, updated [17], The Tontons Macoute were a ubiquitous presence at the polls in the 1961 presidential referendum, in which Duvalier's official vote count was an "outrageous" and fraudulent 1,320,748 to 0, electing him to another term. The MICIVIH carried out an investigation immediately after the event and concluded that it was a premeditated collective murder., _ *** (Commission Nationale de Vrit et de Justice, 1997: chapter V, section B; MICIVIH, 1994). Turits, Richard Lee, A World Destroyed, a Nation Imposed: the 1937 Haitian Massacre in the Dominican Republic, Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. Papa Doc's son Jean-Claude Duvalier, also known as Baby Doc, took over the presidency after the death of his father in 1971, maintaining Papa Doc's belief system, until he was ousted in a public revolt in 1986. These figures were contested by interviewed witnesses. Cattle was killed or taken away by looting soldiers. A History of Political Violence against the Poor The Blood-Soaked Record of the Duvaliers", "Duvalier, 64, Dies in Haiti; Son, 19, Is New President", "Ogou- Vodou, Voodoo Spirit, Lwa of the Nago Nation", "5. According to US journalist Harry Frank (in Gaillard, 1981: 208), US pilots did not verify what type of gathering (a Caco camp, an open farmers market, or peasants on their way to church) they were attacking. Haitians named this force after the Haitian Creole . 1991 (October 2): The army killed at least 7 individuals in Gonaives, Artibonite, including one child and one adolescent, during a demonstration in support of President Aristide. Their executions were summary and swift, and most often evidence was sparring at best. These assassinations were ordered by dictator Papa Doc himself as a part of reprisals against an embryonic anti-Duvalier guerrilla group known as Jeune Haiti that had landed in the region (but none of them were in Jrmie). While the young have never been told, while so many older Haitians have chosen to forget, while some politicians are now attempting to rewrite history, and while the charges against Jean Claude Duvalier are still pending, I hope that the voices of those saying 'never again' will this time be heard.". Tonton Macoute was a Haitian paramilitary force created in 1959 by dictator Franois 'Papa Doc' Duvalier. His gang lives on, murdering innocent people and allegedly eating their organs. Aristide returned to power in 1994 with a bigger U.S. force - only to flee again after threats that he would be hacked to death and eaten. After Germanys defeat, the subsequent Nuremberg Trials declared the Gestapo a criminal organization and many of its members were executed for war crimes. Members of Tt Ansanm hid in the brush - some survived, while others were found and slaughtered by the armed brigades. THE TONTON MACOUTES In order to intimidate the Garde, which still had some professional standards, Du-valier organized a "militia" which may num-ber some 8,000 men. _ * (Gaillard, 1983: 40-42, 152 and 282; Gaillard, 1981: 205-213). The name was later applied to the Milice de Volontaires de la Scurit Nationale, the paramilitary force of Franois 'Papa Doc' Duvalier, Haiti's "President for Life." Tonton Macoutes, a militia force put together in 1959 by President Franois Duvalier, translated, means Uncle Gunnysack, referring to a bogeyman that captures children in a gunnysack and eats them for breakfast. Trained in part by the CIA, SAVAK was an extremely repressive police force in a society that dealt with dissidents swiftly. [23], The lack of funds coming to the Tonton Macoute was a result of those funds being intercepted by the Duvalier dynasty which was sometimes taking nearly 80 percent of international aid to Haiti, then turning around to pay only 45 percent of the debts the country owed. [6], According to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the following day, "five men and one woman appeared on the government controlled television station (Tl Nationale) and admitted their participation in the attack on the church. Following Ceausescus removal from power in 1989, the Securitate survived two more years, until it was disbanded and reorganized by Romanian Parliament. In the TV series "Two and a Half Men", Season 3 Episode 17: "The Unfortunate Little Schnauzer", Archie Baldwin makes a reference to Tonton Macoute in his UN jingle for orphaned children. [from 20th c.] 2011, Kim Ives, The Guardian, 22 March: Every Macoute received a card that afforded him many privileges, like free merchandise from any store he entered, entitlement to coerced sex, and fear and respect from people in general. Soldiers collected several bodies, which were not seen again. He was overthrown and exiled on September 30, 1991. Aristide, Jean-Bertrand (with Christophe Wargny), Tout homme est un homme (Tout moun se moun), , Editions du Seuil, 1992. 1914-1915. According to press reports, Bal Wouz terrorized the inhabitants of the area with the consent of the local police on that day. The de-facto regime relied on paramilitary death squads known as FRAPH, which carried out most of the executions and persecution of opponents and alleged opponents. By The NKVD had important rolesin the implementation and execution of the Gulags, as well as during the Second World War. . The latter believe the massacre was manufactured to be used against President Aristide. The massacre was carried out by unidentified armed men, probably former Tonton Macoute, and took place without resistance by police or army, despite the church being opposite a barracks. Available at:http://www.ijdh.org/2001/06/archive/brian-concannon-justice-for-haiti-the-raboteau-trial/. Haitian police and military units also acted with impunity. In November 1988 armed men led by a uniformed soldier murdered Michelet Dubreus and Jean Flix - two members of the popular organization Verit who had signed a public letter identifying participants in the massacre. This continued until the Tonton Macoute was left on its own when Baby Doc fled the country with an estimated $900m. 1986 (January 31): Army soldiers led by Colonel Samuel Jrmie killed nearly one hundred people in Logane (Southwest of Port-au-Prince) during a demonstration of peasants who were (prematurely) celebrating the departure into exile of Jean-Claude Duvalier. 1902 (August 8): In Petit-Gove, 450 civilians died in a fire which destroyed the town; it had allegedly been lit by the government forces of General Carri to force out the pro-Firmin forces. The soldiers first shot at voters in the waiting line with automatic weapons, before continuing their attack with machetes inside the polling station. Tontons Macoutes murdered more than 60,000 Haitians. The most notable action of the Oprichniki, was the massacre at Novgorod where 1,500 nobles and anywhere from three to 30,000 thousand others were executed, reducing Novgorod to a shell of a city. The Tonton Macoutes then tie the ropes around the men's biceps to bind them to the poles and keep them upright. Alongside the SS, the Gestapo, under Himmler, played a major role in carrying out the Final Solution, from the liquidation of the Ghettos to transportation of prisoners to the concentration camps. [4] Aristide, who had survived at least six attempts on his life after a fiery 1985 Mass had helped spark the unrest which eventually led to the 1986 overthrow of the dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier,[5] was evacuated from the church into a residence inside the church compound. _ *** (United Nations, 2000: 9, NCHR, 2004). As of August 2004, the minister of Justice had asked for the United Nations and the OAS participation in carrying out forensic analysis. 1991 (January 17): In Gervais, Artibonite, 12 peasants were killed and 8 were disappeared (while 20 others were wounded and 494 houses were allegedly set on fire). There had been an attempted kidnapping of Jean Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier that morning and his father, Franois "Papa Doc" Duvalier, decided to unleash his wrath, and his henchmen, on the entire city of Port-au-Prince. His goal, he said, was to prevent "this dark chapter in history from repeating itself.". "Uncle Gunnysack." He had assigned two judges to investigate the event. In 1920, during hearings held by the US Navy, Lavoie was accused of this by other US officers. The most infamous of these killers is the Cannibal Gang, a group of sadists once led by a former prisoner with political aspirations, who was himself shot in the eyes and had his heart cut out in 2004. The meaning of MACOUTE is obsolete variant of macuta. On April 26, 1986, a group of the dictatorship's survivors and their family members and supporters marched to the ruins of Fort Dimanche to remember the dead. 1991 (October 1 and 2): In the Port-au-Prince neighborhood of Martissant, during the two days that followed the coup, army soldiers and paramilitary groups terrorized the local population and killed at least seven individuals, including one adolescent. _ *** (Pierre-Charles, 2000: 85-86; Avril, 1999: 146-149; Interviews with witnesses). Wilentz, A., The Rainy Season. In 1918 and 1919, many Caco prisoners were systematically executed once they had been disarmed, following explicit, written orders (in Gaillard, 1981: 32-39, 49, 214, 307). In power from 1957, Papa Doc made voodoo the country's official religion and claimed to be Baron Samedi, the religion's spirit of death. Although the event was investigated by several prominent journalists and the human rights group National Coalition for Haitian Rights (NCHR), its existence remains controversial and supporters of Aristide (who was President at the time), as well as the media in favor of him, deny it ever took place. 1993 (December 27): The FRAPH killed 37 people, while 26 others from the Cit Soleil shantytown were victims of forced disappearance. Over 1,000 houses were set on fire and destroyed by paramilitaries attempting to avenge the death of a FRAPH member in the area. 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