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"hyung, y/n's here!" 2. you told him you'd get changed into a more suitable outfit for a beach party. Why dont you tell him exactly what it is you call me when were alone?, *honestly not feeling all that embarrassed when he heard the name, it felt natural for him even outside of sex so all he could do was laugh at your flustered face*, *smiling proudly as the older members stared in shock, teasing you as you tried to deny it to no avail*, *being the youngest he knew hed get bullied to know end if his members heard you, trying to play it cool as he looked out the window of the car*, Yah, Jongho-ah, did y/n just say what I think she said?, *glancing over nonchalantly as he did his best to disguise how much he secretly loved that name*, Hmm? The whole room ". on my side., What do you reckon? would hurt.. kissing him only for him to pull you back in for one more kiss, leaving you do, I just want to get this done tonight, you informed him, Ill come to bed yunho . over here thinking that everything is just going to be fine after youve said so many things that I want to do with you, the beach, shopping, family food. Hongjoong quickly caught onto what you said, with his eyebrows bed, I wasnt expecting you to call so early, I thought youd be busy Your head nodded, feeling slightly more confident by Seonghwas You did a quick double take as you began to stir, blinking Have a great day and make sure to eat and drink water!! But do we have to go out today? them.. @atinyzensstay and @cocobeanncteez are hands down my favorite ateez reaction/ scenario blogs. She shouldnt sleep out here like this., *would honestly just find the whole thing funny, but still would make sure the other members knew that it wasnt a welcomed behavior*, Wooyoungie, I think y/n mustve been really tired, shes sleeping on Mingi-ssi out in the living room., *looking up from the video he was watching, laughing as it caught him by surprise*, Yah, shes out there with who? take a look at what he was up to, you and I both know that these raps dont Still, Im glad that you were willing to support her., Mingi nodded back at him, smiling weakly, just make sure you Woo Young. - hickeys are a must, very harsh ones at that. lyric sheets across the table, I can fit my laptop in here, thats good enough He would shyly smile and hug you back. Ill give you the space you Now get back here before I smack that perfect ass right here in front of everybody., *laying on top of your boyfriend as you cuddled in bed together, giggling softly as his hands ran up and down your thighs on either side of him*, Y/n, baby, would it be weird if I said Im in love with your thighs?, *chuckling softly as you smacked his chest, causing hims to smile as he squeezed them tigher*, Yah, dont blame me, its your fault for looking this good. and also surprising Seonghwa with your sudden burst of affection. start something in me and finally get me thinking on what to write.. Thats a joke right? cut him off with a kiss to finally get him to shut up. me wont stop me from getting annoyed at this stupid thing Y/N., I know, you sympathised, keeping your hands by his face, but here, you promised, pulling your laptop out. Requests are open! uncomfortableness. I cannot stress how sorry I am, but at least you guys can see Yunho: Hes trying his hardest to not jump into dancing with you, as much as hed love to he can see youre doing really well and he doesnt want to mess up your concentration by jumping in. one has asked for you to be here, why dont you go and do something thats a "A week of nothing," you grinned as his arms snaked around your waist in excitement, barely able to properly contain himself at just the thought.". I think maybe the food can wait, *pouting as you turned to him, giving him the perfect view of your bare legs and noticeable breasts that stood out without your bra on*, *tilting his head slightly as he thought of the best way to tell you that the way you looked had made him more than ready for a second round*, Im starting to think Oppa might need his shirt back, *usually very good at keeping his desires at bay, but something about how angelic and vulnerable you looked in nothing but your panties and his shirt sent him over the edge as he scooped you into his arms, pulling you against him until your face was mere inches away*, *nodding softly as you felt his prominent buldge pressed up against your barely covered core*, I cant help myself around you, especially not when you look this good, *mesmerized by how beautiful you looked in his shirt, quickly becoming overwhelmed with the feeling that you were his and his alone*, I hope you arent dressing like that for other people too., *reassuring him that youd only ever wear something like that for him, watching as his face changed from sternness to something darker and more aroused*, Well do me a favor and get changed, babyunless youre trying to get me to lose controlbecause I wont last long with my baby dressed like that., *hed be a bit nervous to bring up how turned on hed be watching you dance around in practically nothing, trying his best to maintain his gentlemanly persona despite his eyes being glued to the way your body moved in his big shirt*, Jagiya, why dont I take you home, its getting late, *frowning softly as you walked towards him, giving him the perfect view of your many assets in the thin material of his t-shirt which gave him a peek at the panties you had on underneath*, *his tongue darting across his lips as he tried to pull his hungry gaze away from you*, I just think if you keep this up I might do something Ill regret, *has no intention of hiding how sexy he finds you in panties and his shirt, walking up to you and playing with the hem of the shirt, lifting it up slightly as you blushed*, Dont be shy now, baby girl, you know what youre doing to me, *his eyes on you sternly as you bit back a mischievous smile*, *at a loss for words as he watched you cutely attempt to dance part of his routine, wearing nothing but your panties and a shirt that hed lent you when you spilled food on your own earlier*, *giggling softly to yourself as his jaw fell slightly agape at the way he could see every outline of your frame, quickly becoming painfully turned on*, *would try to distract himself with cooking when he noticed you come out of his room with nothing but his oversized shirt and some panties on, knowing that if he stared for too long he might not be able to stop himself*, *as you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind hed instantly become a flustered mess, feeling your breasts pressed innocently against his back as he quickly turned to face you*, You want some, Jagi? *looking away as you shook your head*, Your body is umm, giving m-me a hard time, babyI need to learn how to control myself around you more., *watching as you lay sprawled out on the sofa in nothing but his big shirt and a pair of your panties, smiling softly as he instantly felt the need to protect you and make you feel safe*, Does my baby need anything? these lines memorised., His eyes looked across at you softly, right now I feel like Give it time, you assured him, leaning down to press a at Wooyoung. I didnt think that you were going all done? You questioned, taking a much-needed seat. once its done, I promise you., His head shook, resting Before even asking whats wrong hell give you a small peck on the head and pull you into his chest to let you cry as much as you need to. on one hand, he was hesitant to be locked up for so long, but then he realized that, as long as he was with you, he was happy. This might be the one time when you hate my body, whenever I really enjoy their werewolf! in disappointment, I cant apologise enough Y/N. Can you play with my hair? A quiet voice asked of you, resting you want me to let go of you?, No, he chuckled, dont apologise, Im glad that its something Summary: Its the morning after your time with Wooyoung and youre feeling as light as a cloud, if feels like nothing can get you down, but thats until Hongjoong tells you something about Wooyoung that has your entire mood crashing down. Thank you so much for these suggestions I think I might try writing the end to my San wip like you suggested, that idea has been in my head since I started the plan for it, lets hope it helps. are definitely an added bonus for me, but right now I really do want you to give you some time.. Mingi: Hes smiling like an idiot as he watches you, its such a nice surprise for him to walk in on, seeing the love of his life fully concentrating on each step of HIS parts. showing off his script to you. and press a kiss to your forehead, why didnt you wake me when you got here stay., Your hugs are better, you laughed, but Yeosangs are He doesnt care in the slightest if your tears soak his shirt, hell stand there hugging you while you sob into his chest all night if he had to. comfortable with muscles poking in my boobs., Yunho adjusted his position to try and help ease your he spends a lot of time being clingy and cuddly . else., Your eyes widened I spent every night in that hospital laying in bed, nervously asked, placing your hand around the door handle, but not pushing down I promise well be done with the photoshoot soon and then we can go home- or should I call a car for you now? informed him in reply, you told her that youd be done an hour ago so that she responded, knowing that you knew that he had a point too. boobs hurt, you can definitely do one., Ill make sure that they dont hurt you whilst Im here.. After a few more wrong steps he decides to step in and help you, guiding you through it until youve got it down. I-I wanna feel how strong your are, *pouting softly as you knew itd make him cave in a heartbeat, his gaze darkening as he looked from you over to the members, and then back to you before leaning in slightly and letting his thumb graze your lips gently as he whispered*, Go to my room, Ill be there in 10 minutes- and if youre not naked I swear Daddy wont touch you for the rest of the night, ok?, *you knew as soon as the words left your mouth that you wouldnt have to ask twice, when he felt your hand gently squeezing his thigh and heard the way your voice softened he could already tell you were about to ask him something dirty*, Yeosang? from Y/N this morning., Mingi held his hands up innocently, Im just admiring how similar be fine here with us, but dont pressure her into doing anything right now., His eyes looked Taking a few steps backwards he watches as you effortlessly glide through the choreography, smiling to himself as he watches. the sofa, its so uncomfortable., Yeosang beckoned Jongho to stand, sliding himself underneath side., No way, Seonghwa exclaimed, she has no choice but to be tell you how thankful I am for all of your help every day., You can thank me when you remember these lines Yeosang.. decide what colour I want to use to fill that bit of the canvas., Youve worked well, he Yunho smiled proudly at the flushed expression on your face, You make the same face and yell that he didn't do anything wrong and explain your whole day to him. that you had all of your equipment on. Mingi: Hes panicking on the inside but doing his best to seem calm on the outside. Hongjoong:Hed instantly ask whats wrong and would offer comfort and would ask if you need to talk about it, putting all of his attention on you until he knows youre okay. He doesn't believe you and ends up FaceTiming you with a pout on his face. "Oh, I'm going to make you believe me". You dont call him that for real?, *turning his serious gaze down towards you slowly, a small sadistic smile fluttering across his face*, Well, babydo you? always.. grab onto it. (this kinds morphed into acuddled up asleep with another member I hope thats ok! work, you pointed out to him, I thought you were better Hongjoong., His head long low In a world of your own, the milk pours into the bowl covering your cereal as you chuckle to yourself lightly. I wont touch you until you beg., *wouldnt be 100% on board with the idea of having you tied up and blindfolded because hes so easily turned on by your touch and the way you look at him when he hits your sensitive spots, but would try it because youd wanted to and would definitely be surprised with how much he enjoyed being in control- would enjoy tying you up so that you couldnt touch him more than blindfolding you*, Baby, does it hurt? take the best care of you., I know, I just wanted to be doubly certain that Im you can always disregard them, though. you., I guess its not such a bad thing that she slept on you, at on. Hed notice you hadnt seen him so he decides to slightly hide around a corner to continue watching, trying his hardest to hold back his giggles. her to call?, She misses you too, theres no way that she will have forgotten., Hongjoong let go of a shaky breath as Yunho tried to I need to know if youre in pain., *when you reassured him that you wanted to keep trying, hed reluctantly agree, stuffing down the part of him that liked hearing your loud moans about how big he was*, I know its a lot, babyjust tell me if you need me to stop, ok?, *the instant he heard you cry out that he was too big, itd take everything in him not to fuck you even harder, knowing that he needed to make sure you were alright and take things at your pace despite the depraved little fantasies in the back of his head telling him otherwise*, I promise the pain will be over soon, Jagiand then Ill make you feel so good, ok?, *running his hand through his hair as you nodded, staring up at him with a doe-eyed expression as he slowed his pace even more to help ease your pain, fighting every last nerve not to ram himself into your deliciously tight center*, You have no idea what youre doing to me, little girl, *the feeling of your walls tightening around his length was enough to send him through the roof, but the added sounds of your moans and the feeling of your nails against his back as you squirmed to adjust to his size were another level of sexy that San was trying his best to handle*, Baby, pleaseIll go slow I promise, itll only stop hurting after you get used to the feeling and I need to fuck you for that to happen, ok? Dont walk away from me, Mingi called out to you as you Welcome to my feed! fell silent as Yunhos exs name slipped out of his mouth, leaving you beside work, finding you immediately. fix together., His head nodded back across at you, I cant even begin to much for you youll use your safeword, right?, *wouldnt suggest it first because hed never want to bring something up that may make you uncomfortable, but the instant you showed him the pink blindfold and ball gag that youd purchased hed barely be able to contain yourself- even the image in his mind of you unable to see or speak made his jaw tense*, Whats all this for Jagi, hmm? its best to just leave it, you explained, were just going to make things sat there? Seonghwa asked as he watched you unpack your work, making yourself " He said. whispered back to his leader, I didnt mean to, I just got angry. You on the other hand were like glued to the ground watching the enormous . The month has been divided up amongst us and we will post our own version of each trope on our designated days. Dont be sad, pumpkin, just focus on Daddys smile and Ill pick something out for us to watch., *would always try to do his best to make you smile, not super strict with rules but always making sure you knew who your daddy was and that he was there for you when you needed him*, Princess, are you feeling sleepy? of your hand, dropping to the floor with a loud bang and a cracked screen. lie. hurt Seonghwa, that stings, you snapped, stepping aside to leave the room, onto his, as opposed to his usually reaching out for yours, Im not going to boys would all love to have something from you too., Your smile grew as you saw to you one more time, feeling terrible as you instantly looked away. as he watched the colour on Seonghwas cheeks darken in realisation. And next time, princess? instructions to your new unit into the air. Dont tempt me like that if you arent sure. *you nodded, biting your lip as he placed a gentle kiss on your lips, brushing hair away from your face tenderly*, *gazing up at you with a softened, gaze, licking his lips slightly as he guided your hips against him, throwing his head back against the pillows as you sunk perfectly onto him as his hands ran over the curvatures of your body*, Shit baby, youre so tight *groaning as you picked up your pace, whining at the feeling of him inside you as you felt him throbbing, knowing that he was getting close*, San,, please come inside me this time, okay? *his gaze darkening in an instant as he watched you grind your hips against him, hed wrap his arms around your waist and pull you towards him, flipping the two of you over in an instant and making you squeal as he adjusted to his new position on top of you*, If Im gonna do that Im gonna do it right, now beg for it, baby., *would be a groaning mess as held you close to his chest, sitting up against the headboard with you straddling him, rocking down against him slowly as his hands traveledwildly across your body, thrusting up into you periodically in a way that made your legs shake*, M-mingi,,nnnghhh please, please cum inside me? *sensing your desperation would nearly make him bust right then, but hed give you a second look as rubbed the back of your neck, pulling your face close to his*, BabyI know you cant always think straight when my dicks inside you, are you sure youre in the right mind to say that? *smirking as he teased you mercilessly, letting you bounce on him pleadingly*, Pleeease, Daddy.. *hearing your whines was enough to satisfy him and hed give you a satisfied smile*, Mmmm, you know I cant say no to my baby girl, *would be a big fan of your freaky side, loving the way you squirmed against the ties holding your wrists together as he threw his head back, breathing heavily as he thrust into you and listening to your pretty moans underneath him*, Y/nIm close babytell me where you want me to cum *watching you blush as a small smirk spread across your face, pulling him closer to you as you tightened your walls against him, causing him to groan as he tried to keep himself from releasing his load right then*, Inside me, Woopretty please. *inhaling sharply as he nodded slowly, his gaze completely fucked out as he picked up his pace, not needing to be told twice as he murmured under his heavy breaths*, What am I gonna do with you, my pretty little slut, *would be fully immersed in fucking you, holding your body against his as he tried to hold back his full strength for fear he might hurt you, groaning lowly in your ear as he picked up his pace, pumping into your soaked core as your moaning grew louder and more needy*, J-jongho, please! Y/N?, Your head shook He stops playing and pauses the game. good present for you guys, you informed him, allowing him to stand beside the worked my charms so much they felt obliged to say yes., Definitely, Im sure it was your charms that convinced either?, I didnt want to disturb you; it was nice to finally see parked up the car, keeping a close eye on you as your eyes studied the building Youre lucky I enjoy playing with your hair so much, so I around the place., Jonghos eyes shot across to look over at you, this at all.. Do you like it?, *looking away momentarily as he tried to adjust himself, feeling his breath hitch in his throat as he stuttered out a low response*, B-baby itsit looks really good on you. hand. Wont it hurt?, *his eyes growing wider as you explained that that was kind of the point*, I-Is it ok for me to like something like that?, *thinking about how good youd look gasping for air as he had complete control over you*, *when he heard the wordchoke come out of your mouth, something would stir inside him and his gaze would quickly find yours to check if you were being serious*, Come here, darlinglet me check your temperature, *pressing his hand to your cheek as you gave him a strange look*, *his gaze never wavering from your face as he whispered lowly, causing you to shiver at his words*, I want to make sure youre in your right mind so that when I fuck you senseless later and you cant breathe you wont blame me for taking advantage of you, *hearing you ask to be choked ignited something inside him, even though you currently werent alone and your request had only been a whisper he was half tempted to try it right that instant*, Baby girl, *he warned, watching the way you bit your lip nervously as he leaned close to you, he voice low and and raspy*, Dont say things like that to me when you know I cant do anything about it., *his eyes filling with lust as you looked down, feeling embarrassed as you nodded in defeat*, Let me finish this performanceand when we get home you better be ready, princess. Previous Chapter Next Chapter, Prompt List Series Masterlist Master List Buy me a Coffee. get her home as soon as she wakes up, I cant stress to you how tired she was., Ill make it up to her for leaving her waiting for me, Hongjoong it.. feeling his hand try and wrap around your wrist, but you quickly pulled away. He then held your waist, and asked you if you were ready. as soon as you heard his exs name come from his lips, noticing the surprise in his face, are you alright? He asked, happy to hold onto you and pull you feeling an intense need to protect you and treat you gently- he wanted you to then? about, Yunho encouraged as he climbed out of the car, moving around to you. Sorry, he murmured, come lift you up so easily you know., I know, you chuckled, just try and tame them for a bit Then you can come back to it tomorrow once youve got a fresh mind again., Your head moved to rest you resting., You began to shuffle slightly as you woke your aching closely into his side. - stares at you with eyes wider than usual +. Y/N, he whispered, surprised to feel your hand holding Did you get it Hongjoong reminded him, we dont have to carry on today if its hard., Well be fine, Ill The smell of coffee hit Your girlfriend calls you daddy?, *laughing uncontrollably as he nodded, not feeling a need to hide the sexy pet name despite your deep embarrassment at the accident*, Can you blame me? *Smiling brightly as he looked at you and how innocent you looked with flushed cheeks*, *a darker expression instantly becoming clear on his face as his breathing hitched, knowing that he could use this little mistake to punish you later*, Oh youre joking! 43) When a barista leaves their number on their cup. At least youre enjoying yourself, you hummed underneath Requests are open! Hongjoong. he answered your call, watching his smile grow as the picture came around to wanted to do it again, just so you know, I could get angry again., I dont need you to be angry for me to kiss you, you lightly as he walked over and stood beside you, taking a look at what youd bedroom, theres a part of him that very much loves being in charge but something to try and get you through whilst you work, he grinned, glancing I was just keeping Y/N company, Yeosang grinned across to We got it all done, he