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And, referring to this same prophetic pattern of the Flood, the apostle Peter gives further detail on how the end of international wickedness will come: By those means [Gods word directing the unprecedented downpour] the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water. Hallelujah was also injected into the scriptures through the Tetragrammaton because Halal is SATAN! 4. Voisin had said that he found the name Jehova (written yehova and yohova) used in 3 of the 4 manuscripts of Pugio. They have harnessed the atom and traveled to the moon. LOL. Here, God tells Moses He is aware of how the Hebrews have been treated by the Egyptians, and promises to deliver them from there into the Promised Land. The first two translators were executed then the bibles they translated were printed only after the Vatican made their necessary modifications. Please use caution when repeating what you hear or read. It is another form of No. People who endure this system will be rewarded with 10 times what they lose and everlasting life. (Revelation 20:10). There is no evidence in scripture to support theclaim that Adam and Eve were Satan worshippers. But the essence is the same. Psalm 4-2. Copyright 2023 Jehovah's Witnesses. These imposters set themselves up to be the real Hebrews, and establish their god (Satan) as the God of the Bible. I know lots about Satan the Devil. JEHOVAH is cruel and his people are cruel. They tell of Jehovahs abhorrence of evildoing, and of his zeal for the eradication of wickedness. The etymology of a word does not tell us its meaning. He annihilated everything that breathed, just as the Lord God of Israel had commanded. The family or kinsman of Jesus Christ were ADAMIC ISRAELITES. Some even profess to be Christians, and spout off this unfounded jargon. The crazed scramble of crowds to occupy the topmost peaks was attended by great loss of life. one question why would you use the letter H twice when trying to figure out the meaning in Hebrew when the word JEHOVAH itself only has one H ?? Satan does NOT mean truth. You can use the KJV Bible and Strong Concordance. 7:17-24. If your research wasnt done from there, then God have mercy on you. Jehovahs witnesses made over 1 billion last year and have only 1.6 million in operating expenses and claim to have spent the remainder on their ministry and failed the charity audit with the worst rating possible because for one I noted the city I live in apparently was given $26,000,000.00 for an assembly hall but there is absolutely no hall being built they dont even leave to congregate anymore. In other words, is Jehovah the One to decide what is good or bad for humans? That Jehovah and his appointed Executioner, Christ Jesus, will also strike directly at the root of all wickedness is made certain by the words of Jesus in his illustration about the symbolic sheep and goats: Then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, Be on your way from me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels. (Matt. Vatican declares its murderous hatred for Bible believers. But what has been the result? I understand how you feel. By his rebellion Satan raised another issue that it has also required time to settle. Since 2001, the literature produced by the Watch Tower Society is said to have been "published by Jehovah's Witnesses". Please continue to further your studies. I the Lord.visit the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me . And their progress in the field of science has been remarkable. Jehovah Means Father Of All Evil , Christians Should Stop Calling God by That Name -Man Of God. They decreed it should only be spoken by the high priest during the designated Day of Atonement, one of Israel's major holy festivals. Man is incapable of governing himself without God. I meaning, when you speak jehovah what is that meaning to the millions of jews that speak hebrew? Satan called into question God's right to rule. The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom1990, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom1966, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom1967. Often it is the innocent who suffer. In fact, there is no scripture in the bible where Satan has questioned Gods right to rule. Eph 6:11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. (631) 324-0142. living proof perfect hair day 5-in-1 styling treatment (b)What shows that Adam and Eve could have resisted Satans temptations? Otherwise he too would have been martyred like our messiah and all of his disciples but one. The fact that a particular set of sounds in Algonquin is used for one meaning and for another meaning in Egyptian means nothing. God saw that the wickedness of man was great, Gen. 6:5. men of Sodom were wicked and sinners, Gen. 13:13. I do not want to be led astray from the Most High Godplease help me understand. Just a few examples are: English: Jehoshua Ads Note: Random ads are placed on this website by Google. Their purpose was to hide the history of the real Hebrews, so that they may be the chosen people. No more discussion needed, because this is what God told Moses. How did this site get to the first page of a search? Man has dominated man to his injury, the Bible explains. She dedicates her website to this assertion, as well as her alleged desire to unite Israelites. Another striking example of Gods pattern of dealing with wicked ones is to be found in the Bible account of Sodom and Gomorrah. Most browsers support cookies, but users can set their browsers to decline them and can delete them whenever they like. 1 John 5:19 says: We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. 8. A hearty wife invigorates her husband, but a frigid woman is cancer in the bones. Psalm 4 Meaning - Verse by Verse Explanation from Bible. It evolved over time through changes in both traditions and translations of God's Word., I hope these help you find the answers to questions. Mountains were transformed into islands as the rising waters separated families. This is an entirely false claim. Heathers passion is to equip and encourage believers to seek more of Gods truth and to experience more of His joy each day. Why does Satan mean TRUTH in ancient Sanskrit while Jehovah means EVIL GOD in Hebrew? This only proves JEHOVAH made the first humans, Stupid then and not with a PERFECT mind???? They turn a word that was already previously translated from Hebrew to English, and double or triple translate it into buttered pieces of English, and then mash it all together and call it a conclusive meaning. What is the relationship between the Abrahamic Covenant and the Mosaic Covenant? So Jehovah allowed time to settle the important issue that was raised. They have stocks on the stock market for methods of mass destruction, including guns war planes abortion medical equipment supplies and tobacco. Eve believed Satan. As early in Scripture as the book of Exodus, God speaks of Himself using this name; in this case to Moses: "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them." To the meek ones, for example, he gives this strong assurance: "Do not show yourself heated up because of the evildoers. By means of the question, Why does God allow wickedness?, the Watchtower is asserting that God allows wickedness. The name YHWH, consisting of the sequence of consonants Yod, Heh, Waw, and Heh, is known as the tetragrammaton. The LORD of Heaven and Earth have mercy on you. For example, the Masorites added the mappiq to the letters jah in order to remind the readers to say Lord (Adonai) instead of Jah. Thus the promises of God furnish ample basis for anticipating an end of all wickedness, and the putting out of action of the very leader in evildoing. 6:18) His dealings with wicked men of the past and his deliverance of the righteous point to the pattern he will follow in our day. You can't find firm footing in a swamp, but life rooted in God stands firm. Christian Standard Bible He will pay them back for their sins and destroy them for their evil. It combines Jehovah (Yahweh)the most frequently used name for Godwith the Hebrew word, for a "banner" or a "flag." In most English translations of the Bible this verse reads: Even the Gnostics never said that this name means evil God, because it does not mean this. 25:1. Just as God created man with the need to eat food and drink water, so man was made with the need to obey Gods laws. Shalawam Ahch/Ahchwath, Please be advise that I've been getting emails stating that I invited people to join my Facebook account with the name Ahayah Yashiya. No. Shalam! Evidence that Satan's claims were false. 2 A 5 The rebellion against God in the garden of Eden raised an important issue or question. Site design and hosting by . (Psalms 83:18 KJV), "And Moses cried unto Jehovah, saying, What shall I do unto this people? It is part of proclamations and prayers in Scripture, and is always associated with God's goodness to His people. Could it not have been settled in a satisfactory way long ago? Not really. In fact, crime, pollution, war, family breakdown and other problems have reached such a dangerous stage that scientists believe mans very existence is threatened. Another Bible writer, Jude, adds his inspired testimony as to the real purpose of the record of the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah: So too Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them, after they in the same manner as the foregoing ones [materialized angels] had committed fornication excessively and gone out after flesh for unnatural use, are placed before us as a warning example by undergoing the judicial punishment of everlasting fire. (Jude7) God will not tolerate the wicked indefinitely. Yes, the permission of temporary suffering has often made it possible for children to enjoy better health later on in life. To summarize what you wrote, Jehovah still refers to Satan. Yahweys wife was also black named Asherah, Ishtar, Venus, Hathor, Gaia, Aphrodite, & Isis the queen of Heaven. "Jehovah, modern form of the Hebrew sacred name of God, probably originally 'Yahweh.' From c.300 B.C. Adam and Eve chose to follow Satan; so they likewise rejected Jehovahs sovereignty and, in effect, asserted that man can decide for himself what is good and what is bad. Those verses dont support such a statement. You have people that know the Ancient Phonecian Hebrew and they have got themselves a JPS Hebrew Tanakh and read the Yahweh/Jehovah in the scriptures and it says Yahawah but it is still the same as Jehovah or Yahweh which means sacred god of wickedness, clamity and ruin. IN 2020 ALL OF THE WORLD WAS IN QUARANTINE so how could you even claim these expenses when all they did was write letters at each persons own expense just like their ministry is. As the Most High God of Israel had chose a people, Satan did too, he chose Jews, specifically Ashkenazi. (b)What questions need answering in connection with this issue? 8:11) By their attitude, too, they betray a failure to consider the many positive warnings of Gods purpose to act. As a result, they became imperfect. A great upsurge of violence and vicious crime baffles the sociologists. (a) In spite of all mans scientific progress, what is the situation today? Jehovah definition: Jehovah is the name given to God in the Old Testament . feeling first manifestation second. It has been heard again and again from the prophets: "Repent or perish! But I believe you have done your research wrong and have been misled, which occurs often in the world we live in now. Discovering the answer can deepen your understanding of God, and enrich your worship. This became a source that is seen in many commentaries of theologians, even until today. Acts 4:10,12; YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME OR BESIDES ME! Lots warning of the impending catastrophe upon the city and district was treated by his prospective sons-in-law as a big joke. Matthew 18:7. Kenyon all had commentaries that mentioned usage in the Greek Magical Papyri, which showed various combinations of the letters, iaou. SEE THIS POST TO SEE YEHOVAH IS GOD ALMIGHTY. They were not so weak that they could not have resisted when the Devil tempted them. This short definition carries a sense of the eternal. jehovah means god of wickedness. God foreknew there would be, and caused the apostle Peter to prophesy: In the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: Where is this promised presence of his? They could decide for themselves what is good and what is bad. Adam went along with Eve and also ate. ( ), Yd, H, Vav, H YHVH/YHWH/YAHWEY/YAHUAH/YAHAWA/YAH/ YESHUA/YAHSHUA/YAHUSHUA/YEHOSHUA/JAH/ Would you like to read this article in %%? Jeremiah 1 of King James Bible. Discussing mans original sin against God, a footnote in The Jerusalem Bible says: It is the power of deciding for himself what is good and what is evil and of acting accordingly, a claim to complete moral independence . Many have lashed out in anger, believing that Jehovah means evil. Have the past 6,000 years of history shown that humans have been successful in governing themselves without Gods guidance? He is present with us in times of suffering. For God The Father to forgive the debt of sin, Jesus Christ had to come from a 100% pure white stock [SEED LINE]. EVE was intelligent to know a Snake couldnt talk and would not of been stupid enough to listen to a snake, as she was in PERFECT harmony with JEHOVAH. Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. is this between the Melchizideck priests and the Levites? The answer is simply. Furthermore, the Bible clearly says wickedness increased to the degree that God had no choice but to wipe out all of humanity and start over. Im yuong. She saw some peaches in a market and shouted out the word peaches. Apparently, in Turkish this is a very bad word. Satan called God a liar. It is the "revelation of Jesus Christ" meaning Johns vision was showing an aspect of Jesus his disciples and the world had never seen- His justice and wrath. Commission to a Mission (Jonah 1:1-2) Today's devotion is an excerpt from a Bible Study Series I preached from the book of Jonah. And perhaps most explicit is the fact that in his Word the destructive Flood of Noahs day and the fiery overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah are specifically named as patterns of things to come. There can be no doubt that God will put an end to all wickedness. Yet, as soon as Lot and his daughters were clear of the doomed district, Jehovah made it rain sulphur and fire upon the whole area. (a) Who are responsible for wickedness? It is highly important then, that Christians and even non-Christians use extra caution in spreading false information that has no intellectual basis whatsoever. All the inhabitants of the district, with their cities, their homes, their gardens and all the well-watered fertile country, were overthrown in the fiery disaster. Genesis 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Centuries later, a group of Jewish scholars called the Masoretes wanted to restore the word. Do not be envious of those doing unrighteousness. "And in that day thou shalt say, O Lord, I will praise thee: though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me. Lets call this my loaf of bread theory, for lack of a better illustration. (See photo below) Their intentions were to prevent those in synagogues from saying Gods name. Ive seen far too many demons and I know that the bible was NEVER allowed to be translated without the approval of the Catholic church. Jesus the [ADAMIC 100% PURE WHITE STOCK] Christ does not descend from a negro~Canaanite Jewish/Muslim moon god named YAHWEY/ALLAH and a negress~Canaanite goddess called the queen of Heaven. Popes and Priests declare they can forgive the sins of men. 3:3,4) The destructive events in Noahs day and in Lots day point to the error of such ridiculers and to the fact that Jehovah will deliver the righteous.2Pet. And Jehovah said unto Moses, Pass on before the people, and take with thee of the elders of Israel; and thy rod, wherewith thou smotest the river, take in thy hand, and go." 14 Surely God has had good reason for permitting humans under the rule of Satan to cause the wickedness that has existed for so long. THE SACRED NAME So, what did God The Father say to Moses in 1446 BC? "Yah" (#H3050) means "god". The Watchtower quotes Genesis 3:3-5 to support the statement that Satan called God a liar. For anyone else reading this, hopefully my explanation helped. The Tetragrammaton YHWH appears without its own vowels, and its exact pronunciation is debated(Jehovah, Yehovah, Jahweh, Yahweh) The Hebrew. "Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord GOD of hosts." King James Version (KJV) < Previous Verse Next Verse > View Chapter Jeremiah 2:19 Context names in -iah, -jah.. Titles of Pope that confirm he stands as Antichrist. . Sometimes in the King James Bible and other more modern translations (like the New American Bible and the New Revised Standard) the word 'Lord' is used in the place of YHWY instead of Jehovah. The fact that any of us is here to tell the story is a tribute to the longsuffering of God! The cookie allows the website to "remember" your actions when you visit. If God had stepped in long ago, the charge could have been made that humans were not given enough time to experiment. Please comment. How can Christianity be true when ancient Satanism and the satanic scriptures predate Christianity and Jesus? Learn how your comment data is processed. An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, But she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones . Exodus 6:3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them. A cookie is a small piece of data that is stored on your computer or mobile device browser. Website powered & protected by Jehovah's holy spirit. In Revelation 12:9 we are told that Satan is the name of the serpent or of the devil. It is a moment of celebration and worship. It's only temporary though. We, humans, are stained by sin. Do you believe that God uses Satan's evil to bring us closer to following Christ? The only true research about the things of God come from His WORD; the BIBLE. And I have also established my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan" (Exod 6:3-4). 2:1-3. So ultimately, all wickedness is described in the Old . They may say: If there is a God, why does he permit all these terrible things to happen?. You can ask them all the questions you would like to hear their point of view on and tell them your views based on your research. Notice how thorough the cleanup that Jehovah will conduct on this earth. Hebrew: Yehownadab Psalm 4-1. Gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those with discernment. Jehovah is translated as The Existing One or Lord., William Tyndale also later used rendition of the name. All such questions were raised in this attack on Gods sovereignty, on his right to be the only and absolute ruler of humankind. Well, look in the Bible for the word and you will find out what it means. From H1961; (the) self Existent or eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God: Jehovah, the Lord. They take to this by watching others lay out the word Jehovah like a loaf of bread, and slicing it up into parts. I suffered from night terrors, sleep paralysis, severe anxiety and depression, eating disorders, and alcohol abuse. He never wanted them or their children to suffer or have trouble. Satan the devil used to be an angel the he decided he wants to be as great as Jehovah so he made an very evil plan to not obey Jehovah. He disguised himself as a snake to do it and he wants the worship of the living to stay dead like he is and never find the truth.