I think we have all come to a place where wed like to see this thing wrapped up. I have added a link to my post How they connect wicked secret underground cities because of your question. I need to go to my go to site and hear the latest talk by Dane, if he knows anything. . Under Trevi Fountain two huge underground places were found. https://wakeup-world.com/category/contributing-writers/dane-wigington/, I am willing to believe ANYTHING evil about Roman Catholicism, Vatican Jesuits & Templars that orchestrated 4 evil Crusades. Hi Roger! Have you researched this at all? Has Donald Trump been chosen, I certainly voted for him? Hi Mesake, The tunnels were built by the Martians who have lived in the centre of the Earth since it was created. There is every chance that Rakovski had a link to the main Vat-Jer tunnel and what you heard was more than possibly it being destroyed, which is wonderful, dont you think? What to leave out. Personally, I truly believe in Trump as you stated above. Thank you so much Les! But before we point too many fingers towards the RCC, I believe many of us are going to be shocked when we learn what has been happening around the world in other churches! If Donald Trump regains the Presidency, there will certainly will be Rothschild banking system takedown & replacement. Ae you by chance the David Harringtonfrom Ecademy? The actual direct flight distance is 1,432.90 miles (2,306.03 km). This is one of the main reasons a reset is currently taking place. Allan Watts on Youtube explains on explains the nature of the Control he also explains how the Vatican (a city state) edited the Bible in 4th and 12th century to control the minds of the people to looking outside themselves for answers to problems in their lives. Virginia. The light has already won. No, of course, it wasnt. I urge you to do some research on any/all the main video platforms: YouTube, Bitchute, Rumble. come on, time to stick together in this, Grazie per tutto quello che hai pubblicato. The tax payers will NOT bail them out. John uses the same apochraphyl language as Daniel. Wonderful. Please re-read Revelation, and you will find there are three separate books, of 7 chapters, all written to first century Christians who were being tormented and killed. The level of the Adriatic sea in the northern part (where I lived) has dropped by about 20 centimeters. No chance for arguments. We need to set our eyes on the real truth and hope for this world, and that is Jesus Christ. Yes I agree to your last response. I pray that President Trump is right and we all will love how this movie ends. In 1492, Pope Alexander VI finished the wall in its current form as seen today. Im sorry Jackie, I dont go along with these Annunaki/alien or monkey theories. Top 10 Things Possibly Hidden In The Vatican Secret Archives; Dont mislead people otherwise. You Need To Dwell Here. I think and hope minimual arguing will happen has to who this gold belongs to. Also, if he has the degree, his title should be I believe it will be. What an amazing time for all. . So, in My humble opinin, doesnt matter if theres no evidences of what You posted, the Holy Scriptures described their luxurious Life and for me is enough. Some believe the order may have once carried the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, two items central to Bible scripture, yet never found. I know hes spoken about it many times. No, it belongs to the entire world, plundered for thousands of years. It was short and strong, only abput 2 seconds. During this period they found the underground tunnels, the gold and the scrolls/books etc. All I hope to do is steer people in the general direction of asking questions and seeking answers. Eye opening. I think we are right in the middle of a terrifying clash between good and evil. Ciao . CA the worst. Stone Age tunnels have been found that stretch thousands of miles all the way from Scotland to Turkey. Nesara/ Gesara, Please go to Duck Duck Go or You Tube and put these words in individually. The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. for the world, which seems President Trump has not been got to by the Ca/bal not in the slightest. This became a place to get inspiration from the ancestors as the masters were buried here. Ive actually removed that last update from my website as on just checking it I found the video was no longer working. It causes concern when people who may have devious means are saying what goes in and what doesnt! Thanks also for the extra links you provided.. We are about to learn so much, I think its going to be mind-blowing. and went for 150 miles. It is all over the world not just here. Im not here to kill the fun, but our job is to present the facts as best as we can. And Ive heard theres even a possibility that the enemy has altered parts of what we have now as scripture ugh conceivable depending on the character of the men who had access to the original manuscripts. But then again, thats how these people work, isnt it! And the kings of the earth who committed sexual immorality with her and lived with her in shameless luxury will weep and beat themselves in grief over her when they see the smoke from her burning. He told BBC Reel: We can say that when it comes to symbolic meaning, we are in the important place for the Templars in Portugal. Exactly Michael. Hi jb, I want to see the video thats supposed to be on this page but there is NO link to a video anywhere except the next and prior ones. Charlie said enough for everyone to have 1 million each. Hi Hilary! Via Labicana, 95 Open Mon-Sat, 10am-12pm; 3pm-5pm; Sun 12pm-5pm Entry fee: 10, reduced 5. The only thing Ive seen is the flashes at the White House & I was awake at 3 in the morning to see all the busses at the Capital, all the military in and out of the Capital & White House that one night in January of 2021. And who likes likes, and who doesnt like, oh, well. Thank you for your thoughts on what you believe is to happen. Over 50,000 traumatized or deceased children have been recovered from underground tunnels running beneath US cities. In 2008, construction work around the church appeared to confirm their suspicions. God wins! It might be a good idea to read the book Peace among the Willows that evaluates Francis Bacons book of 1626, The New Atlantis. Gold in tunnels under the Vatican, now taken to the U.S. (2) Sequestered Illuminati and Cartel Wealth (3) Gold from the Chinese elders, buried in underground Taiwanese vaults (4) Gold brought from off-planet (5) The St. Germaine World Trust (6) Historic bonds (7) Income-tax refunds (8) Per questo motivo c lipotesi che ci siano tunnel verso lAmerica. https://rumble.com/search/video?q=Charlie%20Ward, Thank you so much Bonnie! Do you know what loosh is? Hopefully that time will be very soon. And certainly it would be a place where the Templars would perform not only funeral rituals but also initiation rituals.. Until Charlie proves me wrong, I like the man. The expert went on to explain how the Templars secret underground tunnels were uncovered. August/Sept/Oct have all been slated as HUGE months and from everything we are seeing, that is truly the case. So why is none of this information coming out yet ,? PlusJessie Czebotar of Illuminate The Darkness weighs in and takes your questions. LOL You will be more careful next time Im sure! I really appreciate your words of encouragement, and for helping to bring comprehension to others. Assets will be transferred into other hands for legal ownership. Thank you Armida for sharing with us knowledge from the actual area. But I do hope you are right! Even what I have learned so far has sent me for a six. The downtrodden are important. But historian Daniel Jones previously debunked this myth during an interview on Dan Snows History Hit. It further confirms what Mitko told me. People have been thinking they are small earthquakes. I am quite confident that one after another, all these things will be stopped which is great news dont you think? We had a strange earthquake exactly at this place, at Mai 1st 2020. Thanks for your comment. Why? The Regavim Movement, a group dedicated to the protection of Israel's national resources, filed a petition against the Jerusalem Municipality last week demanding they take action against the tunnel. they also owned and control every major mainstream media of the world to control the official narrative to scare billions of people of the world into taking their lethal injections for their depopulation agenda. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. Construction of the Passetto wall began around the year 850, but it wasn't completed until the year 1277 under Pope Nicholas III. Fitts probably does not believe in NESARA nor is she likely to believe in a Global Currency Reset. We will come through this difficult time and out into a beautiful place but we have to realise it cannot happen whilever the wicked are still on this earth. Huge Victory According To Joel. A level playing field. One conspiracy theory " going viral " is that extensive operations are taking place to rescue children held in secret underground locales beneath densely populated cities. Humans have stripped gold from the dead for nearly 2000 years to fill the tunnel. I heard from several sources. However, if all of this is true, it surely will be the greatest story ever told. Thank you for sharing your understanding of Revelations with us. I too want to wake up from this nightmare like it never did happen ! This three-tiered complex consists of an 11 th century Basilica that was built on top of the pre-existing 4 th century "domus ecclesiae" (a secretive meeting room . Even though, people ask for real evidences, (i.e. I just came across your website. All of that wealth and still children are homeless and starving. I had doubts of Charlie as well. Quantum Financial System. Hi GS! If that didnt work, to control you they also created a 700 acre city state inside the city of London, that controls all Central banks of the world, IF that wasnt enough to control you they also owned Washington DC also is a city state that had controlled the greatest military power on the Planet (Until Donald Trump was elected and is still the commander and Chief of the US military) all are owned by the Kasarian Mafia. Last I knew they found Covid in the air. These underground tunnels even helped local Templars evade a Moorish siege in 1190. So theydidnt want to save starving children, in fact youll find out soon they were trafficking and sacrificing them as well. Saturday, 4th March 2023See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. Many draw attention to the order's early occupation of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and what relics the Templars may have found there. Fantastic Research many thanks regards Tony Tyrrell, Quando i dumbs che sono sotto il mare vengono fatti saltare si riempiono di acqua. Hope so ready for movie to end, I took David Wilcock class last year , he talked about Vatican to Jerusalem tunnel said in eqypt you can dig all over and find stuff but its illegal, Im to the point just want peace , money doesnt mean that much for some reason. But not children. Censorship. May be Fitts should talk to Judge Anna von Reitz regarding NESARA. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Its coming! I dont expect everyone to simply believe what I say. AND THIS 1 TOO Hi Dennis! Though small in size, this place of worship was also used as a burial place for the Knights and is believed to have served as an important site for underground Templar initiation rituals over the centuries. Judge and research for yourself please. For us, most of us had no idea it was going on but He sees all! There are many trolls out there writing stuff against him. Hi Geekgal, One Talent (approx) in todays value is $1,176,050 so if this amount is multiplied by 666 Talents its close to 800M per year x by 40 years thats a mega hoard + he had gold and diamond & other precious metal mines in Africa, the Philipines, India and other countries. Apart from one or two health things which he has promoted on his site, he doesnt charge any money. What If The New World Order Was the Beast of Revelations? prior to the current day we are living in didnt really have the comprehension of what is being revealed to us all now. We are not to take as gospel anything we hear from anyone, myself included. I will send you a direct email. I heard 13 stacks was 6m x 4m wide on pallets with detailed logs of where it was taken from. Im just reporting what was relayed to Charlie Ward as to the findings under the Vatican. Touch to pray for all our people's needs.Click to see individual prayers. Understand how the water flows underground and talk about the aqueducts with their original hydraulic mechanism. Medieval Erdstall tunnels dating back centuries have been found in . It seems the Bible is a collection of scriptures that is whatever some people decide it is. That way you can keep your spirits and your faith levels high. Now I am not a seismologue, but it felt strange somehow. The reality of the Military in charge is a Fantasy, although it is probably real, we just dont see one little thing. Who put it there? If he had told everyone to go use natural substances he would have been totally crucified! This grisly story of abused and cannibalized children has been resurfaced several times with the underground facilities and tunnels being located in various places. And we are here as on a darkling plain Its the last part of a poem by Matthew Arnold called Dover Beach. Basically, I really believe we are indeed watching a movie play out before our eyes. It was built by the J. Paul Getty Foundation for Queen Elizabeth and now houses much of the loot once . I just discovered your site. If that is true, I have no way of really knowing, but I have heard that. Marilyn, thank you for your hard work. And here we are right in the middle of what is symbolically written in Revelations, Joel, Ezekiel, Daniel etc. Thank you Virginia. Thank you Caroline! It is only right that God would use prophetic ministries to tell the world of what was to come. So many of the powers that be have already been dealt with, and what we are seeing now are body doubles or actors in masks. Iran showed off the tunnels during air defense drills this week [the last week in February]. The subterranean structures began as quarries for the Romans. . What about your statement that covid was a distraction for the alliance to drain the swamp and raid the Vatican. How did it get there? The Secret Tunnel Under The Vatican The Vatican is the world's smallest state both by area and population, coming in at under only 110 acres with a population of 1000 people. Hi Russell, MURDER, MURDER, MURDER for centuries is the Jesuits in the name of their POWER & CONTROL, Not Jesus Kingdom. What I see is exactly what your replies are, we are on the same page, the page of truth. I have followed this entire mess for 5 years. Its almost over, keep vibrations up, watch your emails every day as its time for the banks to send an email giving you an 800# to call for info where to go and get your new debit card, the QFS has gone through. Gradually the tunnels from all around the world are being dealt with, one after another and being made unusable in the future. Under the Hyatt Regency, the Rev. Panorama of Rome with a view of Basilica from St. Peter in the Vatican. The catacombs, a network of dark and narrow underground tunnels and tombs, hold the secret that eventually leads Indy to the hideout of the Holy Grail. Thank you Father for all these blessings. One night 9 p.m. to 6 or 7 a.m. there were reported explosions, like earthquakes, every 2 or 3 seconds at Ayers. I am convinced also that our God can and does protect everything for us. First I had thought it was in Plovdiv, but of course you may be right with Rakovsky, too. As for the Holy Grail, there is a connection, but its like the connection between James Bond Spectre and MI6 it exists in fantasy. And then they announced another earthquake for the next days on TV, remember? The biggest gold mines are not known. For this reason there is the hypothesis that there are tunnels to America. Great Reset No More! Not everyone will believe it, in fact, no-one should believe it without doing some pretty deep personal research for themselves. SO all you people who are sceptic, have no faith, faith in Jesus and HIS Father! He also show the barges that go down to GItmo. Now we go to the 5th demention and life happy everafter. The archives are in fact made up of the private letters and historic records of past popes over the past four . or is it too strange to think that way. We are moving into a different world, only made possible by the complete removal of the evil Cabal who have been busy robbing us blind in every possible way. The Spirit of God says, There is a dig, an archeological find that is coming in an underground vault, which will be so cataclysmic that it will ROCK the Christian world. Hmmm. New video shows smoke billowing from beneath the White House after massive explosions were heard emanating throughout Washington, D.C. Over 200,000 children were rescued, 1000s of bodies were recovered and mass arrests were made during the military operation. Never-the-less, Ive been searching through the many Charlie Ward videos to see if I could find where he speaks of it. Id love to know HOW they found covid in the air as they have not been able to isolate it interesting. 4 Min Read Viral claims on social media purport that a recent U.S. military operation rescued 35,000 "malnourished, caged and tortured" children from tunnels beneath New York City's Central Park. In Italia molti terremoti di lieve intensit Whole thing looked pretty bogus to me as well right from the start. You need to go to alternative sources not the msm as they will tell you nothing. The Bible was put together over time. When you look at the overall of how the n/w/o have been in charge of what happens, it isnt good. Yes I think I would love a copy also Thank you for alerting us to those prophecies. I am leaving a token of my appreciation for you and the readers. Be encouraged! I want you to think this through the jab is NOT vaccine! The construction of the tracks and station followed the signing of the Lateran Treaty in 1929, in which the Italian government recognised the Vatican as an independent state. watch all 35 episodes of the Fall of the Cabal on Rubble and Bitchute, or on their website. From all the information Ive been given, there is more than enough gold in the world to easily back up all the worlds individual currencies. As for the tunnels, why did they empty them out? Please note that when they went to Buckingham Palace, they found similar huge amounts of gold etc., stored up for the wealthy, having been robbed from the poor. Mark Taylor told this prophecy on page 11 of 12 of Taylors 21 Prophecies. Its best to watch and pray. Hi JayR! Sure there is enough gold to back all the currencies, just raise the price of gold. Answer (1 of 2): There's a tunnel between: * Washington, DC and * Rosslyn, Virginia. Yes America definitely helped to pay for the wars, but so did many other countries. As far as the course was concerned, I believe he studied online for 5 or 6 years to achieve it. Thank you. The journey down in the lift lasts barely a minute, but is the closest thing on Earth to travelling into another dimension. Church Hill Tunnel is an old Chesapeake and Ohio Railway (C&O) tunnel, built in the early 1870s, which extends approximately 4,000 feet (1,219.2 meters) under the Church Hill district of Richmond, Virginia, United States.On October 2, 1925, the tunnel collapsed on a work train, killing four men and trapping a steam locomotive and ten flat cars.Rescue efforts only resulted in further collapse . None of these stories ever was backed up with factual reporting. Published Sep 16, 2016. literally. Out whole education system will go under a review and be rewritten to line up with facts instead of the D]eep S]tates fantasy. The masses were still asleep and there would have been far more mayhem had he denied it. They save the children then blow them up so they can never be used again. I do believe in the Jubilee though. No, not one of them. As this realm is the one of the only ones where time becomes a factor. Where ignorant armies clash by night. In 1494, under Charles VIII, France invaded Italy during the Italian War of 1494-1498. Thr picture was coded with a upcoming that led to a Google image tat said do not take it. By the time I hit the groundi had Hashimotos disease. Loving money, and ever being greedy for more money, which brings with it power, which ultimately leads to total control of others. He reveals how his experience in the laser industry led him into contact with the dark military-intelligence alphabet agencies. Mothers were told their babies died and were buried in mass graves. As does Wm G Carrs Book, Pawns in the Game and Eustace Mullins book, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve. By the way, Great comments by Dennis Richardson! All gone. They can regrow limbs. Turns out they were people from the other side who were doing their darndest to bring him down because of the information he shares. The Native Americans, Incas, and many other long lost civilizations had gold that was stolen from them, and who really knows how long people have been collecting the mineral. Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; Try to keep faith as we all tread this dark road. I must say, that in recent times as Ive studied Revelations from the light of what is happening in the world during this time, Ive done a complete shift. One kilo bars of gold are the size of smartphones. CHILDREN BEING RESCUED FROM TUNNELS BY THE MARINES: Not confirmed yet seems apparent from reports coming in. The Amazing Puzzle Explained - What's Really Going On? I have been reading your replies to comments made in this thread. they create a Problem, that got reaction of the people is ask the powers that shouldnt be to create a Solution So they create a solution usually worst than the original problem. Awesome and true post. Its a poison substance that has never been approved. 2100 CAGED KiDS IN TUNNELS RESCUED BY U.S MARINES IN CALIFORNIA. I believe its worldwide. Under pressure, Pope Clement V disbanded the order in 1312, but its sudden reduction in power inspired the rise of legends. Although most ot the work is done. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. There was more gold than you can imagine found in the tunnel under the Vatican City. Anything you see is a clone or CGI. In American, over 800,000 children per year go missing. He has made this quite clear in many of his videos. So interesting, thanks for your hard work. The unawoken still think the virus is still here, still wearing their masks and think the Ukraine is being attacked by the Russians which is in fact all the same country. It still boggles the mind to imagine how they could keep so much stored away, when just a little of it could relief so much suffering. How long did it take them? Archaeologists Uncover 800-Year-Old 'Treasure Tunnels' Of The Knights Templar Under Israeli City. . Besides youve never heard anything like it and it sounds fantastic? It is more accurately translated to mean 'personal' or 'private'. . Copyright 2023 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes. Its an exciting ride as the Cabal are being exposed and truth is coming forth. Look closely and youll see. I am a follower of Jesus, as well. Yes, I received the first anthrax vax before departure, then the second one right before getting on the plane. With all the other things I have to dolol I have 60 windows open. The amount of gold is absolutely huge and far more than anyone ever imagined. He is able to protect what is His. If you followed Trump you would have known he pushed personal responsibility as you should have done your research. Along with this massive amount of gold were found many books or manuscripts. I would so much love to hear from you some more details, if you would care to. On Sun. Do your own research and learn how you and your family have been screwed! The House of Lords that owned the British East India Company wanted to keep gargantuan profits from soil resources in India, China and North America in only their control. I feel your pain John! Yeah, who built that then and over what period of time? The tunnels that feed in from Blackstone are 8 feet wide and 8 feet tall throughout most of the system, and their walls are lined with pipes that carry steam out of the plant and water back into the plant. It belongs to Americans,its our tax money that Corporate America has been stealing from us. It seems that God has allowed the ds to do a lot of damage to society and the world, but would he allow part of the Word to be kept from us hard to imagine but possible. Its been an exciting journey. Remember all the headlines: This was when the Alliance and Military were taking down the 13 bloodline families, and the Vatican. For more interesting info, watch the Belly of The Beast by Justen & Wes Faull brothers on YT or buy the video which includes some of the best speakers and much more info. When Nesara/Gesara are being rolled out, much of this gold will be used on humanitarian projects. The good news is that you can easily visit the first underground level under St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican Grottoes. He is very open about his questionable past. Keep the faith Clay it will happen. I am not against gatherings of people who love the Lord, or in the many ways they do it just against the infiltration of evil and people acting like they are Christians when secretly they are not instead, they are worshippers of Satan. maybe you are one of them. That might sound like it would never be, but thats not the case. Hello Jorge! This is what has been missing many people do not question anything, which is sad. Did the Cabal get to him too ? Thank you for being a strand of twine in that net which will bring a bountiful harvest to our Father in heaven.
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