yellows, and stately whites. This variety is relatively thornless, although the occasional thorn may be found. New growth is bronzy red. It is commonly called the Sweet Bean, Sweet Locust and Honeyshuck. This thornless honey locust tree is also famous for being really adaptive and durable. 'Purple Robe' is a medium sized, suckering, deciduous tree that typically grows to 30-40' tall with an oval-upright habit. If you wish to grow any locust varieties, then you will be glad to know that it is easy to grow one as they can adapt to various street and lawn conditions. Even in poor, infertile soils, the plants seem to grow. It has lovely, dark rose-pink flowers. How long should this tree live ? The tree leaves have dark-green or light green color, depending on the species. The leaves on locust trees are feather-like and pinnately shaped and measure 6 to 14 (15 36 cm). The imperial honey locust tree is a thornless species of deciduous tree that grows up to 40 ft. (12 m). It can withstand high heat, full sun, acidic or alkaline soil, and urban pollution. Clusters of heavily scented pink-purple flowers dangle from the locust tree, filling your garden with spring colors. These pods contain a sweet, honey-like substance as with all honey locust trees. This variety is also known for its scientific name Gleditsia triacanthos form inermis. Flowers white, 2.5 cm pea-type, in 10-20 cm long racemes, fragrant. RF2B161MJ - Blooming purple robe locust tree. Similar to the black locust tree, this genus is native to states such as Pennsylvania, Iowa, Texas, and Georgia. 'Purple Robe' - This compact, rounded cultivar, one of the most attractive forms, should not exceed 30 to 40 feet in height. The flower color helps to tell black locusts apart from honey locust trees that have creamy-green colored flowers. The locust tree is the quintessential shade tree known for its attractive form, great-looking fall foliage, and highly impressive leaves. 2021 Plants Spark Joy - Your daily dose of all things plants. Other insect problems include caterpillars, weevils, scale and whiteflies. The all-encompassing fragrance of its flowers is the reason behind its popularity in various gardens and parks worldwide. Wait until late spring, when the flowers are done blooming, before making any cuts. The presence of these thorns makes it kind of impossible to climb the tree but they also make this locust tree variety quirky yet attractive. Purple robe locust tree. M. Compound leaves emerge with purple tint. The excellent shade from this locust tree comes from the exceptionally wide canopy coverage. The large compound leaves have smaller blue-green leaflets, and you'll love the fine-textured look of the tree in summer. Also called Robinia Pseudoacacia, the black locust tree (false acacia) is also another of the most common variety or type of locust tree. Once the flowers bloom, long pods will follow. If you are not careful, it may lead to serious injuries. This type of black locust tree thrives in states such as Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. This cultivar of black locust probably grows to about 40 feet tall with a spread of 20 to 35 feet. 1). Matthew says (Matthew 27:28), "They put on him a scarlet robe . Another distinguishing feature of the black locust is a pair of sharp and short spines where you can see its leaf being connected to the stem. The leaves are also toxic, but in addition to thorn toxicity is the problem of extreme pain when swallowing thorns that grow up to 2 inches long. Because they can become invasive, the suckers of the purple locust tree should be removed as soon as they appear. Extremely fragrant and only found locally at Watters. Your Cart. Trees of the Purple Robe Locust develop long clusters of violet flowers similar to those of Wisteria in the spring. Some also use the pulps of the seed pod to ferment beer. The spiky trunk is one reason why the tree is also called the thorny locust. Leaves on the skyline honey locust tree are pinnate or bipinnate containing pairs of small, ovate leaflets. But once established, tough Purple Robe Locust trees are also super hardy and drought tolerant with a brisk growth rate of 2 or 3 feet of growth each year. Item #391250. This tree is an excellent barrier plant to protect your property beautifully. I've grown 'Purple Robe' both on the Valley floor and in the mountains near Yosemite. To grow this locust tree variety, ensure to provide it with full sunlight and moist but well-drained soil. It is endemic to a few small areas of the United States, but it has been widely planted and naturalized elsewhere in temperate North America, Europe, Southern Africa and Asia and is considered an invasive . The purple robe locust, scientific name Robinia pseudoacacia, is a species of flowering plant in the Fabaceae family. Good drought tolerance. As the tears of sorrow fell upon his face. The most widely used landscaping variety is the thornless honey locust with is beautiful white pendulum of blooms in early Summer and its graceful form as an attractive street tree in urban areas. They clothe him with purple ( ).So also says St. John (John 21:2, ).St. The locust tree Suncole cultivar is a popular deciduous tree because of its feathery foliage that provides dappled shade in the hot sun. The damage can be so extensive that the tree dies. Yes, the wood is brittle but as long as the tree gets some cold and This tree can sucker to the point of forming colonies. It can attract attention, especially during the spring and late fall seasons. Black locust timber (left) and bark (right). We ALWAYS sell out of this incredible native tree and this year will be no exception. The highly distinctive ferny structure with up to 45-feet growth and 25-feet spread of the skyline honey locust tree is one of the things that makes it so appealing to many people. Black locust trees bloom in late spring with intensely fragrant white flowers. Every backyard should have at least one. Many are also impressed with the bright-green leaves of this tree. Bees are attracted to the flowers. The Purple Robe Locust Tree grows up to 40 feet in height and produces bright flowers. Black Locust Tree leaves are compound alternate leaves in an overall . Learn how The Morton Arboretum is ensuring the future of trees through leading-edge science and conservation. To obtain a more accurate shipment time-frame, simply enter your zip code in the Find Your Growing Zone box to the right. Bees and beneficial insects love the flowers. The upright, rounded growth and short, irregular Overall, it is one of the nicest accent and shade trees with the ability to resist deer and various diseases. This pea family member (Fabaceae) tolerates poor . Possible disease problems include canker, powdery mildew, leaf spots, wood rots and verticillium wilt. Establish it the first year with careful watering. 'Purple Robe' Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia 'Purple Robe') This fast-growing, mid-sized ornamental flowering tree can survive the most difficult situations in different areas. It is a strong tree that is adaptable and easy to grow while having the ability to resist various pests, insects, and diseases. However, all of them are aesthetically pleasing and boast of their nice scents. Once established, this tree is super hardy and drought tolerant with a brisk growth rate of 2 or 3 feet of growth each year. Purple locust trees are not picky when it comes to soil, which makes them appealing for sites where other trees cannot grow. (1). There is a high chance for its trunk to become really large. Leaves emerge an interesting bronze-red in spring, but eventually turn an uneventful yellow in fall. Locust trees are hardy trees that are known for their hard and durable wood, fragrant sweet spring flowers, and colorful fall foliage. As with most types of honey locust trees, the skyline has a spiky trunk with thorned branches. Deeply furrowed brown bark. You can often find the Gleditsia triacanthos form inermis or this thornless locust tree in suburban landscapes and cities. Even in poor, infertile soils the plants seem to do well. The spread of up to 15 ft. means that the locust shrub is suitable for groundcover in sunny gardens. There are also 1-inch individual leaflets that you can find in their leaves. You can differentiate between these two major types of locust trees by checking out the thorns at the branches and barks. Leaves divided into 7 to 19 leaflets 1-2 inches (2.5-51cm) long. Your support is vital to the Arboretum, where the power of trees makes a positive impact on peoples lives. Common names: false acacia, robinia. They bear attractive flowers but many have spines, bristles or thorns.Genus name honors Jean Robin (1550-1629), of Paris, gardener to Henri IV and Louis XIII of France, who received new plants from Canada.Purple Robe is a medium sized, suckering, deciduous tree that typically grows to 30-40 tall with an oval-upright habit. You will also notice the black locust blooming prolifically even if some of its varieties dont bloom annually. 'Purple Robe' Black Locust1 Edward F. Gilman and Dennis G. Watson2 INTRODUCTION This cultivar of Black Locust probably grows to about 40 feet tall with a spread of 20 to 35 feet (Fig. There are also some thornless varieties. It is famous for its ability to grow large clusters or groups of pea-like flowers that tend to bloom during the spring. May be used as a street tree. Black locust trees grow to between 40 and 100 ft. (12 30 m) with exceptional varieties reaching heights of 171 ft. (52 m). The bark, seed pods, branches, and leaves are considered to be toxic. The wood of black locusts is also very sturdy. Locust Tree Fruit Characteristics. The blooms of the locusts that refer to their flowers are edible. Despite that, they still have this unique decorative trait of producing a huge number, especially upon turning bright red in color and then eventually, brown. The Purple Robe Locust tree is a favorite of bees and butterflies. You can use this timber to manufacture fences and perform other services when it comes to carpentry. A cultivar of the native black locust, it is also known as the Purple Robe Black Locust. The pinnate . The vast spread of the trees foliage, small leaves, and widely-spaced branches make this an excellent shade tree. It is hard wooded and tolerates storms well. The beauty of this mid-sized ornamental tree is that they can grow in just about any condition as long as the soil drains quickly after a rain. The honey locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), sometimes called the black locust or the purple robe locust, features purple-tinted leaves and deep purple flowers. It is noted for its attractive compound leaves and pendant racemes of violet purple pea-like flowers. Full Sun or Shade for a Crimson Queen Maple, Missouri Botanical Garden: Robinia "Purple Robe", The University of Utah: Facilities - Purple Robe Locust, Utah State University Extension: Integrated Pest Management - Locust Borer, How to grow your own herb garden in any indoor or outdoor space. Black locust leaves are made up to 7-21 paired leaflets on both sides of a common stalk (pinnately compound). It is a good choice if you are in search of a thornless honey locust tree variety. It is short-lived and prone to borer injury. RM2AEPJFX - honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos), thorny trunk // Tronc pineux de Gleditsia triacanthos, ou fvier d'Amrique, France, Seine-et-Marne (77), Fonta. As a guide in growing this famous locust tree, take note of the following: As for its size, expect this tree to grow around 30 to 50 feet high. Another reason to love the honey locust trees is that they are stand-alone or independent, making them incredible choices for all kinds of gardens. Expect it to grow straight then branch off eventually with elegance and balance to form big fronds of foliage capable of arching and drooping once the generous and rich flowers with nice scents start enveloping them with the shade of white. This tree can sucker to the point of forming colonies. White/May - Jun. Purple Robe Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia 'Purple Robe') is a medium-sized upright tree, growing 40 feet in height with a compact, rounded form. It can tolerate various soil pH levels and features yellow-green flowers and chewy and sweet seeds. It can handle many soil types and needs little water. This is a very distinctive and unique variety that the sweet scent of its flowers will definitely invite pollinators and humans to your garden. Grow in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun. It is crucial to prune this tree during the summer and fall to ensure that it retains its pyramid-like shape. She proliferates up arbors, pergolas, fences, and stunning as a ground cover to retain hills. The honey locust tree is a hardy, fast-growing tree, similar to the black locust tree. It thrives in many difficult growing conditions. The shademaster honey locust is the perfect tree if you are looking for a lawn tree. Review of the risks should be undertaken before selecting these trees. This is also a drought-tolerant tree capable of blooming fragrant white flowers. This fast-growing native tree can form colonies and has brittle wood. 'Purple Robe' Black Locust1 Edward F. Gilman and Dennis G. Watson2 INTRODUCTION This cultivar of Black Locust probably grows to about 40 feet tall with a spread of 20 to 35 feet (Fig. The purple robe is a variety of black locust tree that develops showy, fragrant, purple flowers each spring. It grows fast as a shade tree and follows an arching habit, allowing it to showcase a shade of around 30 to 35 feet and a height of around 30 to 50 feet. In the spring, usually in May through early June, the purple robe locust tree produces fragrant pinkish-purple flowers on hanging racemes that may be up to 8 inches in length. . 5. You won't want to miss any of the show. Even in poor, infertile soils the plants seem to do well. It is susceptible to locust borer (often fatal) and locust leaf miner (browns foliage). Establish it the first year with careful watering. Don't wait for your chance to own this gorgeous tree, order now! Its vigorous vegetative reproduction forms extensive, dense groves of clones that exclude native vegetation. The bark is deeply furrowed and is brown and gray. And the fact that it has thorns on its branches, makes it even worse! This species grows in a wide range of conditions, but avoid growing it in wet sites. Identifying species of locust trees can be done by features such as their flowers, color of bark, height of the tree, and the thorns. Robinia hispida is a nice dwarf tree with pink flowers and the exact same look as a purple robe locust, but a compact form that only gets 10 feet high. The widely spaced branches and pinnate leaves provide plenty of shade in hot summers. 'Purple Robe' black locust has lilac-colored blossoms and bronze-tinged foliage. The Purple Robes will adapt to our hot, dry New Mexican areas and will tolerate our alkaline soils. Dec 8, 2015. It thrives at a neutral level, too. It was magnificent. Timing is important! How long do purple robe locust trees live?